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Advertisements & Notices

... This Day is Publiflied, and to be had of A. BROWN a and the other bookfellers, by whom fubfcriptions v will be received, PROPOSAL S For Printing by Subfcriptioi, B R I T A N N I A, An EPIC POEM-in Twceoty BoOs. To which will be prefixed, A4 Critical Dif/ertation on Epic Maclase2y. By J0HNLV OGItLJ'E, D. D. F. R. S. EDIN. A ProfpecLus may alfo be had, giving an account of at tile Work. ni ...

Advertisements & Notices

... d The pi ruot Ea'Tl~lj State Lottery eowitais outJ c 50o,ooo tickets, and )tot two's blaniks to aruisv', -t.lzi- i. rdCeIs tije Srl.'rmo;e ocr' bcacjicial to fioacrafcrs, Ie- f j_ orfe, ities lotte)-;' A0b1.d4 they only obtainel fil/i c pe iz of L. 2o, the dzi-antaje will be 5;. t . :,i-' Money for the prizes paid on demand, wle- I th1r I. 20, ol a 1. 2a0or). r ENGLISH SrA-lFE LOTTERY, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... BRITISH 5'i'A'l'E-I.OT'3'ERY, ANNO 1t798, 'io., 1.. Foo,oero. Slriias drasravO ouMao.-'lta tbrh lebt F!)ualy 1799 Ailrl trot two Lianks tn a P ize. SCHE7ME. h XNo of Prizes. Vaolu of each. Total Value. ti 3 of L. 2o,0c0o is L. 60,000 re 4 10o0 o is 40000 0i - 5.000 - 23,0o0 at 5 - 2,000 - . -O,OC0 a 10 - 1 r,0o0 1 ,0oo J5 - 500 - 75 ro^ Sr 30 - 100 - 10c0 I00 - 50 - 5,000 C 16 900 - 20 - 338 ...

Advertisements & Notices

... SALE OF LANDS AND A PATRONTA ?.F IN iIFRDEEN'S!IIRE. To be SOLD by public ioup, within the Roval Echange CoR -iFschosfc. Edisi'' 3h, upon Wcdne-fday esf) November. r799, at oneafternoon, if not previolfly di-pokfr-lf b\ plivate bir[ o, T-HE ESTATE of SLAINS, confifling of mole dhia 6o00 Scots aIces, de idc-d loto three lots, which f will be fold altogether or in lots, as purchafers may inlche. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... tW NOTICE FROM Mtli AI1t's W'HARF, cic as LOXLDO, . MR ANDERSON, Mr tr- 5Vat!OtI.rINGEI., It AvG $Z E\I GoTt ordncS from .1 the Owliners of tire 'Ih ?? ~~ Aberdeen elelswh- I% l ?? his Whar~f, to fail one or s of thcm evety foli'trtr as sI.ys, the pinblic may dI- ve cIv: r tvi r L t.otoll ihlall be friflly attecnderi to, and ecsry citcrtioln will he maide to obtain convoys- He ptnmrif~s evry ...

Advertisements & Notices

... IC a.l N O T I C E. Lieutenant General La1:e, cammanding mm w ra his Majetyis forces in this kingdonm, having received fromn his Excellency the Lord Lieu- Ian tenant, fullfpowers toput down the Rebellion, In, and to punifli Rebels in the molt fummary smanner, according to Martial Law, does erhereby give notice to all his Majefty's fub- e- je~ls, that he is determined to exert the powers ...

Advertisements & Notices

... (' 799) tue PREMIUMS oa VARIOUS ARTICLES or 6o SCOTCH MANUFACTURE. rrruees Office, Edinhirpgh, March 2. 1799. Le HE ComniUffioners and Truftees for Filheries, Ma- taf 1 nufadbures, and improvements in Scotland, have pri refolved to give the following Premiums this year upon of the Articles under-mentioned, to be lodged at the honfe mi Of George Thonmfon, their principal Clerk, on, or foote dif ...

Advertisements & Notices

... I. MIDWIFERY. a O N Monday the tenth of December. Do. DYCE d t ir will open a Ciafs for tbe in!trualon of Women p I, in the Principles and Practice of MIDWIFERY, and o iii the Management anl Difeafes of Infants. e Particulars may be known by applying at his houfe, a Littlejohn.fireet. VtTANTED irmmediately, a HOUSE SERVANT VV for a family in town. Apply to Mr Robert o g Molice, advocate. ai b ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ROSS-SH IRE. Several very excellent FARMS TO BE LET to the ESTATE OF ALLANGAANGE, within a few miles of IVWERNESS. ACRES. No. 1. VASTER and WESTER DRUM- JLA MORE, REAM, &c. an eafy llop. Iog bank to the fouth, confifting of about aoo too acres arable land, in which there is fcarcely a break or any interruption to the plough, making 'eafy work for a pair of horfes; the foil varies little from a ...

Advertisements & Notices

... AI PAR TER1 WANTED, In the GROCERY LIN.-?Ippiy to the Printer. NOTICE 'To DEBTORS AND CREDITORS. ['HOSE indebted to WILLIAM SCOTT, late - merchant in Keith, are requefted to pay what they owe to him, to Thomas Johnuon, merchant in K eith, agent for the trufrees, on or before the firft day of December next, otherwife they will be profecuted. 'hofe having claims againft faid William Scott will ...

Advertisements & Notices

... il HIIGHLAND SOCIITY HALL, , dinsiurgb, March 1. r799. , 'J'HE HIGHLAND SOCIETY OF SCOTLAND Y do hereby advertife, that they are to give the un- der mentioned PREMIUMS for ESSAYS and COM- s MUNICATIONS, and for Encouraging Improvements y in Agriculture, &c. e L E S S A r s. A CLASS FIRST. s A Cold Medal or Piece of Plate of F;fty Guineas value, cto be given for the heft and approved Effray or ...

Advertisements & Notices

... SUBSTITUTES WANTED FOR THE MI L I T IA. ' ITCH Young Men as are inclined to ferve in the i' Militia for Scotland will receive a hardfomc 2ounty by applying to vlefrfs Frafer and Mole, Aberdeen. John Burnett, Storebaven. JohnBlyth, Oldmel-hum. Alexr Ellis, Peterhead. John Forfyth, Huntly. McKilligin & Roberttbn, Banf. John Forfyth jon. Elgin. ?? Smith. Earfifnill, near Forres. havid Scott, ...