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Advertisements & Notices

... Lare for Carts r and a Foot Passage from Albioa ; Street. m 4w Stabling and other Accomsoda.'ion may be ta had at the Cock and Bottle, Upperhead Row, and other Inns in the-immediate Neighbotirho od. a ft Leeds, July 21st,.1842. is it Just Published, Price ...

Advertisements & Notices

... and Land's Lne for Carts; and a Foot Passage from Albion Street. - Stabling and other Accommodation may be had at the Cock aad Bottle, Upperhead Row, and other Inns in the immediate Neighbourhood. Leeds, July 21st, 18422. CONVEYANCE OF GOODS TO AND FROrd ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Land's Liae for Carts ; and a Foot Passage from Albion Street. &W Stabling and other Accommodation may be hadl at the Cock aud Bottle, Upperhead Row, and other Inns in the immediate Neighbourhood. Leeds, July 21st, 1842. CONVEYANCE OF GOODS IrO ILWD FROM ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Land's Lane for Carts; and a Foot Passage from Albion Street. dw Stabling and other Accommodation may be haid at the Cock aad Bottle, Upperhead Row, and other Inns in the immediate Neighbourhood Leads, July 21st, 182, THE NEW 3E`E7RAGE. EDWARD'S BREAKFAST ...

Advertisements & Notices

... and Land's Lahe for Carts; and a Foot Passage from Albion Street. t Stabling and other Accommodation may be had at the Cock and Bottle, Upperhead Row, and other Inns in the immediate Neighbourhood. Leeds, July 21st, 1842. Plain John Campbell announces to ...

Advertisements & Notices

... perfection, and can ho eop1illed in any qaaetlties, either in cock or bottle, at time eliorteat rsotice.-Banner, Paxon, and Co., Dowgato-dock, and 82, Upper Thamea-streel.-N B. Barclay's superior Bottled Stout. lES' PALE INDIA ALES and STOUT.-?- These snaiclileos ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Eight several COTTAGES or Dwelling Houses, with the Outbuildings and Appurtenances, situate near to or seijoin- Iog the Cock and Bottle Inn, in the Occupations of Abraham t Earrashaw aid others, a, Lot 11. The valuable and well-accustomed INN, aihte~ Barn ...

Advertisements & Notices

... severaL~CO 6 AGES or Dwelling Houses, with Hi ;4the Outbuitldlngs and Appurtenances, situ ate near to or adjoin-- dt tug the Cock and 'Bottle InnL in the Occupations of Abraham ,h Earnalbaw and others. Lot 1i. The valuable and well-accustomed INN, with the Burns ...

Advertisements & Notices

... -Eight ?? CO-t-AGE$S or Dwelling Ifous' ?? l or the Outbuildings alnd Appurtenances, situate near oo adrjoin- s ing the Cock and Bottle Inn, in the Occupationrs tof ?? t MI ral Earnahaw land others,. n etacsom4~,~ teb ow Lt1.The valuable ?? teb 3s BanSals ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Bnll and Teenier Breed, answers to the Name of Pup; whoever has found the same. and will take him to the Ostle- of the Cock and Bottle, shall have reasonable Expenses Said. Persons are cautltone4.'wainst detainlinghim alfter this Xvic0, -It, ,July 4, I8i0 ...


... Tacks, Nails, Screws, Curtain Rings, aE Shields, Shutter-hooks, flat Pins and Rooks, Drawer Handles ;Ind Bolts, Water Cocks and Bottling ditto, Gimblets, Scribes, Locks inl qrcet tariety, Latches, Padlocks, Hinges, Castors, Screw _ Nails, Buttons, Hinges ...

Advertisements & Notices

... bers and Friends intend to celebrate tire event try a JUBILEE DINNER, vhich mmiii take plice at tie Society's House, Cock and Bottle, CASTLE-GRlEEN, onMONDAY, le 11th instant, at'Three o'clock P.rc. The above excellent Society las stood tire test of Half ...