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... THE EXPLOSION OF A SPANISH STEAMER Madbid, August 20, — Particulars have bee t received here of the losa of the Spanish merohan Eipress, at Barcelona, by tbe explosion of a quantity of powder and cartridge wbich sbe was loading, intended for the Royal army besieging the citadel of Sco de Urgel. The catastrophe occurred at five o'clock ou the evening of the 17th inst.. in the port of Barcelona. ...


... Tair COLLISION IN THE SOLENT. v- THE IN(QUEST. The ail$ourned Inquest on the bodies of T'hemas I _4,kes and m Anne Peel, who were killed by t disastrous collision between the Royal yacht Alberta and the yacht Mlistletoe, was resumed yes-; $erday at the Gosport Court-House before the County Coroner, Mr J. H;arvey. Mr Burbidge ,t.,ndtdi on behalf of Mr Ileywood, the owner of 3§istletoe. The ...


... Ths sitting of the Ccmmiarionerseppo™^ met ?? ?? TSe'seasto-rHouae at ten o'clock Th»u»day morning at the J*** I ?? w bo wa. rvqueeted Mr. B. Starr, Coiiservativesg*. br the (Jommiasiouer. on j^ J^ g^ ow Md concerning the disburernje returning officer in above the amount w^^/paid £100 oftne balance, 1874. aaid : Mr. Collin- ?? es^^ SJ but Malcolm paid ?? only £100. The book £720 extra exp-nse* ...


... Urban Sanitary Authoeitv.— A special meeting this body was held at the Council Chamber on J£™3 but only aix members were present, viz., the ?? Messrs. Knight, Lodwidge, Tyrrell, Taplin, and Allen. The report of Mr. J. H. Moore, the borough rarveyor, m the drainage scheme, was read, and it was ?? resolved that the clerk be instructed to ?? specification, and estimate to the Looal ?? 7*\ Board ...


... THE THEA TRES. TIIE ROYAL- HAMLET. Mr William Creswiclk-anactorwho isalmost I unknown in Scotland, but who has won for him- sself in England a reputation as a man of high talent-commenced a brief engagernent last night: at the Theatre-Royal. As a matter of course, the play was Hamlet -a tragedy which, more thlau any other work oi Shakespeare, has helped I to demonstrate the power of genius ...


... WI vutt% w (ORIGINAL.) at THREE SEASONS. Blossoms and buds of that dead spring gone by, 2 Sweet summer days, and tranqui moonulght eves, Murmuring of autumn wavelets on the shore, Next year may bring all these again to us. All the three seasons may renew their bloom, aI Blossoms burst out In every woodland dell, March inallows rise like golden crowned stars, w A spring as fair may dawn again ...


... For Advertisements of Publications, M©nby, Ship ping, aed Tradh Addresses see Page 3. For Public Notices Page 6. Lord Portsmouth has been entertaining friends Hurstbourne Park. Partridges ...


... Sermons it Trinity Church.— On Sunday two special sermons were preached at Holy Trinity Church. In tue evening the Rev. G. B. G. Pughe, of Mellor, formerly vicor at Trinity Church, preached tbe sermon to a large congregation. Presentation.— On Saturday a tea party took place at the United Free Church School, aud Mr. E. Coultate, who bad bean a')or of tiie choir and s_hoirui.*sterfor ...


... That the Coroner s jury which sat to inquire into the circumstances of the Solent collision should have been unable to arrive at any distinct conclusion is of little moment, as regards any final legal decision upon the rights and wrongs of that affair. Nomin- ally, of course, a coroner's jury have the power of giving colour to proceedings of this sort by record- ing a verdict of blame or ...