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... army. A Troop in the 9th regiment of Dragoons fold; alfo, a few Cornetcie«in faid regiment at fix hundred guineas each and one in the 7th D. G. for 400 guineas—and an independent company on this eftablilhment to be fold reafonable.—Apply to Mr. Henley ...

Published: Friday 10 October 1794
Newspaper: Saunders's News-Letter
County: Dublin, Republic of Ireland
Type: Article | Words: 1140 | Page: 4 | Tags: none

I Seventeen fail of the are taVcn aecording the l?.ft account. LONDON, S'P'- * The French army the is on

... to have adopted that plan in which they have already often ceeded, of making general attack upon .he whole armies the Combined Power*. The army of the of Treves, and now marching towards Co Went*. In the different actions upon the Phine the French have ...

Published: Friday 05 September 1794
Newspaper: Saunders's News-Letter
County: Dublin, Republic of Ireland
Type: Article | Words: 3511 | Page: 2 | Tags: none

Price Halfpence *Vv*

... Charlotte, and landed here this afternoon, vizi Colonel Paterfon, Captain Hope, Mr. RailT ton, paymafter of the Royal Artillery, and Major Everett, of the army. , Sir Philip Glbbes, who came paffenger in one .of the above-mentioned convoy, landed laft night ...

Published: Tuesday 23 September 1794
Newspaper: Saunders's News-Letter
County: Dublin, Republic of Ireland
Type: Illustrated | Words: 4034 | Page: 2 | Tags: none

W E E S D A Y, April

... all fpeed to bury it in the ground; that is, they are lowing every piece of land which is f.t for receiving leed. At Hereford fuzes on the 20th inft. caufe of much importance land-owners, on the lea coaft, was tried before Judge Gh'ofe and Special Jury of ...

Published: Wednesday 02 April 1794
Newspaper: Saunders's News-Letter
County: Dublin, Republic of Ireland
Type: Article | Words: 6232 | Page: 2 | Tags: none


... WANTED WANTED, fteady, aftive, middle-ajed woman, t« as Cook. As w ages hot the object, it hoped none will apply but thofe who know their,, produce good diichargei, particurarly from the law place. Aj ply to Mr.St pleton, at the Urinief s hCieot ...

Published: Saturday 05 April 1794
Newspaper: Saunders's News-Letter
County: Dublin, Republic of Ireland
Type: Article | Words: 1242 | Page: 4 | Tags: none

pulpit, tiiey coulcl fisd any tthcr Mr. Gronow happening 10X811 one Sunday evening, his way to hit fleeting, at the

... crimps, reminded them, that to commit outrages on fubjefls, was not the way foi> ward his fervice. DUBLIN. Should the Aufttiah armies return •‘-ain into the Netherlands and Flanders, they would find an exhaufted country, and therefore be obliged to be furnifhed ...

Published: Saturday 06 September 1794
Newspaper: Saunders's News-Letter
County: Dublin, Republic of Ireland
Type: Article | Words: 924 | Page: 2 | Tags: none


... t : c OUNTY OF GALWA Yo eres In the fitting of the of the gth, the ‘ BRITISH ARMY IN FLANDERS. minutes of the Council in the Tem were sead— be LET, in three following lands, part of the Te OUNTESS of KERRY, fituate between Creges and Ballymore, in the ...

Published: Saturday 01 March 1794
Newspaper: Dublin Evening Post
County: Dublin, Republic of Ireland
Type: Article | Words: 3756 | Page: 2 | Tags: none


... Laads and Premifes, to eny i} TO. THE HUMANE AND CHARITABLE. Gentleman who for many years ferved fits Ma- as a Captain in the Army, and his wif. the. only arviving daughter of a Nobleman) wich five chilzren, educed from a ftate of affluence to the moft iftrefs ...

Published: Thursday 27 November 1794
Newspaper: Dublin Evening Post
County: Dublin, Republic of Ireland
Type: Article | Words: 628 | Page: 4 | Tags: none


... detachment from the army of the having advanced to at- sack fome out-pofts near Courtrai, the Prinee of Sexe- Cobourg, who had reccived previons ime Higence of this iatention, made a movement, with a large par: of turn the enemy’s his army, by which he was ...

Published: Thursday 27 February 1794
Newspaper: Dublin Evening Post
County: Dublin, Republic of Ireland
Type: Article | Words: 2186 | Page: 3 | Tags: none

b boats. Tli« fiQies were «11 alive, but nearly dead drunk with rum

... previoully fet fire to Goz er.—Our army encamped Gozier. n , On the 21ft we began to erect battery 01 four 24-pounders, three 13-inch, three xo*inch, and two 8-tnch mortars. Capt. Armftrong was' killed as the guns were landing for the battery. The piquets continued ...

Published: Monday 25 August 1794
Newspaper: Saunders's News-Letter
County: Dublin, Republic of Ireland
Type: Article | Words: 1000 | Page: 2 | Tags: none

f.jjrs a?’'ft it* becomes rfoxsr.t their tfiefor. ‘That liberty th*>y wilt evtr yurftie ari'.idft the intrigues ..

... well clothed and mounted) arrived from the om-pofts of the French army, which was at leaft eight league# from us when they deferred. On beingqueftionedaboutthe ftrength of the French army, they denied knowing any thing about their ftrength, as they had ...

Published: Thursday 21 August 1794
Newspaper: Saunders's News-Letter
County: Dublin, Republic of Ireland
Type: Article | Words: 2519 | Page: 2 | Tags: none


... Mary Ivlordaunt, of Exchequer-ftreet, No. 14, in the city of Dublin, any credit on my account whatfotter, being difotderiy woman. JOHN MORDAUNT. April 3d, 1794. HARNESS. TO fold at Twigg Repofitory in Henry-ftreet, a complete leading harneCi for lout, ...

Published: Tuesday 08 April 1794
Newspaper: Saunders's News-Letter
County: Dublin, Republic of Ireland
Type: Article | Words: 774 | Page: 3 | Tags: none