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... questions. We have now Mr yew 1839. The Whig Government of he Ahine is in office,'and we are introduced he ] lr'lagificent lady, whom Lord Beacons- Log ab of, after his accustomed manner, as IHu orta and who is the Whig counterpart reli t~o abearalg Tory Zenobin ...

The Family Companion

... approached, the Whig quietly drew up the bucket, set it to one side, and went to deposit his ballot, leaving the poor Democrat at the bottom of the retell, without a possibility of escape. His chagrin may be inaained, when, on the return of the Whig, he found ...


... a statesman to-day which I will repeat. e He observed-' You are talking munch about the s. occupation of Rome because the Whigs are in ~, power, but let the Torles coma ha and Bngland wil r, sulpport the Pope with foreign armns. Net a Tor apeke for ...


... against the selection of laymen in a similar tiraip describing them as' very re'pectable, very ye ealtl; and theF atupid te e -Whigs la a man w - r TEMPERANCE AND COMMERCIAL HOTEL$ No. 42, LUNE8-STREET. S. J O NE ?? TN retiring from the above Hotel, retures ...


... remarkable is the one on ' The New Mhilistry, in d which somie shrewd practical remarks are made on the diffi- a] culties of the whig administration, i reference to popular ii education, atad church establishments. Altogether the num- tl her is a very good ...


... 'peqper go that appointed for the meeting of parllm eratiw0 deliiered o6 Friday and Saturday last.' Those ?? ant SIelboute to the Whig peers' were issued a few'day8prevli- oU3ly.-AY'ernin5 pof. ?? IWife.-An adve'rise'ment appeara in the Newrry 1'elegraph, from ...


... made to run the risk of ruin. It was also thought there would be some interference in the ail'air the part of the present Whig Administration, as being professed friends all that mild, liberal, and considerate in matters of education. The result, as ...


... liberal part of his Msjesty's Ministers-may they every b day more and more merit the reproach of Blackweod, that 1 theyare Whigs not Tories. The progresa of national education-the ?? for our; J ratiolia'liberty and-rational happiness. A Thettownsadtradeof ...


... being-the probableldsaracter of the anti. cipated county members I'Whigs 99, Radicals 5, Tories 25, ?? 15, giving a majority of 54 to ministers. The Scotch county list furnishes 43 Whigs, 2 Radicals, 8 Tories, majority 33. No estimate is fatmed of Ireland ...


... position in the county. Spencer's brother, William Cowper, was whig member for Hartford; and at that time and place political passion on the Tory side was bitterly intense. Besides Whigs and Tories, there were living int the town many of the bitterly ...

The Family Companion

... Here, then, agreed; agreed inwardly and outwardly, in professions, as well as object and endeavours, are the Tories and the Whigs. Eat the Radicals ?-have they rechonled on the Radicals ?-they did not say they had they did not think it worth their )while ...