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... FOOTBALLS. Rugby and Association Shapes, Regulation Size, 10s 6d each. The above Balls used by the best Clubs in Scotland. WATERPROOF ACCOUCHEMENT SHEETS. Our Famous ACCOUCHEMENT SHEETS, 4s Cd each ; extra size, and Od, Sheeting, inches wide, at 2s, 6d ...


... FOOTBALL. TO-DAY'b MATCHES. With four contests in the Senior Competition and two in the Second, me well other important games having no connection with either, there if sufficient to engage the attention of those whom foot I»«11 is weekly looked forward ...


... FOOTBALL. TO-DAY'B MATCHES., THIKO BOUND OF THB CUT. 1 1 Today the round for the Oop are elites upon under auspices which sugar well for the prtayecls of the game, ud the gradually narrowing limit* of tiie competition only i» tensity the interest taken ...


... FOOTBALL. AIREDALE DISTRICT DISTRICT. iirst if the distinct tr»al matches bet wee aides representing the above Unions look place upon the Sal tail* g»ound TMurdtT. The play was at times interesting, bat a rather scram character, none of those gaged display ...


... FOOTBALL. TO-DAY'S MATCHES. If the weavther, which for tbe moment it atronglv threatening hard frost, does not interfere, another full day's football, which the ekibs aga : the leading piece, wffl got through to-day. The Senior Competition only of matches ...


... FOOTBALL. BUGBT FOOTBALL US I ON. PBOFHSSIOXAL REGULATIONS. ' The following suhag baa been Football Unhm,—-Tim Ims* ton* «hq which lay ton that which eon statute, pee*s ...


... News Football Annual, just issued states Mr. C. the chaifMu the the Frotball Asseciatioa, and the beet referee England. There proWslv net much eulogy between the two. but Mr. knows how to conduct a meeting juitu well he knows bow to govern football match ...


... FOOTBALL. TO-DAY'S MATCHES. Will there be any football is a question that ha* frequently been asked during the week. Present indications point the probability T«ry little, it it feared thai the severity the frost has been great set at defiance all the ...


... FOOTBALL. TO-DATB MATCHES. Even if there were in the past such memorable the Cap-tie of March 21st, 1891, to leud to the ordixmry meeting* between Halifax . end Bradford, the position they ooonpy towards each ...


... FOOTBALL. TO-DAY'S MATCH*S Two ■■■'■'— which wffl fa tt» MulU for tfce geaiur Competition plana bia iftw—a, DemAory Lnerardge Bigbtown, and HcddKafield t«ng rimed by Aa the former pair, it difficult to form opinion to ttiair dtoarea the aoUtery that each ...


... FOOTBALL. KOTES AND COMMENTS. TORKSHIKB t. The of engagements connection the County Championship competition took placs Hartlepool on Saturday, aad is with somewhat feelings that we have record victory oeer certain extent suocess must aiwwra be but nhere ...


... FOOTBALLS. Rugby ast Regulation Size, ix.l each. Tiie above Balls used by the best Clubs in SooUand. ACCOUCHEMENT SHEETS Our Famous ACCOUCHEMENT SHEETS, 6d each ; extra size, and 6d, Bhe ...