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... been translated and inserted the English prospectus. M.Suez is convinced that there will be more toothache, extraction, or fake toeth needed, if people will but follow his instructions and use his preparations. There aro three kinds of the Eau Suez, ...


... whose hands are essrs Yeat & Spottis- Aberdeen, 16th July Ctle Deeds and Articles of Roup. S t T °R- SALE. There will be exposed fbr E D. F E bl R°up, within the FRIDAY the 12 King T’HAT Long Established INN ° J Afternoon, A No. 4, STABLING, Alexander ...


... ,) hes uiil go', to harnd frot R.iterdian, to blids. New J l.AX SEED, whbich he will illon reafonable terns. 1las %iho for fake, a good fupply of Red anti Wbit, ClOVER IlRIB, and RYE GRASS Seeds, lately airrivd, and at redoced prices. iomne fire OJ! Y ...

Advertisements & Notices

... gave .71. 5s.-CAsrT. SEEDEY, Rloyal Smlall - Arms Fnctory : ' I have found it effective at the 1,000I yards range.-F. i I. FAKES, of Faruley Esq .: I never before met, although I have tried many, a Glass coinI- bining so mnuch powver for its size with ...

Advertisements & Notices

... and adjoining the, Exchange Coffeeroom., takes .th;S opportdinity of ihtor'mitij the P1bhic, that alf kind$ of 08odS may be exposed in it by Sihiple, and iolo either privately 6k bypublic auction. .. . I The Subscriber,.at tme time,.begs.leave toinforsutle ...


... Cellar Aceonmoda- Co ore ition. Appil.6to MACEZIj&,,yiL5,,Architects. 91 Univon V~h Street.. - 14th May, 15i77. There wsill be Exposed to Sole, by Public Roup, within the out Office of Messrs CocatAte & ANDYrRses, Advocates, 152 Union. en- Street, Aberdeen ...

Advertisements & Notices

... subsidleed by any-inancial association, clique, or syndkate, but is free and independent. MONEY is a fearless critic, and exposer of all shams, frsnds, and swtindles. MONEY circulates widely amongst Capitailists and I vestors throughout the world, MONEY ...

To Builders

... -r-».-ottg There will be Sold by Public Roup, at Hillhead of Feciiel, , -n ■ T t _■> Mi?t -p.- ___ xitttttP There will be exposed for Sale, Public t}„ Lumsden & Robertson, 3, Union Terrace, Aberdeen, from GRASS PARKS. . TA/a on Monday the 3 ...


... the flickeriig of the gi lights produced by the condensation of water in the C fittings, and the freezing of the water in exposed si- or tuations (uring frost. fs The Trade and Gas Fitt ers supplied. at cc /J)AJNRIVALLED TRAVELLING. tlt at I-HE daily and ...

Advertisements & Notices

... girl was taking to -her groat benefit. Alter faking, say, half-a-dozen bottles or so, I meemet t3 gain more strength end put more flesh -an to my, bDnes, which before were, appreciably getting more exposed. Thapain seemed to aradually lessen as I gained ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ihi low ; together witls a sosup and ?? separttestt &, b itswfis now rented at L.605, and the shop and e. 2 e Ii, l at L.20, faking the rent of the whole tenemeet i t Apply to Messrs Macqueen and MV.cinso-h, A tse VALUABLE ESTATE - IN Titi COiu-NriE3 OF ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ~. - --w Monep. 5bares, Xtc. 8 HlARES, STOCKS, &c., FOR SALE. There will be Exposed for Sale, by Public Roup, within the Chambers of GRAY and 2MARTIN, Soliloitors, 30 Reform Street, Dundee; on TUESDAY, 31st January, 1899, at 12 o'olock Noon, ia Lots to ...