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Canterbury, Kent, England

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Ship E 1

... Mr. Locxes Works may be had at the above 7'. Work's; as alfo the new Play of the Fatal Retirement, as it was Aaed at the Theatre Royal in Drury Lane. LAW Books istely piiiibed, pits:ail«. T. Osborne, le Gray's Inn. I. URecedents in Chancery: Being a ...


... Edition of Mr. Loot` o Works may be had at the above Oskene's; as the new .)lay of the Fatal Retirement, as it was Aaed at the Theatre Royal in Drury Lane. CANTERBURY: Printed and Sold by y. ABREE in St. Margarces-, where Adver:iftments ars taken in. And Books ...

... much Mifchicf. A Gentleman who was concern'tl in the late Diflurba at Drury• Lane Playhoufe, has lent the Manager of tint Theatre a Hundred Pounds, as an Acknowledgincilt I r the Dct'nage done by him. Yetterday a Boxing Match was fought at the GrAlk. at ...

Trois :be Loans Gai.7ettl, April i: Whitehall, March 31. Letters from Rear Admiral elated on board the ..

... which have carried off a great Number of Perfons, elpecially in the open Country. On the 6th larilant in the Night the fine Theatre at Reggio was by lonic Accident not yet known fet on Fire, and in a few Hours ljurnt to the Ground. Leghorn, March rS. On ...

The Remainder

... might atttcnd as a Servant, which being agreed upon, he called a Chair, and Rrutted before his new Matter to Covent-Garden Theatre; when they came there, the pretended Gentleman fixed hinifelf in a Side-Box i by N—, a noted Toatt of the Town, who was very ...

From ;be Loam Evening Ny pine 7

... Retinue on Monday laft for Sir Robert's Scat at Clifton near Nottingham. Thurlday Morning died Mrs. Hallam, belonging to tl:c Theatre Royal in Covent-Garden ; by whofe Math the Town has rtceived a very great Lag, as (he was very exc:llent in her way; for Juanefs ...

Poit-Aidiberie, distcd April 12

... innumerable Trysts have been made in all the Cafes abovemeotion'd. s.Dr.Rock'sFam'd StomachPlalicr, of excellent Virtue, in theatre of AGUES and WORMS ; and to be apply'd to Children: Stomachs tho' they have no Worint,for they flrengthen the Stomach, helps ...

ALL Persons that hav

... drying none of his own Hops at those Oasts where he taketh in Hops to dry for others. By the Company of Comedians from the Theatres Royal in LONDON, AT a new Play-House in Church Lane, FAVERSHAM, this present Wednesday, July 2, will be presented a Comedy ...

This is to give Noti

... Harry Gubbin, Mr. Malian. Numps, Mr. James. To which be added a new Mufical Interlude(asperforrn'd with great Succefs at the Theatre R *yal in Covent Cs'arien) Nancy: or, The Awing Lovers. (Written by Mr. Caiey ) Nancy, by Mrs. James. True-Blue, by Mr. Maim ...