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ADVERTISEMENTS. Iff ll As h\s Grace the Duke of Douglas has given ft ricl Orders for p're- fcrving the GAME

... upon hi- Grounds ofthe Lordlh pof Bunckleand Prcftonj within the County of ßcrui.k: Whoever therefore (hall be found deftroyiiig the Game upon thefc Grounds in Time coming, without the fpecial Audio rity or his Grace, will be proiecut.d according to Law. That the Tenant* of the Lordihip are by their feveral Leafes bound to in- form agatnft all Pcrfons who deftroy the Game, and it is an exprefs ...

Published: Tuesday 18 September 1753
Newspaper: Caledonian Mercury
County: Midlothian, Scotland
Type: Advertisement | Words: 2317 | Page: Page 3, 4 | Tags: Classifieds 

ADVERTISEMENTS. That on VVednefday the ?-sth inftant, theic is to be expofcd to Sale by publick Roup, wiihin ..

... of Mrs. Willhtnfon Vintner in St. An- drews, That LARGE TENEMENT lying whhin :he faid City, latdy pof- ietred asa TAVERN by John Avld Vintner chcte, confiftin of Dining- room, tight Bed-rooms, tvvo Garret-rooms, and feveral convenient Clo- fets, Garret, Citrhcn, Pantries, Stable aad Hay-lofr. Coal-cclbr and five other Cellars, cwo of whicii are vaulted; two Back Clofes, and Flower Garden, ...

Published: Monday 10 September 1753
Newspaper: Caledonian Mercury
County: Midlothian, Scotland
Type: Advertisement | Words: 2025 | Page: Page 3, 4 | Tags: Classifieds 

9Wcrtifcmcnto, To the Malsters, Bakers, Innholders, and OTHP.R9, Dealers in Corn at Oxford Market. Gentlemen, ..

... at the ITo ufe of Mr. Thomas Get/ten, at the Sign of the Mitre Inn in Ox- for.l. on Wednffday the 19th Day of this lnftant Septemler, 1753. .-it Two of the Cloclcin the Afternoon, to coniidi-e of prcper Method* to fupport our Corn Market, fur the Good of the City in general. !N. 13 That this Meeting may be unanimous, all fuch Perf'ons that had rathe** fee the City aud Market ruined than ...

Published: Saturday 15 September 1753
Newspaper: Oxford Journal
County: Oxfordshire, England
Type: Advertisement | Words: 2201 | Page: Page 3, 4 | Tags: Classifieds 

To be LETT, againfl May-day next, TWO FARMS at Rogerly, near Wolfing- ham, in the County of Durham. Enquire of

... Mr Swinburn in Weftgate, Newcaftle. N. B. The old Tenants will not be tieated with. To be S O L D, A N improveable ESTATE at Sturfart-hall in Swaledale near Reeth, in the County of York, of the York Value of fifteen Pounds per Annum. For further Paiti- culars, enquire of Mr Henry Cowling of Richmond , o of Mrs Childers of Doncaster, the Owner. N. B. The Houfes on the Premifes are very ...

Published: Saturday 15 September 1753
Newspaper: Newcastle Courant
County: Northumberland, England
Type: Advertisement | Words: 6438 | Page: Page 3, 4 | Tags: Classifieds 

ADVkkTtSIMEmi NOTICE is hereby give^ THAT the TRUSTEES fcr repairing and w:

... S meet on 'Friday the sfith Inftanr, at the Virgin's INN ' DER BT, about Three ?? in ihe Afteinoon. A PERSON that can Read, Wiite, and caft Accomm, and can be well recommended, it immediately wamejl MASTER of the WORK HOUSE in All 2 Paiifh \wDERB T. Any Perfoi. fo qualified, by mS to Mr. B. Ropl, or to Mr. J. Marriott, Church Wardens of the faid Paiifh, will be tieaud with un ...

Published: Friday 14 September 1753
Newspaper: Derby Mercury
County: Derbyshire, England
Type: Advertisement | Words: 752 | Page: Page 4 | Tags: Classifieds 

ON Thursday the 13th Inftant, will be open- ed at the ASSEMB LY-R O O M in Durham, A CONCERT

... by Subscription. Aftei which will be a BALL; and continue fo once a Fort- night during the Seafon. *tT_f Thofe Gentlemen who have already, or intend to fubfciibe to the above Conceit, ate defired to meet at the Reheaifal, and aftetwards dine at Mr Fetei Blenkinfop's in Dutham, on Thuifday the 1 jth Inftant, to confider of ptoper Rules for the Regulating the Concert fot the Winter Seafon. To ...

Published: Saturday 08 September 1753
Newspaper: Newcastle Courant
County: Northumberland, England
Type: Advertisement | Words: 5102 | Page: Page 3, 4 | Tags: Classifieds 

ADVERTISEMENTS. jj.^x Unon Wcdnefday the 14th November next, there will be fold by Auftion, in the Auftion ..

... Wilion's Vintner, in Writers Court a Collection of curious and valuable BOOKS. Catalogues of which will be had at the Shops of Lauchlan Hunter and John Yaik in tbc Parliamcnt-clofe. N. B. Gentlemen who incline to difpofe of their Books, may have them auctioned for their Behoof, upon reafonable Terms, by the above Pcr- fons, or ready Money for them. To be fold at JAMES VEITCH's Shop, eppofite ...

Published: Monday 24 September 1753
Newspaper: Caledonian Mercury
County: Midlothian, Scotland
Type: Advertisement | Words: 1195 | Page: Page 4 | Tags: Classifieds 

JDfERTISEMENri Wanted, A Freehold ESTATE, from Twenty to Fifty pou^ per Amur*, in the County of Derby. Any ..

... to fell fuch an Eftate, may hear of a Putchafer, U applying to J. R 0 E, Bookfeller in D c r by. NOTICE ii hereby given, THAT the Old Yearly FAIR, at NEWHAVEH 111 the County of Derby, which has formerly been' held on the 19th of Oftober, will this Year and foi the Future be held on the joth of Oftober, A PERSON thac can Read, Wi ite, and caft Accompts and can be well recommended, is ...

Published: Friday 21 September 1753
Newspaper: Derby Mercury
County: Derbyshire, England
Type: Advertisement | Words: 632 | Page: Page 4 | Tags: Classifieds 

ADVERTISEMENTS. j NOTICE is hereby given, THAT the TRUSTEES for Repairing and Widen- ing the Ro.d trorn BURTON ..

... in- tend to meet on FRIDAY the uth Inflant, at chc Virgin'i- Inn in Derby, at Three ?? in the Afteinoon, at which Time a Mortgage of the TOLLS is intended to be executed, for fecuring the Repayment of the Sum ot 1000/. with Intercft, after the Rate of 4/. per Cent, pr Ann. borrowed lor the Purpofes of the Aft, purfuant to feverai Notice*, fome Time fince given for that Purpofe. fo be LETT, and ...

Published: Friday 28 September 1753
Newspaper: Derby Mercury
County: Derbyshire, England
Type: Advertisement | Words: 778 | Page: Page 4 | Tags: Classifieds 

For the Benefit of the INFIRMARY. AT the Moothall in Newcastle, on Monday next being the 14th of September 175},

... will be per- formed, aCONCERT of MUSIC K. After the firft Part will be prefented (Gratis) The Hiftorical Tragedy of King RICHARD 111. King Richard, by Mr Lee. Boxes js : Pit 2s. 6d : Gallery n. 6A. Tlrx 1 t s to be had at the ufual Places. The Doors to be opened at S:*, and to begin precifely at Seven o'clock. To the Gentlemen, Clergy, and Freeholders of the County of DURHAM. HAving had the ...

Published: Saturday 22 September 1753
Newspaper: Newcastle Courant
County: Northumberland, England
Type: Advertisement | Words: 6304 | Page: Page 3, 4 | Tags: Classifieds 

ADVERTISEMENT^ Jitfl now imported by PATRICK DRUMMOND Sttdfnua, *t ' the Lavwrn-mariut, EDINBURGH, A very ..

... ?? of Hyacinths, 50 Sorts of Poilyanthos Narciilus's, \o Sorts w Sorts of Iris's, 30 Sorts of Fritilaries, 14 Softs Cro wo Im' • : , 1 Sorts of Ranunculus's. ?? Anemonics, Jonquil', and fane too tedious ro mention. As now i* the Scafon fot plM**.' ?? * Time to be ri»htly Supplied, any who want fnch will P ?? dcxs without lols of Time. Commiflions already given v. cd by firft Opportunity ...

Published: Thursday 27 September 1753
Newspaper: Caledonian Mercury
County: Midlothian, Scotland
Type: Advertisement | Words: 3376 | Page: Page 2, 3, 4 | Tags: Classifieds