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Murray's Hijlory Scotland AN ENTIRE NEW WORK every Inbabi- of Ireland This is Publrjh'd neatly printed in ..

... country are fuppofe (however improbable) that all or the major part army arefafely arrived on ourCoafts and preparing for a defeent Such a Fleetas would foon become vifible as it drew to land even if we had' no advice ns quicker notice And when vifibie the ...

Published: Monday 03 March 1794
Newspaper: Bath Journal
County: Somerset, England
Type: Article | Words: 2886 | Page: 2 | Tags: none

in war ami employing is are in portion' Beiides Fleet having board marines jlmott enterprize againft keeps them ..

... fepa-rate ahd all communica ion the they have landed mu cut off Our Fldet in the mean time may intercept their convoys and block the harbour they'have their fo a time their muff perilh It i not that they debark army continually fupplied and protected otherwife ...

Published: Monday 20 January 1794
Newspaper: Bath Journal
County: Somerset, England
Type: Article | Words: 3102 | Page: 2 | Tags: none

To by PUBLIC SURVEY IN LOTS At Inn on Monday toih of Cattle Inn Wednclday of Oftober Dunller on Fuday

... contains eight millions inhabitants and about thirty-nine millions of acres land of which thirteen millions are enclofed in pafture ?n eleven millions are arable but thought that the land really employed in tillage not exceed ten million five hundred thoufand ...

Published: Monday 29 September 1794
Newspaper: Bath Journal
County: Somerset, England
Type: Article | Words: 3434 | Page: 2 | Tags: none


... fuch men 1 1 Ie enabled to drive the Du'm of York's army int 1 the fca. Nothing important from the Rhine fmce the de- fe ;t of tin' Pritliians, a:, mentioned in our laft. It is f'i-1 the French army have cjrde.s to make tl i V way to Coblentz and Treves ...

Friday and Saturday's Tofts

... religion, their property feeurctl to thctn and their heirs ; and, as i farther inducement, they will not be alked to ferve in her armies, nor t.efired to pay any taxes fur three years ; and, if they clioolc after that period to depart, they vii! be permitted ...


... General Abercrcmbic is now on his march, with a ponfidcrahlc army, to command the whole. His Royal Highnefs in tlie mean time is polled at Clcves, Doifburg and Eramcrick. The Jiiitilh army a: c in high I'pii its, and are eagerly defirous of the attack ...


... only the detachment Britiffi Troops which forms a part Army quarter Several Officers belonging to the Guards fet off Friday to join Grand Army in Holland A Hoftilities to taken place the contending Army— not the effect inclination but of mutual convenience ...

Published: Monday 15 December 1794
Newspaper: Bath Journal
County: Somerset, England
Type: Article | Words: 3114 | Page: 2 | Tags: none


... Camp-Marlhal Mollen- dorf, Commander of the army oi his Pmiiian 'Majefty on the Rhine, publilhed the followi-i** de- claration to the foldierst 'J'hat as there had been circulated in that quarter, and in the army, an un- founded report that the a 'inywas ...

SOLD Contratt— A HOUSE CRActtr Tickets houfe o’clock Mr Mar-fhall’s Library Milfom-ftreet— particulars f fale ..

... artillery which from Wilna the practice the of its but hope wretches will be intercepted our army and deferve By WmUVATT for tbl 1 j I heavy Rochefort The army General by 12000 men Marquis Cornwallis arrived in perfeft prefence of Lordfhip infpires confidence ...

Published: Monday 09 June 1794
Newspaper: Bath Journal
County: Somerset, England
Type: Article | Words: 1987 | Page: 3 | Tags: none

PRINTED BY R CRUTTWELL Vol JSTo IN ST JAMES's-STREET THURSDAY JUNE Eprice four-pence Friday and Saturday's Pods ..

... ng Sunday lift the Emperor fit on his return Vienna intending on review General Kiunitz's army in the ' Prince de Cobourg relumed the command of Combined Armies Early Thurftlay morning agangof boufe-brea-fcers watched Mrs Scott in Piccadilly from St James's ...

WORK ENTIRELY BALDWYN’s Complete Syftem of Geography Universal Hiftory of all Nations an excellent hundred and ..

... row galley to land 62 of geneva fent boat put the fmugglers on fhore which on her return overfet in a gull when the three cutter’s people who had charge of her were unfortunately hve been find forwarded French- General of the Northern Army of that of the ...

Published: Monday 10 November 1794
Newspaper: Bath Journal
County: Somerset, England
Type: Article | Words: 2457 | Page: 3 | Tags: none