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Northern Star and Leeds General Advertiser

Literature and Reviews

... rtter~te ;: . A4bitveb. ANDgA.V MAV EL~L, PoRN 4.D. 1620., DIED A.D. 1678 f JIslzum et tetacemr ropositi virum. ,HORAC&. JT . ' , : ?? Hull belongs the glory of having given birth to, oste of the most strenuous and incorruptiblestatesmon that the world ever beheld; such was the firmness of his integrity, and the attachment of his mind to the pfitciples of justice, that his admiring countrymen ...


... . JOHN AND HIS FG.tJR SONS. AN. ALLEGOR4Y. Qui gu4ges,'vel qumn flumira lugubris Ignor helli? Quod mare' Anglicae Non declomraverc credes? Quke crnet ora cruose nostre.? Hoaca.-Lib. Sec. Ode L About the middle of the last century, there lived a ruinh, whose nuame was John, iasa land that shall be nianeless. Jahn had a considerable fiamily, and so long as the dilerent. members af it were young ...

Literature and Reviews

... Ritra~tre amr lieiuo ORIGN1AL POEIMS.-By EDWtnD ALLAN.- INanchester, CelUar &c. We can suppose few cireustanes Iess favourable to. the growtli nd fostering of Poeiic Qenius thalu those amid which the author of this ]jttle colhectio hais been obliged to spend the best Ye tr5 of hisa ife. Brought up ayidst th1e din, and dust, and harream menat, and distraction of a cotton mili: the impure and ...


... lpintTL). ANSWER TO BEAUTY'S TEA1R. a Let thoso, in ?? Terrm, dlolight, SVh o ?? fel t;r lleanity'a woe~s; AntI ?? ?? ei,'raneod,' on Ehv sighit, Yltprdles cf the hidldjo cailne. I Or ,joy, or grief, or hope, or ronr, 0 It ocatira e not, 'fia Beauty's Tear. in truth, it sborlil bor valiled higl, For oft its cost is great indeed; O't the sairce casuso that fills hctr eye, d 3kMakes the fair ...


... qoetre. THIE SLAVES' ADDRESS TO BRITISH. FEMALES. Natives of a land of glory, Daughters of the goo and brave, Hear the injured Negroes' story, Hoar and help the fetter'd Slave Think how nonqht but death can sever Your lov'd childreri from your hold; Still alive, but lost for ever, Onrs are parted,bdught and sold! Seize, 0 teice, the favouring season, Scorning censure or applause; Justice, ...

Literature and Reviews

... X-iteraturt autr Mebitfoo. THE RIGHT OF THE POOR TO LIBERTY AND LIFE. UVI RICHAII1 OAASTLER. London, aonke and Varty; Manchester, Gleave; Leeds, Joshua Hobson. This is an extended amplification of the speech ofMr. Oastler,atthe Huddersfield Anti-Poor Law meeting, on the 27th of December last, of which our readers will remember an anahvsis, necessarily brief, bat yet occupying three full ...


... Enter the THREE WIZARDS. lset Iizrod.-Round about the cauldron go, In the racking 'gradients throw. 2d Wizard.-For a charm of powerful trouble, Like a hell-broth boil and bubble. 3d1 Ilizrd.-Doutile, double, toil and trouble; - Fire burn, and cauldron bubble. Hevote-Oh, scell done.. I connien your pains And every one shall share i the gains. Al.-Double, double, toil and trouble; Fire burn and ...


... ' I tti' . THE SMILE OF BEAUTY. (A COUNTERVAPIT TOMTIL TEAR OF BEAUTY.) Sweet is the sinile on nature's face, Wheit evsuing guilds the wrest; And sweet thae smile of opening dawn, In light effslgent drest. And sweet the flowers that wildly bloom, Or those that cultur'd stond; Diffusing fragrance al arolnmd, AnsI strewn with lavish hand. But sweeter far the smile whicliplavs Onl Beanty's ...

Scraps in Literature

... ?i A , , , 40! (? K404turt. FicRE.-Havinrlvittissed the confiagratioh of a large buildiigyintended for a cotton store, belonging to Messrs. Horroeks, Miller, and Co., I cannot otitit so seasonable an opportunity of offering a few, ap- propriate remarks. So dreadful are the efrects of fire, ard so disasterous to the working people who are thrown out of employment, that every! effort should be ...

Literature and Reviews

... ?? silly Mebfvb)#. THE FOOLERY OF SECTARIANISM, In Twelve Letters, By JOHiN FINCH. Liverpool: Ross and NIQHTINGALIE. In the former part of this little book, the author has exposed the absurd character and mischievous' effect of that Sectarianism, which would be more properly denominated bigotry, in a very clear and powerful mariner. In the latter portion of it, he attempts to introduce Mr. ...


... - VARIETIES: KKOCRINo AN I OUT.-Upon one occasi6n Curran was standing at the door of the House of Commons, speaking with Charles Fox, when a poor Irish Rebel, whose life Curran had saved, happened, in passing, to recognize the i Counsellor. Oghb, then, Counsellor but I'm proud to see you; but you looks finely, God bless you. Thruk you, Tim; whatbronghtvouhere? Wishn, then, cuROSITY, ...


... j IoeUag. NEWPOORLAW RHYMES, BY J. 6oWER. THE WANDERER. Sarcant.- Wbere'flo yoe dwell ? ; oriolanits.-I'th' city of kites and rowb. As dogs lie peaceful on thehearth, So will Itake my rest upon The bosomn of my mother earth, For other refuge I hatve none. The green award grows both thick and soft, Andit shall be my bed of down, A couch, Oar less luxurious, oft Has pillow'd heads of high ...