... AN Office is cftabliflied, at No. 8, in Pope s Head Alley, oppofitc the Royal Exchange, Cornhill; Where who are Tenants for Life in Lands, or ha' .ving Annuities, Jointures Dower, payable thereout, or that have the In ter eft Money in the Funds, Exchequer, York. Buildings, or any other Annuity or certain Income, Clergymen that have Livings, Olficers on the Britilh EftatliJhment, either on full ...

To the Printer the L r: IT was with degree vexation that I read the letter your Correfpondent A. P

... in your laft paper; hope, Sir» with you, the opinion one individual not bias the fentiments perhaps can an* l'-.ver for not only myfelf, but number of my acquaintance who are conftant readers of your paper, that the mod trifling anecdote relating the popular Gentleman hinted by A. P. is as much read and canvas'd almofl any other article of news .whatever.—Hov/eycr entertaining the prices of ...

Published: Tuesday 07 February 1769
Newspaper: Leeds Intelligencer
County: Yorkshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 193 | Page: Page 3 | Tags: Classifieds 

Sold by J. DREWRY; Printer i'M Derby, ( Who hath jttft receiv'd a fr'ejh Quantity) b) J. SALT in Wirkfworth

... W. ASHTON /.Winlter; A. MARTIN, in Alhby ; j CALOW, Shopkeeper in ChelterEeld ; W BOTT, Shopkeeper in BuXtbn; andtt. HICK Scboolmafter ih Sheffield, at only One Shil ling a Bottle. A Speedy and Certain CUR E for The ITCH, SCUR V Vi 'M In any Part of the Bodyi which has been ap- prov'd of by many Years Experience ; being' made from the Receipt ofa late eminent Phy* lician of DERBY. IT is an ...

Published: Friday 17 November 1769
Newspaper: Derby Mercury
County: Derbyshire, England
Type: Advertisement | Words: 2904 | Page: Page 1, 3, 4 | Tags: Classifieds 

By His MAJESTY'S 'L -tiers Patent*-, dated thi' 7th Day of December, 1768. Br* N 0 R R I S'

... s ANTIMONIAL DROPS, for FEVERS, 6Vc. THESE Drops, by infenffble M&tns, core the nioll violent inflammatory Fever in a few Hours} though attended, with Convulfions, Lighrhcadednefs, and the worfr Symptoms; but taken in the Beginning ofa Fever, every dangerous Sympron is prcfently removed •, fo that generally the Patient need not keep in Bed, nor negleit ufual Exercife or Bu. finefs. In Nervous ...

Published: Friday 16 June 1769
Newspaper: Derby Mercury
County: Derbyshire, England
Type: Advertisement | Words: 2554 | Page: Page 1, 3, 4 | Tags: Classifieds 

... ...

Published: Saturday 09 December 1769
Newspaper: Ipswich Journal
County: Suffolk, England
Type: Article | Words: 0 | Page: Page 2 | Tags: Classifieds 

sl.t.t^KWiS &W ag is _£_i_-liU,e~o, Pi ice ?? Ovr. ?? in a, bound in Red, EmteUfi .1 tvilb r.-fl .1.-n

... : Ptrtraiti tf tim ?? a Lad) in t . i'l'ieji Drfs cj tbt teat' r -69, *TT*HK L.iiics Own Memorandum Rookj J, Oi, Daily Pocket Joi tin llie V I ,VK, 1 ?? */ CO' N i A I N IN C, „ Tl 1 ?? li -t ..iir.i I . C'ttn- rinphani.— j. J fftaon. CilOVf, a Ptfton-J.— j, Htm Fa- llen.!' Hie Dove, in.! llat. — 4, On a >oU'i|- I I • rf tl.e Siii.i!:-I\.x — i. Foutttin ricv\ Eiii|'ina>, v. ?? ieve- u, ?? ?? ...

Published: Saturday 04 November 1769
Newspaper: Oxford Journal
County: Oxfordshire, England
Type: Advertisement | Words: 10813 | Page: Page 1, 2, 3, 4 | Tags: Classifieds 

This duy was pub/ifbed, Sold by A. Kincaid and J. Bell, price 6 s. bound, T H E HISTORY ami

... ADVENTURES OE A N ATO M. Nearly prliite ! in Two Volumes. Where alfo may be had, The HISTORY of F.MILY MONTAGUE, by ihe anther of Lady Julia Mandevilie, 4 volumes, price lis. To be S 0 L D, A LIFERENT ANNUITY of One Thonfand Pounds Scots, which is feenred, by iiifefimens, upon an e flare. '0 the county of Mid- Lothian, and is regularly paid in Edinbargh at V^hi. funday and ?.lar!ini!.as, by ...

Published: Monday 01 May 1769
Newspaper: Caledonian Mercury
County: Midlothian, Scotland
Type: Advertisement | Words: 4888 | Page: Page 1, 3, 4 | Tags: Classifieds 


... EPIGRAM. Jj'AT, drink, deep, gen'ratc, keep warm, atuldie. Alike to this, and boors, apply. Our nature goes no farther, this her round, Alwaya and evVy where the fame is found. Shew then the nat’ral difference, who can, Between yon garter’d Duke, and Will his man > Her Grace can live no more than Oyrter Nan. ELEGIAC BALLAD. HERE now is that fun of repofe, That once to fmile on this breaft. On ...

the public treafure, and fport with the rights of a free people. Refolved That thefe refolutions be entered by the

... Town Cleric in the record books of this city, as part of the proceedings of the Livery at the election of a Lord Mayor of this city for the year 1770, and that copy of thefe rcfolutions, figned the Sheriffs, be delivered to each of our Reprcfentatives in parliament. After which the Lord Mayor adjourned the Common Hall at half an hour pad feven in the evening, the Livery having wait with ...


... WILLIAM DAVIS, Surgeon, of Marfhfield, begs Leave inform his Friends and lh« Public, That having engaged .in Partnciihip in Inoculation with Mr. RICHARD GALE, Sutgeoh, at Mrlkfhas), They have elegantly furniflied A House Charming*Dfavn, hr*r Marfhfidd, Which is now opened and ready fot- tire Reception Pi* tients under Inoculation.——The Terms AdmiHion, TwoGl ineas; Patients to find their own ...