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Norfolk and Suffolk. HARWICH, July 15, 1778. . THIS is to acquaint tiie Puhlic, That in a fhort titnetlieic will

... Edward Dyfon, Scot.*. Thomas Fulcher, Mr. John Leatherdale, Benjamin Fincham, Edmund Stedman, Robert Gudgeon, Sturston. James Kent, Mr*. Sarah Dade. Thomas Leech, Shimplino. James Mooie, Mr. John Carter. Samuel Seaman, John Mulkett. Mrs, Abigail ShciiTe ...

Published: Saturday 18 July 1778
Newspaper: Ipswich Journal
County: Suffolk, England
Type: Advertisement | Words: 8899 | Page: 1, 3, 4 | Tags: Classifieds 

THOMAS GILL, LINEN-DRAPER and HABERDASHER, (Late Apprentice ivitb Mefif.Smitb and Hill, trfWahfiild,) BEGS ..

... the beft advice both at home and abroad to no purpofe) by the ufe of MAREDANT'i DROI'S, prepared by Mr. NORTON, Surgeon, of Golden- fquare, London, of a moft violent Scorbutic Humour, which appeared on hit Hands, Neck, Face, and moft parts of his Body. ...

Published: Tuesday 26 May 1778
Newspaper: Leeds Intelligencer
County: Yorkshire, England
Type: Advertisement | Words: 6388 | Page: 4 | Tags: Classifieds 

November 18, 1778. DANCING. WHEREAS it has been ftrongly reported, to the Prejudice of Mr. LARIVIERE, that for ..

... WILLIAM WALKER, of Duffield -Bank, near Derby, was broke open, and robbed, of a Coat and' Waiftcoat, a Great Coat, a Pair of Boots, and feveral other Articles. — The Perfon fuppofed to have committed this Faft, is a little ftiff Man, dark Complexion ; his ...

Published: Friday 13 November 1778
Newspaper: Derby Mercury
County: Derbyshire, England
Type: Advertisement | Words: 9444 | Page: 4 | Tags: Classifieds 

Thit Day it publijhed, A Catalogue of Books : II WHICH ARE INCLUDED •npHE ENTIRE LIBRARY of the late 1

... this Method to inform his Friends and the Public ih general, That he has entered to the SHOP of the late JOHN BONNEY, at the Golden-Beaver, opposite the Town-Hall, a little below his Old Shop, where lie has laid in a moft falhionable and genteel AlTortment ...

Published: Tuesday 22 September 1778
Newspaper: Leeds Intelligencer
County: Yorkshire, England
Type: Advertisement | Words: 9306 | Page: 4 | Tags: Classifieds 

BATH. TO be LETT,— A HOUSE of two Rooms on • floor, ficitted n*ai the Batht, and within a fixpenny

... remarkable Cure pc-iiormeu by DEEPING* ANTISCORBUTIC DROPS, Only Four Shilling, a hollle. Prepared byJosrtH Husims, latt ?? in Golden-fcjuare. THE following being the third moll extraordinary cuie finte matle public, will he a convincing prool 01 it* Efficacy ...

M A I H. GFO. IIAMI. I.N and LEE, (from Mr. Morton's) lelpectl.ill; inf rm tl.e Nobility, tleir Friend!, and

... ib*r. nd on 'r.tir orders heing ponrlaa I. I v . „ ?? ?? ?? at* i Clock- cleaned a.i . ?? ?? 1. JOHN X E N O AT \„ AT the Golden Canifter in Pic-point fttett, nesr (lie Soiith-Paride, Bath, fel', *. ll.e ni.-ll . ?? tims. all lorti, of uftftil CHINA ...

BAT H TO be LETT, and entered upon immediately, A Lirer jn,l Commodioi, HOUSE, f.tuat* on thr fouth fide of

... Bath, thit he has appointed Mr. Cotiell, fhoe-maker, in S.all- ffreet, his fole agent for the file of them in Bath ; by whom Boots, Spatterdalhes, Galofhes, and LaJirt' and Cenllemen't Shoes, are made in the beft an I mill ftlhionable manner. TROWBBRIDO ...

■ffbie _D.-r ie rPiiHiftrt, Priet p. (•■?. A POCKET of TROeSK ami VERSE, Uing a Sel-Ction I'riim thr»ra,y ..

... nd dut.ibutors of tin, paper. Of whom mat be bad, hy tie King', Paten, CAKEb foi making SHINING Llqt.ll> BLACKING forSnoes, Boots, lee. which with the utmott cite with llie addition of Water only, a moil excellent Shining Liquid Blackinc, much fuperior ...

MR. WEBER, (Iron. Geneva) begs have to inform the Nobiliry an.! Gentu. thit he teichti ihe French and German ..

... nch I'ailaie ground, .an timing iboul 17 acics, daligi.,' ,11 icies ol which a.c ssaiei • meadow; alfo in ileer and ?? btJ .boot one a,*ie. 1I ,- whole now held by John I'trk.-i .1-. I.lllm at »nl, ■ ■ s-a,l> itiitol nol.j liiui'-f at ycem-;:. - , and ...