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Western Mail



South Wales, Wales

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Western Mail

Advertisements & Notices

... to -Dote Cr-scosnt-Apply to him, or oil tile it premilses, to Messrs. 1'ritnesaei and Sonl. 739 CIA DIF.-T b LE, te TEDGARI ARMS HOTEL, ~.J ppoite he ffics o theGasCompany, linto-terracet. - DobleIleesed exeflet cnvenencs; Club-room capable of o aroenodaing ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ready mousy Trade. Presesnt Dropritor C taking to a largor ?? to John Evans, 13, oredria. -stroet, Bute-town, Cardiff. IB lOs. . -. 3) 1 rT as BIBTOL. - Six-roomed FREE B3EERHOUSECmbnisd o arm, J.JBasin; SiLesnee; five motion engine,opstobe Rle, seds, S ...

Advertisements & Notices

... NURBSEMAID. Also ant out-door AI'P'1ET NYIP W ~to the MILI.INE11lY.- Apply at IS, Castlo-stroet, Sootsson. Iteri TYr)NDETAM ARMS IlOTEL, BRItDGEND). -WANYTED tin. f(V 'l n ediately, agoodl C0011. F-irst-rate referoncos requir(tred -1 *tANT ED. a Re.spoutable ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Howell, the Vicarnoe, Cardiff W. B. Watkins, Heq., Provincial Banking Corporation, Cardiff; Rev. John G3iflltl, the Retory, Merthyr Tydil . the Rev. John iiffths, the Retoryr, Neath; the Right Hon. H1. A. Bruce, H.P., De1i~lyn, Abordare; Rev. Samuel Fiox ...

Advertisements & Notices

... D. Howell, the Vicaerags, Cardiff; W. B, in s, Eoq, Prosoial Bannking Corporation, Cardiff; Rev. JOhn Griffith, the Rectory, Merthyr Tydhl; the Rev. John Griffiths, the Recotosy, Noath; the Ri;ght Hlon. HI, A, Bruec, M.P., Duifryn, Aherdare; Rev. Samuel ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Fixtiures, littings, AC , ait Canyilify ?? March 11I J a1 MR. JOHN COLEMSAN. CCI o Rlvmnlldbi Reek Iron Ainma, at Coloford ?? Mdarchill-, l, Freehold Quarry, &Ce ,t Coleford; ?? Martib 10 MIR. JOHN- 'G ?? 1101i5(lie0d, Furniture, &c., at Albera-cou ..n ?? ...

Advertisements & Notices

... VT adtithe changs of a Baby froln, thle touth.As not render 25.-Address Mrs. Thomnas, Sloruinglon-terrace, No uarn, YNHAM ARMS HOTEL, IIRIDGEND.- WANTHI Lls W lsaediately, a good COOK. FiLrst-rate reforences reqjuirled.c -fi '7ANTED, HOUSE and FARLOURMAID ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Stone, Muekworth lotel, Swaansea. 516 t ITANTED. a good PLAIN COOK; als) a NURSE.-Applyto 4 V Mrs. John Atkins, Ebbi, Vale, blonniouthshire. *TYNDHAM ARMS HOTEL, BRIDGEND.-WANTED im. c TV tediately, a good COOK. First-rate references required. WTiANTED ...

Advertisements & Notices

... -tor- race, Nownham, Gloucestershire. TVANiTED, a good PLAIN COOK; als a NURISE.-Apply to WT Mrs. John Atkins, Ebbw Valo, Mousnonthshiro. 7'YNDRAM ARMS HOTEL, 3RIDOEND.-WANTED im- , iY mediately, a good COOK. First-rate references required, 656 U7 ANTElD ...

Advertisements & Notices

... s, at A. Coals and Sons. Trelierbert. TTANTED, two or three JOURNEYMEN TAILEDRS, good, It o ttaidy workmen. Constant ?? to John a Morgau, S, Couemeruial-street, Maloeteg. L rp TAILORS.-WANTED, a practical maneas TRISINER, t LT b cgenerally usefusl. Siltet ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Rlest esotihrate, Incoming abouttUIO. For A pauticuilars, apply to Mr. P'hilpolt, nuotioloor, Positypool. 7.11 T Til ors.Aplyto John Prry buldr Potruthi A r p0 TALLOW 0IlAlhBDLhIt8S-TO LET, with ijmeaedlto 'Pse-r .I. esesicoe, an old-cestblisead TILLOW C11&NDtetNO ...

Advertisements & Notices

... particulars, 0' at A. Cube and Sees, Troherbert. n ANEtwo or three JOURINRiYSINTAIIYS)RS, goo, ( V stady workmen. Constant ?? to John a- MOrgan, 8, Cornmercial-etreet, Mgesteg. rrO TAILORtS.-WANTED, a practical man An TRtIM NIT91, to I ))D ?? useful. Must hare ...