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Yorkshire Post and Leeds Intelligencer

Petain Speaks

... Petain Speaks When a juryman insisted on the General answering question, P£tatn rose from his chair, walked to the witness, stood by his side, drew himself to his full height and said: *1 speak to-day, for the first time, o say that I did not know that ...


... SPEAK to SPINK English nurse opens clinic for Jordan children King compliments frontier mercy team By a Yorkshire Post reporter A Harrogate-born nurse. Miss Joan Elaine Neville, has returned to this country after a tour of duty in Jordan frontier villages ...


... MINISTER TO SPEAK. (From Our London Correspondent.) FLEET STREET, Monday. Tlio report of the Maternal Mortality Committee, which be considered to-morrow's London conference, which Mr. Arthur Greenwood, the Minister Health, will sneak, urges the extension ...


... JOHN SPEAK'S FOUNDATION BRADFORD CHAMBER OP COMMERCE fine.) FOREIGN LANGUAGES COMMERCIAL SCHOLARSHIPS Applications for FOREIGN LANGUAGES SCHOLARSHIPS are Invited from suitable young men who are Intending embrace or continue a business career As a general ...


... SPEAKING CONTE: Leeds Federation of Junior Conser isoclatlons received a visit Sat Lord Burghley, M.P. Chairman c Imperial League, who was by Lady Burghley. He eetlng the Leeds and County Con Club following the speaking coi which was won by the Blenheim ...

taught to speak

... taught to speak Preliminary training before fuller education infancy By a Yorkshire Post reporter It difficult, when one hears the laughter and chatter of the children at St. John's School, Boston Spa, near Leeds, to realise that all the children are ...

[Left speaking.]

... [Left speaking.] Hull— Board of Guardians.—A meeting of this board was held the Union, Beverley Road, yesterday morning—Aid. Waller presiding. The number of inmates was stated to be as follows :—Ablebodied men, 5; women, 27 ; not able-bodied men, 105 ...


... SPEAK to SPINK Pit rescue workers urged to resign Association allege 70 men are owed £3O each From Yorkshire Post correspondents Rotherham and District Mines Rescue Workers’ Association have recommended their 250 members to resign immediately because ...


... THE SPEAKING OF ENGLISH. Mr. W. Edwards, the headmaster the Middlesbrough Iligli School, referred in his annual report at the school speech day yesterday to the smaller number boy.; entering the various branches of engineering. As compared with previous ...

Plain Speaking

... Plain Speaking j )AME LILIAN BRAITHWAITE, I see, has been making an appeal for clarity diction on the stage. Speaking, not as an actress but patron the theatre, who paid for her seat and went to every play of which there was suitable matinee, she told ...