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Advertisements & Notices

... Still pleas'4 topraile, but not afraid to blareje. f PoPE. a A few independent Men of Letters have engaged to produce this Review. Their Plan is, briefly, this-h. . . To publith an earlier opinion of New Books an&o t PaPsIpblets, and accompanied by. a ...

Advertisements & Notices

... great variety of P other very interecifing valuable D fcqveries, &c. t A NEW REVIEW, (To be continued every SATURDAY.) This Day is Publihfed (price One Shilling), *WEEKLY REVIEW ; or, LITE c Anna. o V JOURNAL. Forming comprehenfive ir Annals of ENGLISH ...

Advertisements & Notices

... that rve Ihail be able to giv e the Contents of Two Pofls and a Gazette fubfcqucnt to the Saturday's Papers, with a cur- Jory Review of aIl the Papers publifhed in theforego- ing Week : Its great Conveniencefor ADVERTISING otfuf, therefore, be eertainly obvious; ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Long-Aliston, near Briltol. This Day roas pablilhed, To be continued Monthly, Price One Shilling and Six-pence, THE CRITICAL REVIEW; or, T ANNALS of LITERATURE, For yANUARr, 1790. Containing, in an increafcd Number of Sheets, proportioned to its Price, the ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Mr Stephen MVE Moore repeatedly in this pap er, I feel it a duty which I owe to myfelf and to the public, to offer a brief review of the fafts that have expofed me to the malevolent and unjuft afperfions of that gentleman. Mr Moore was engaged by the Managers ...

Advertisements & Notices

... to execution as may be refieed, . tr. I I ANTI-JACOBIN REVIEW AND MAGAZINE. O On TuEsDAY JAN. X, was published, Price Two Shillings. (To be continued Monthly,) NUMBER VI. of '|SHE ANTI-JACOBIN REVIEW and MAGA- _ ZINE; or Monthly POLITICAL and LITE. RARY ...


... having eftablilbed a regular correspondence with the principal booksellers of London, Edinburgh, &c. orders for Magazines. Reviews, and all other pablications, will be thankfully received, executed with all possible expedition, and delivered with every ...

Advertisements & Notices

... failed from Dunkirk, either rea for the North Sea or the coaft of Ireland dill On Saturday, the Hopetoun Fenciblenq were reviewed on the Links by Major Gen. r Hay. s6 The inlhihbitants of the parilh of Leflie tWvI we. have fubfcribed si . i9s. fierl. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Excellency Gesieral Hay. The corps war ho- tr.veen 5Xo asid 6co ftiong, and thought very lacrds organized, went through thc Review ikianoccvrcs is a correc and maflerly flyle. His Excellency -wasp> sit cd to exprefs in the handfoisaeft terms his approbation ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Prefent State of the i'ref. in Foreign Countries-an ample Review of Fo. ,,iw Literature-a Copious Index; &c. &c. will be puilfbcd on the ift of February, when the Seventh Number of the AN rr.JACOBuN RevIEw and MAGA- i-N Tr kemrbellifhed w.ith a large Saqyrical ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Co. or to Mlr. James Smith, at t Nir. Brown's, bookfeller, Aberdeen. , fAN Thtrfilday last, tire Wirilfor Forefters were t reviewed on tie Old Torvn Lir'tks, by his Ex- t cellency Majrr General H'lry,-T'he irgiment went rthrorrgh their evolutions and fivings ...

Advertisements & Notices

... n PaulsChapel, Aberdeen, in which the Copduft of LI the Organift and his Friend, will be fairly and candid- ly ftated and reviewed, and left for the decifion of an e impartial Public. Illutrated with Obfervations and d Anecdotes, by ST t PHEN MOORE. If ...