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Advertisements & Notices

... had at quj the office, in Edinburgh ; or from the L n A1e3vT Is L!VEaPOiOL- t le JOHN REID, General Commission Merchant,1.0, Oldlsall-street. a T Dt~nICOL OFFICO. Dr. JOHN MOFFAT, 37, Bedbord-street North. wer is,lI FAIRS FOR NEXT WEEk. Till FanDAY, 5 ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Barber, Esq. James John Kinloch, Esq. wi John Brightman, Esq. Henry Lawson, sEq. C Francis Brodigan, Esq. Henry Penny, Esq. £ James William DeaconReq. Robert Power, Esq., M.D. Si Alexander Roht. Irvine, Esq. Tbe Rev. F. W. Johnson el John Inglis Jerdein ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Pleydell Bouverie. Henry Francis Shaw Lefevre, Harry Chester, Esq. Esq. John Cockerell, Esq. Charles Littledale, Esq. Samnuel Pepys Cockerell, Esq. Henry Littledale, Esq. John Drummond, Esq. George Warde Norman, Esq. Charles Bell Ford, Esq.' lirice Pea ...


... Knocksentry, in this county, was attacked by an armed party, who knocked at the door and demanded admittance. Kelly, who was sitting the fire eating his supper, rose, with one of the children in his arm*, for the purpose of opening the door, when the ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Shirting. Oas- brics. Lawn Delaines. Sieesi.s, Prints, Made Garments. iolsuuan. Trimmed Jackets, Quilted Skirts. Ulters. Cardigan Jackets. Jerseys, Hosiery. Wod Hoods, Hand- kercbiefs, and Mufflers. epestry and Cloth Table Cover . Toilet Towelq~ Antimaesawa ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Men's Full-sized Cardigan Jackets, buttoned cuffs, s. hId.; -usual pr.ce 3s. od. Special day osly. 241 Dozen Mue's All-worsted Cardigan Jackets, buttoned Sus, 4s. iSd; usual price 6s. 12. Special day only- 14 Dozen of our Champion Cardigan Jackets, buttoned ...

Advertisements & Notices

... -Manage. September 17. 1W8. 17sefl C ARD I7GA NYACKETS. C Cardigan Jackets. Cardigan Jackets. Cardigan Jackets. Cardigan Jackets. Cardigan Jacket,. Cardigan Jackets. Cardigan ...

News and Observations

... clergymen, txnessive their confidence in Mr. John O'Conneii ai their future leader. Mr. John O'C'onneil read his reply, in the course of which he declared himself ready to sacrifice life itself the glorious cause. Mr. John Reynolds, the new and unexpected M.P ...

Advertisements & Notices

... tsoo, fr7ns time comniencelu'fl of Mr. Pitt's adnsmis. tra~tsn to the rejoction of MP Grattan'S Bitt em5'the 24* May (1815s) inetudfir hi, relehs'ted Speeehds of ?? Grattan for the Geta/,1ic p1ainms, and of'.Mr.l Abbott, the Speaker, against them. The adaitiona ...


... solicitor PC Mayson John, Manohester, morchant an- Mayson WY. A. IMeaaahcster,dcceaesd Al Mayeosn J. S. Manchester, merchant Miller James, Mancheater, surgeon Ac Miller John, Edinburgh, gentleman Miller john, Glaesgowc, merchant Miller John, jun. Glangein ...

Advertisements & Notices

... principal members of that noble house the Roewards. 'h'he~arl of Dartmouth. The Earl of Mlulgrave. The'Earl of Cardigan (six differ- Lord John Marners. ent sittings) Lord Newport. The Earl Ferrers. Lady Newport. 'Tie Countess Ferrers. Lord Londesborough ...

Advertisements & Notices

... me good already. Hoping to have it by return. 1, Beehive-terrace, Wilton-street, Lozelis, Birmingham, August 23, 1784. Mr. John Ede, Birchfield, Birmingham. Dear Sir,-I am now in my eighty-fifth year, and have been suffering from defective sight for the ...