Advertisements & Notices

... NINCARDINE. H-lE Sherifrof Kincardine intimates to the COM. TVMISSIONERS for that County, tinder the late Ae of Parliament, for railing the Supply for the fer- vice of the current year, to meet on the 3oth of April current 5798, within the Court-horife at Stonehavcn, for carying that Act into execution. JAs. STRACHAN, Sh. Sub. DUTCH FLAX SEED. JUST row landed, 2o Hogfheads Dutch Flax Seed, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... DRAWING. A RO BERTSON has opened a CLASS for A . Young Ladies, from ro till rca; ahd fot Gen- tlemen, from It till a ?? Mohdays, Wednefdays, and Ftidays,at Mr Rultel's, Q Keenl fireet. 16th April, r798 CATTLE, FARMING UTENSILS, AND HOUSE- HOLD FURNITURE To be SOLD by public tonip at Mill of Durno, parilla of Chapel Garioch, on Tueflay the 24t1 curt. be- ing the day before Donand Fair at ...

Advertisements & Notices

... - 7 I - SALE of LANDS at INVERURY. To be fold by auflion, within the hoofe of John Abel, in Inverury, upon the igth day of June next, between the homts of x z and 2, P. PA. ALL and WHOLE that piece of GROUND, with A. the buildings erefled thereon, lying upon the Eaft fide of the town of Inverury, and extending for a conliderable fpare along the front of the treet, as poffeffed by George ...

Advertisements & Notices

... (1799-) P REi I U M S, O, a Plan ditfferent ftirn tht follo-wed for jevera2 t, yecarr paqj,-v-itb a viewcs to the more general en- N cozragerent of the Cnlture of FL4X mnd HE.1M!1. al -_ _ -- -in TerLSTERS OFriCe, Edinburgh, Feb. 1, 1798. U eTiHE COMMISSIONERS and TRUSTEES for d 1 Fifleries, ManufaCures, and Improvements in Scotland, do hereby offer the under mentioned Pre- FJ miums for ...

Advertisements & Notices

... REMARKABLE LETTERS, Unparalleled in the Hiflory of Medicine, ELECTED from the recent Teilimonies of reveral # Hundred rerpeftahle'Petfons, and fubmitted to the perufal of the affli&ed with RHEUMATISM, GOUT, RFIEUMATIC GOUT, LUMBAGO, PALSY, NUMBNESS, COMPLAINTS of the STO- 1AACH, &c. SuR, Borden,neaw Sittingbourne, Jan. 12,1798. Ever fuice I was twenty years of age, I have been afflilled with a ...

Advertisements & Notices

... T-HE TRYST at the KIRKTON of DURRIS. () N DEE-SIDE, excellent for Cattle, Sheep, &c. wAJ will he held on Tnefday the Eighth Day of M141aynext, new flyle, attheufual place-and willbe ?? annually on the Second Tuefilay of May, new jtyie, ever after, The advantages of this Tryfl are )aany and well known. The MARKET of DURRIS holds, and will /hoid, at the fame place, on the laft Wednefday of ...

Advertisements & Notices

... NOTICE TO DEBTORS AND CREDITORS. HOSE wbo may have claims on GEORGE 1TMA9TTHISON, late. merchant in Fochabers, are defired, as foon as convenient, to fend copies of their accompts to Mr Umphray, merchant there, wfio will be authowifed to fettle with them. It is alco rcqrrtled, that fech as arc insdebted to the above George Matthifon, will immediately pay their ac- compta to the faid Mr Umphtay ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Inarldt alnf . NOWING it to be their duty, as well as their inteteft, to ufe every exertion to merit a conti- J nearrce of that diflinguifled patronage which they he have !'..therto experienced from an indulgent public, th fscl no little pleafure in bring able to offer for their co iulfpciiion, a flock of goods equally elegant and all $:ll'rsrrable, but more valuable and extenfive, than di. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... it N O T I C E. d WXTHEREAS the Filhings upon the Rivers Dee e and Don have of late been very much infefted, *e by boys, and other people angling upon the banks, who ?? quantities of the Smolts and other young e Fry, by which the fifliings are very imruch injured.- Le The Proprietors and Tackfmen upon the Dee, from it Banchory to the &ea, and of Nether Don, and the [e Cruives on Don, have ...

Advertisements & Notices

... PREMIUMS ON THE FISHERIES. Tritflees Ofice, Editnsbrf 5, 30 Alai ch 17 98. I OpFC miflioners and Truftees for Fiflbcrics, TManufafnlTes, and Improvements in Scotland, do hereby advertife, that they are to give the under-men- tioned Premitms in the vear 1798, for the promoting the Fifncries of COD, LING, and TUSK, SUN, or SAIL FISH, and DOG FISH, on the coaft of Scot- land, viz. To the perfon ...

Advertisements & Notices

... tO LET, For a fummer refidence, T HE Houte and Garden at CLOGHILL. Fot .L particular s, apply to -Mr. BLACK. FORRES TANWORK. To be SOLD by public ioup, within the houtfi of Mr MITCH ELL, vintner in Fortes, on Wednefday the 23d curt. at ia o'clock, rrHAT c mmodious TANWORK at IFORRES, T with the Qock on band, confiffing of TANNED .CROP HDES, HORSES HIDES, and Calf Skis; at- fo a parcel of IRISH ...

Advertisements & Notices

... M ANSION-HOUSE OF GRANGE TO LET. U te let for ?? , number of yeats as may be I agreed on, and entered to at Wbitfunday filfl, nil ?? of GRANGE, with the office- wrsfes airid large Garden belonging thereto; alfo fe- : :i &inall inclofures pf rich old giafs may be had i.siith the houfe. The premifeslit eabout a mile , :r the thriving and populous town of Peternead, s il asflwer well for a ...