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Price Three-Pence THURSDAY April 30 1778 Vol XVIII No 915 S A T U A Y’s POST 24 of ACT

... Taurus Miser’s Prayer O Lord thou knoweft that I have Houfes and likewife that I lately a Concern at I thee pre- ferve the Kent from Fire and Earthquakes Money in Middlelex 1 beg thee like-wile have Companion that County and reft of the Counties with ...

Price Three-Pence THURSDAY April 23 1778 Vol XVIII No 914 SATURDAY’S POST COUNTRY NEWS Oxford April 18 HURSDAY ..

... the reCfoiy of Bhckmanfton Kent The Nobility and Gentry of Great Britain and Ireland reforting to or refiding at Bath are earneftly re-quefted (to prevent impofition) to take notice that Warren Perfumer Mary-le-bone-ffreet Golden-fquare London hath removed ...

M N D A Ys S T LONDON GAZETTE Admiralty -Office 4 1778 THE three letters from the Hon Keppel

... Leighlin The Rev Cooke A to in Bucks Rev Francis Wykeham Swantoti LL B to redtory Long-Stratton in Rev LL B valuable Ulcombe near Kent Rev Mr redlor Stalbiidge to Bene’i-tollege Cambridge Rev Mr Cremer rectories Fulmodefton Thurning in Norfolk The Rev A vicarage ...

BATH. TO be LETT,— A HOUSE of two Rooms on • floor, ficitted n*ai the Batht, and within a fixpenny

... remarkable Cure pc-iiormeu by DEEPING* ANTISCORBUTIC DROPS, Only Four Shilling, a hollle. Prepared byJosrtH Husims, latt ?? in Golden-fcjuare. THE following being the third moll extraordinary cuie finte matle public, will he a convincing prool 01 it* Efficacy ...

M A I H. GFO. IIAMI. I.N and LEE, (from Mr. Morton's) lelpectl.ill; inf rm tl.e Nobility, tleir Friend!, and

... ib*r. nd on 'r.tir orders heing ponrlaa I. I v . „ ?? ?? ?? at* i Clock- cleaned a.i . ?? ?? 1. JOHN X E N O AT \„ AT the Golden Canifter in Pic-point fttett, nesr (lie Soiith-Paride, Bath, fel', *. ll.e ni.-ll . ?? tims. all lorti, of uftftil CHINA ...

BAT H TO be LETT, and entered upon immediately, A Lirer jn,l Commodioi, HOUSE, f.tuat* on thr fouth fide of

... Bath, thit he has appointed Mr. Cotiell, fhoe-maker, in S.all- ffreet, his fole agent for the file of them in Bath ; by whom Boots, Spatterdalhes, Galofhes, and LaJirt' and Cenllemen't Shoes, are made in the beft an I mill ftlhionable manner. TROWBBRIDO ...

■ffbie _D.-r ie rPiiHiftrt, Priet p. (•■?. A POCKET of TROeSK ami VERSE, Uing a Sel-Ction I'riim thr»ra,y ..

... nd dut.ibutors of tin, paper. Of whom mat be bad, hy tie King', Paten, CAKEb foi making SHINING Llqt.ll> BLACKING forSnoes, Boots, lee. which with the utmott cite with llie addition of Water only, a moil excellent Shining Liquid Blackinc, much fuperior ...

MR. WEBER, (Iron. Geneva) begs have to inform the Nobiliry an.! Gentu. thit he teichti ihe French and German ..

... nch I'ailaie ground, .an timing iboul 17 acics, daligi.,' ,11 icies ol which a.c ssaiei • meadow; alfo in ileer and ?? btJ .boot one a,*ie. 1I ,- whole now held by John I'trk.-i .1-. I.lllm at »nl, ■ ■ s-a,l> itiitol nol.j liiui'-f at ycem-;:. - , and ...