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South West, England

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B A T H. TO be' SOLD by Private Contraft,— A Mefluage or Dwelling-Houfe, on the Weft-fide ef BURLINGTON- STREET,

... Fairly Mr. Durravan, -fen. Farmer Blackberry Mr. Hodgklnfon, Farmer Stubble Mr. Pindar, Jemmy Jumps Mr. Durravan jun* Rundy Mr. J. Aihley, Giunfellor Flummery Mr. Taylor.— ——Louifa Mifs Sh.irrock, Betty Blackberry Mrs. Knight, Molly Maybulh Mifs Brett ...

T/is Day nuas publijhed, In Two Vol.. t imo. price Six Shilling! hound, THIRTY. THREE SERMONS. i- Stlfcleii ..

... Taylor, Farmer Blackberry Mr.WilHatn- fon, CV.i. Dormer Mr. Rowbotham, Fairly Mr. Marfhall, Rui-.tty Mr. Biigs, Oounfcllor 1 lumnierv Mr. Atkins, Jemmy Joiiijis Mr. Flliflun. Molly Maybulh Mils Go- bell I .outfit Mifs Herbert, Betty Blackberry Mrs. Knight ...

TEttfKPSBURr, GwcBirBHSHiHB. JOHN WJLTON, Bookfeller and StatioVier, (fuc- J ccfthrto Mr. Harwarp) imprcfled ..

... - - i 0 0 LOT IV. A pieceof Paflure Land, called Forked-Ajb, containing a 0 0 Tbier pieces of Pafture Land, called the Blackberries, iS 0 0 And a piece of Arahje Land, called Lime-Kiln Paddock, ft 0 0 Lots 1 and 4 (except the coppice in lot 1) arc in ...

HOUSE. WANTED, in the neighbourhood of Bath,— A HOUSE, ready futnirtieJ, in a dry healthy fituition, vvith fome ..

... native growth 01 Great- Rritain, particulatly rf Urauet, Goofeberries, Cur rant*, Rafherries, Mulberries, Elder Ileuses, Blackberries, Strtw- heniei.Dewhei 1 ies. Apples, Pear,, Cheiries, Peaches, Apricots, Quinces, I'lu rib-, Dam'afcens, Figs, Rofes, Cowflip* ...

SOUCHONG TEA. A LOT of curious high-flavoured Souchong Tea is jull received from the Eaft-India Company's late ..

... Andthelmoeui by Mrs. Smith. To which will bi added a Mufical Entertainment, call'd THE FARMER. Valentine Mr.lncledon, Farmer Blackberry Mr. Sex, Col. Dormant Mr.Rowbotham, Ruridy Mr. J. Afliley, Fairly Mr. Durravan, feu. Farmer Stubble Mr. Pindar, Counfellor ...

ANY APOTHECARY o: reputable nnd well- > it .1 bulinefs, who is difpnfttl lo take an AP- PRENTICE, may

... native growth of Great Britain, patticularly of grape,, givlberiits, cmraiit., riil-titits, mulbeirii>, cl.ltt bt rries, blackberries, llrawlni- ties, t-.thenits, app'e-, p irs, cherries, ptacht , apricots, .pin ia. plumhs, d i-naltini, figs, rofes, cowllip ...

SALE of BLACK LACE. BLACK LACE, for Ladies' Hats. Cloaks, Bonnets, &c. &c. of all breadths and qualitias • ..

... Taylor, and Jemmy Jumps Mr. Durravan, jun.— —^jly Maybulh Mil's Brett, Louila Mifs Sharrocle, Landlady Mrs. I'9K and Betty Blackberry Mrs. Knight. Tickets to be had at the Libraries • of Mr. Bloomfield, at Mrs. James's, Union-Paflagc, Stall-ftreet ; of Mr ...