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Northern Echo


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Northern Echo

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... DAl.L-fIFi2 MEUltDI.-May 25, at St. Jameass, Plecadilly, by the Rev. William Thompslon, rector of St. anviotir's, Soutthwsrl, Mr Alfred Fa]coner Dlull, of Oosforth, Nocastle~on.Tyue, only son of r Alfred Ball, of York, to Francesv SuanSsaln, eldest daughter of M~r a eorge Richard }iominoerdo, of l, St. James's sq oare, S'\v Cu ULSON-A-My 26, at 1luogohton.le.Spring, aged 67, IlIary Ann, wife ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... J . 4 - - b-ll. girthof, ilffiariay#e, 4a11d rthi Two Lines, or 16 Words, i 6d. And d forevcr-z additional Nine Word. ' lnnounemcctnts must be authenticated by the name and address of the sender. Postage stamps may be rent in payjnent. BIRTHS. BmLss .-Jan. 21, at Chester-le-Street, the wlfe of D the Rev. Hugh 11. Birley, of a daughter. JONES.-Jan.23, at North HettonFarm, Fenceloui~s, the wife ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... 11011, arrtiageo, and% Peathq, MARRIAGES. fA1N-DALL.-Oct. 20, at Portobello, N.D., by the Rev. John Sellar, assisted by the Rev. P. Daiwa. tyne, John Main, Doune, Perthshire, to Isabella 31itcholl, da ghter of the late Rev. E. G. Dal), Bedlington, northumborland. EHARP-Scorr.-Ou the 22tid instant, at Holy Trinity, Heworth, York, by the Rev. G. V'eates, Willian Stowe Sharp, of Rose Villa, ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... Yeaterdsy, Dr. Wl:Fout C ropoe~;h n 'inq teat atEplebyto- chtti Vie'; oioitrtn. blanoes f tlie de ?? er ~~g tok a box o f matchs on1t ofhiaf tieio1te ad twaa playittg. with thi'ef nqiliho~e.wken, InS clothing caught fire.* I' :os lothee iwere-a:ll nburn t off :before.'aid. was '-othcorning.anadi.he- ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... BIRTHS. L BARKPR. At Aucl:1iis I. New Zealand, on the 18th4 ct.. 1lS8 the w ife of J. R. Banker, butcher, late of T Shildoir sheet, Dar1higton, of a daughglter. m583 o 'MARMAGES,. SNOWDO' YouvO G IDec. 25. at tit. Andrew's Church,- Niewca',tle, by the Rev. C. Oligby--uymour, Iatin- -4 celot M. 'snowdoi f Mn. dir , deto .ary Roden r_ Young, foirmedy~ of North Sihields'. I)E ATi[S. S PuRnnoN ?? ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... U 1111'rs -11 4,iI SydlealtwM-tOITMAe Nk'MMCvi;tle h,,, ~ ~ ~ RHu i'N'!:wil~ ila' fatb~vin 4ASiugts, of a - \i ' ., it S. 1!:uelinoDI 1111!, Darlihrgtoa, 3; off 1 i- VI. it lo ks, of it Sf1. !1159 7, . t Si, St. 1'aUIS teTiae, Miidies. \l ' ?? tw ll i' IN'ilI .t SsIICNIy, (If :L daaS;ter. 11175; jSs;X. ,t S4nuthlterl'ft('(', West 7Ilrtie~p(ol, xtlt>'.;i: ?? 'it;;,o~lat31III. ,lO hll~eIo,*1 ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... ~ A K~xTAGE~. haw YreAGES 31V \prfi 2b6 at St. Jolhi'i Ohurch, Illi3 tie. d. RTilbury, iLA., rector Wtis Sri.lrIli - ~ floe levs. H. roneren iorf1it ci fefAtl~. ( %f,lce Riev. A. WI. A; Close;' It Ol it.A., i j. , of ; . the ;lte it. S. Close*. A of taclt 0f(1 tl tiiO ! ?? assisted by thle tonsd le.k~ Ii. ' oi f-v vtr of North. Ooiendea, and ton, 1 ililoili Irving, iii tbe thler tilr 1:t' tX ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... ftilf 'tS, 25L1AulttACES, AND DEIDTH. Two Linrs, or 16 Words, Is GCl. dnd Cd far cery ac iiteal Wordo. cIu:1 be o uflhcclficated by MTeh arle ?? fdarear' Ij lienner. 1oac9c ?? l pys VIm bc S3ot1 i'I BIRTaS. DIIVERELL.N-ov 11, the vrie of Captalin Devarell, 11N., 1leilealy, of a diaghter. 7ullRA lLGES. A3rrLrTo0-1VA1lE.-Nov. 11, at St. John's Wesleyan Ojhapel, Jurtow, Mr Wu;t, Appleton, ?? ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... WILL OF THIE LATIrE 3M S. R. I I CHAPMAN-WARD. , The will of the late Mr Samuel Rowland I Chapinaan Ward, of Neashani Hill, Darlinston, hast beeu proved at the Dnrham District Registry of the High Court oF Justice, Probnte Divisiont,r the personal estate being7 swvorn under £140,000. e Thue testator appoints Mlr Alexander Park and MNr Samu1el Kowandson executors, and be. queaths the following ...


... BNEY.-Oct. 26, at St. Mary's Catholic Chapel, Middlesbrough, by the Rev. R. Lacy, Mr Thos. Connis to Miss Jane Gibney. 6 aCBATrix-1RIrFITrS.-oct. 26, at tha Register 0fflce r Stockton, Mr Henry Greatrix to Miss Jane Griffiths. M ilo -S- THn . -Oct. 27, at the Cathedetal, Ripsr, by ' the Rev. H. i). C. Nmn, vicar, Frederick third SOe *a of ATr S. Moore, of Liverpool, sponge m'erchat, t, u ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... 8d BIRTI7S. d CsonPEeasn.-May 2, at IS, tornwllav GwriethlIL 3L~5dO5 .the wife of Sir George Campbell, ?? of a son. , l'ATIRItAGRtS. r, ('AP~sAN-SMITrnh-M5' , at. the Regiiste Offlt5 a Bishop Auckland, 2tr Geo. Cha3pman to Mills 51155 v Smith, both of E~yera Green. * ofc ° Cirea-iua'snn/.-3lay S, at 116 Regu~ter 55cc, Bishop Auckland, ts' 'Jola cars' 10 Ilts n g Turakbull, brosh of Nowv Skitd ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... BIRTHS. STxoI;O.-Soptcmbcr 8, at Eston Mincs, the wife .1 Mr James Stokoe, engineer, of a son. MARRIAGES. GnoomsE-GxBsox.-SeptcmnIer B, at the CLtbedfir, Ripon, by the Rev. S. Joy, prececutor, 3r 7ximain Groome, of Hipperholme, to Miss Sarah Gibson, f RipenT. nSeptombcr8 attIlcCathCdreIaJI ti yo by the Rv Canon-Residentbirv\ Worslcy. asseist bby the Rev. S. Joy, Mr William Just, IHotOs, T b ...