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... Males 237. Females 223. In all 460. Decreafed in the Burials this Week 54. Jffwich, June 10, On Wednefday laft, Mr. John Longley, a Malfterj in St. Mary Elmes, being that Evening in perfeft Health, and eat his Supper very heartily, but the next Morning ...

Published: Sat 03 Jun 1721
Newspaper: Ipswich Journal
County: Suffolk, England
Type: Article | Words: 873 | Page: 5, 6 | Tags: none

From SATURDAY Septont);:r .1, to IVILDNESDAY Septemlnr 8, Lblumb. 1385.) FTOM the London Written Letter Sept. 6 ..

... continuing Wtfierly and Cron g. From the Daly PofL sk r :cmicer 6. On ThurCday !aft the Coronet's Inqueft fate on the Body of Mr. Longley, the Faaor in Southwark, 1 : 1 fte r - mentioned Ti who w s flippos'el to have bcen poilon'd by his Wife, by giving him a ...

The Gloucefter Journal With ji Material Foreign and ‘Domeftic vol TUESDAY September 14 1731 No- ©oil tur lajl ..

... Servant-Maid belonging to Dorothy Longley who is charg’d with affilling her Miftrefs in poifoning her Husband and after Examination committed her to the New Gaol A Warrant was alfo iffued for apprehending the laid Dorothy Longley’s Brother who is and committed ...

Published: Tue 14 Sep 1731
Newspaper: Gloucester Journal
County: Gloucestershire, England
Type: Article | Words: 1311 | Page: 1 | Tags: none

Torrington gave his Highnefs a fplendid Entirtairiment, then they'd hint Greenwich Hofpital, and carded • all ..

... soool. eleven wool. fourteen 500 1. one hundred and eighty • ICQI. and fix thoufand two hundred and lacy threci,o I. Mrs. Longley, who is confined in the Conn- . ty Goal of Surrey, upon her being charged with the Murder of her Husband, is to take her Trial ...

Laft Monday Night Man and bis Sifter the latter belonging Boarding-School at were robbed between the Five ..

... Ingenuity and Religion Of Arreft and Impiifonment Bravery Cowardice Envy Folly Wifdom Conftancy in Fortune FreeMafonry Mrs Longley’sJCafe Lotteries Idlenefs Bufinefs &c II Political Points Vi? Prerogative of the Englilh Parliament Illegality the prefent ...

Published: Tue 16 Nov 1731
Newspaper: Gloucester Journal
County: Gloucestershire, England
Type: Article | Words: 1425 | Page: 4 | Tags: none

This Day is publifh'd, Price . Gentleman's Magazine: or, Trader's Monthly Intelligencer. Numb. X forOdh-s|-r, r ..

... iUiigionj Of Arreft and ,rnnrifonment Biavevy Cowardice 5 Envy 'roily and Wifdom Conftancy Lovcj For'line Free Mafonry ; Mrs Longley's in:, Lotteries, Idlenefs, Bufinefs, &c. 11 Poli Points; viz the Parliament; 1 legality of Selling Pisces thepre- Icnt Oppofi ...

Published: Thu 18 Nov 1731
Newspaper: Stamford Mercury
County: Lincolnshire, England
Type: Advertisement | Words: 240 | Page: 7 | Tags: none

The Gloucefter Journal With the moft Material Occurrences Foreign and flic x irdsj ulars tyicf our lajl arrived ..

... appeared on their Recognizances on Account of Pamphlets and News-Papers when fome were discharg’d and others continued Mrs'Longley charg’d with poifoning her Husband was brought up to the Court of Kino’s Bench Weftminfter in order to be bail’d and feveral ...

Published: Tue 07 Dec 1731
Newspaper: Gloucester Journal
County: Gloucestershire, England
Type: Article | Words: 1386 | Page: 1 | Tags: none

L o N d o N

... L o N d o N. Yefterday Morning between 9 and io o'clock, came on the Tryal of Mrs. Longley, on Sufpicionof Poifoningher Husband, at the Affizes at Guildford, before Mr. Baron Thompfon, where a &reat Number of witnefles were examined on both Sides; pa ...

Published: Thu 30 Mar 1732
Newspaper: Derby Mercury
County: Derbyshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 185 | Page: 4 | Tags: none

l 0 n d on, jybmrttt

... l 0 n d o n, jybmrttt. Yefieroay came on at Guildford, the tri- al of Dorothy Longley, for poifoning her Husband, in the Borough of Southwark, which lafted feveral Hours; but file was acquitted. Little is remarkable in her tri- al, tho' fo long. On Friday ...

Published: Sat 01 Apr 1732
Newspaper: Newcastle Courant
County: Northumberland, England
Type: Article | Words: 314 | Page: 3 | Tags: none

LONDON..•TIT- . *■_... * . — - -

... th llth of.^oh came on the Trif: -j Dorothy Longley, fd^ the Murder of her Hush (^ John Longley. Clerk ofthe Crown. TAOrothy Longlev, hold op your Hand. You ftand in- di-fted by the Name of Dorothy Longley, late oi ?? St. Geoige in the Fields in the Bo ...

Published: Tue 04 Apr 1732
Newspaper: Caledonian Mercury
County: Midlothian, Scotland
Type: Article | Words: 688 | Page: 3 | Tags: none

The Gloucefter With the mofi Material Occurrences ign Domeftic TUESDAY April 4 1732 f lajl arriv'd the Mails ..

... Printer and Publishers of Fog’s Journal of Saturday laft were taken into Cuftody of Meflengers the faid Paper The fame Day Mrs Longley was try’d at GuiL ford for poifoning her Hulband : The T rial lafted from 9 o’Clock in the Morning ’till at Night when thejury ...

Published: Tue 04 Apr 1732
Newspaper: Gloucester Journal
County: Gloucestershire, England
Type: Article | Words: 1334 | Page: 1 | Tags: none

SATU |;J?:A J .-lslf.^b,V*T.'; s I

... Mtftei*. dy'd ; 0 you the laid Dorothy Longley did malicibufly i_d with MaliceWorethought, n the Parifh aforefaid, kill and murder your faid Husband againft the Peace of WBlJWWrfliin3tea^r WW faf ybuTfoKp*' hy Longley, Are jou guilty of this Felony and Murder ...

Published: Thu 06 Apr 1732
Newspaper: Derby Mercury
County: Derbyshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 1518 | Page: 2 | Tags: none