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... is par. ticularly seotn in the aecount she gives of the opening of the trial of Warren Hastings, a man singled out by the of whig cabal ns one to be hunted down; his life struck at by his eniemies, his coffers ransacked to emptiness by his W protectors ...


... dormant i'th' land; p But if all the world tells us not stories, The wind scatter'd seed fro' his fist, For in soarting up Whigs with the Tories, Its thought that some Tories have miss, Tol de rol. d Chandos has a plough rather shallow, 0 And he's ploughed ...

Literary Notice

... Riteravp POtice. LHisoiry of the Whig NMinisti-y of 1830 to the .Passing Of the 1?efor-m Bill. By John Arthur Roebuc~k, M.F. 2 vols. 8vo. John W. Parker and Son,1 r Teredon, 1852. r Teeis scarcely an event of greater importance in the a' history of this ...


... have been levelled; thus exterminating, liv banishing, and perhap . lig, three-ftiturths of the labonring classes o- Ireland. Whig and Tory Governments axe all the a i same to the poor Irish; or, as an Irlebman once said. com- co- Paring the persecution ...


... The paper, however, on the Scottish Jacobites and their poetry contains some highly-absurd state- ments, such as that the Whigs in the reigns of the first and second Georges were paid for their poems by the Government, while we could well have spared ...


... to Lord B-m: My lord, it devolves on you and me To choose for our lKing, who has left us free To select such servants, good whigs atnd true, As we need, our measures to carry through. This, my dear learned lord, is no bad thing, And we;re mush indebted ...


... speaks thus of the difficulties Lord John has to contend with :- If Lord John goes too far In reform, he is checked bytho Whigs; if he does not go far enough, he is abused by the Radicals; if lie steers a medium course be is reproached for want of energy ...


... This I know too well. The earth may open soon and swallow me: Then I shall be forgotten, or perhaps be curst By every man-whig, radical, and tory. Well -shall I change my politics; and thus Risk all upon a chance? VWho knows but that In these eventful ...

Pickings from Punch

... at school: Declare, with confidence immense, That he and his alone have sense, And that the will of Providence Is that the Whigs should rule. And let one ill-meant taunt be flung, No matter whose the hostile tongue, Whether from Stanley's cynic lips The ...


... Ministers what was the real difference between a Whig and a Tory :-Piecee your Majesty, replied the Minister, ' I conceive the differeuce to be merely nominal; the Tories are Whigs when they want place,and the Whigs are Tories when ihey bave got themn. Fred ...


... has none; And look to him it will, and must, Because Earl Spencer's gone ! The people sometimes for their right, Even with Whigs would strive, But now that thing is altered quite, 1ord Spencer's not alive ! Therefore like lambs within his fold, My people ...


... friends were not in favour of the movement, and took considerable exception to it; while, on the other hand, ha could name Whig-peers who took an interest in then, and he must not forget to add that the Premier of the i present Government was in favour ...