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... probably havc no founda- I tion, but which have received a degree of r I countenance and currency from the atrocious attempt at Drury-lane Theatre. One cir. di cumrfanee is very fingolar, and has occafioned s a great deal of converfation: On Monday y night laft ...

__^ -J-^rr-t_-_ret--li__-!__?

... ?? - J ?? I ! I James Hadfield, charged with high ;;>g at his Majefty in Drury-Lane The- W up and arraigned upon his __—__— it, °- 'he Attorney General. He pleaded : »r.d up on pps; s p et j t : ot , t0 tne Court, Mr fended expedition/ He will, ofc'ou- ...


... Whithamnv who, was. wournded a. few days ago in a duel with an army furgeon, is in a fair way of recovery. The difpute arofe at Drury-lane Theatre. The Irori Tower in performance at the -Royal Am- phitheatre was honoured yefterd&y evening with] a roft brilliant ...


... LAP ZINT hLLICENCE. I COUR-r of CHA1ICERYt. DRURY LANE THEATRE. 'Nhis caufe, Which was one of very high ifiportance to the 'Parties, and of confiderable ?? to the Pub- lic, was iheard on a motion, the obje l of- hbich was to, give effe& to a deed'oktained ...


... propolition he made of referring the caufe. I I In our Paper of ycfterday, in reporting a caufe be- tween the Trufleesof Drury-lane Theatre 'and the Proprietors, we 'mentioned by miflrake the Houfe of Meffrs.'HAm~mrRSLLiys and Co. as Truffees. The Truitees ...


... 7tj.# YNtrLLfGENCt. CioURT OF CHANCERr: DRURY-LANE THRAT RE. rae pleriod fixed by the Lord Chancellor for al, 'ing on opportunity to the parties concerned in this to come to an amicable arrangement having redwithout any final accotinodation, the bufineis ...


... Lucy Ward and Catharize.AlMrpiy were ivdie d for flealing a watch, and fome otier rahiclesfron Mfr. Buiby, refiding in-Drury-lane; part of the property was fbuitd on Ward, and it appeared that fhe hd givea the watch to the other prifoner to pawn. .he~was ...


... LAV INSE7,ZGLZATCE. LINCOLN's INN HALL, Dee. 9. DRURY-LANE THEATh~. Two IIours were fperit this morning in confldering the diferentes of thol' intereffed in ?? Thca- tre, but very little indeed occurred at all interefling to the public. Yeficrday the ...


... continued In thet deed nf i1A8, ?? Sheridan, Grulb aind Ricbardfon 'are balled the fole roprietors of therultimate property of Drury-lane The-. atre ; the patent, the buildings, and the inoveables._ iiere is an Pdtniifion, no doubt, as the learne:d Gen de- g ...


... L-:Y INTELLIGBENC LtNCcOLXs INN IALL, DEc. a6. DRURY LANE THEATRE.' It was expeffed on Saturday that ekcpetation would it laft -havie been gratified in the decifihn of thiscaufe. Give hours more were occupied in confidcring it, but it Was left ?? qua ...


... LAW INTEL LLGENCE. LINCOLN'S INN HALL, JAN. r9. ,DRURY-LANE TFI-ATRE. This morning the affairs of 'Driiry-lane Theatre ?? again canvaffed in. the Court of Chanccry. but are f'll .left in their fmer uncertainty. The LoRD C 1AN ;LLOk faid, that the fituation ...


... LAX INTFLLIGENCE. LTNCOLN's INN HALL. DRURY-LANE THEATrEE. t'his bufiners was, according to appointiebent, this day. refirned, and it is with much pleafure we Rfate that the propofed arrangement has met with the approbation of the Lord Chancellor, and ...