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• t> t Mr?- Pafferini, ien. of t^ Monday morning, tt;e Royal ty in ‘c k _ Tim. M Carthy,

... • t> t Mr?- Pafferini, ien. of t^ Monday morning, tt;e Royal ty in ‘c k _ Tim. M Carthy, fnd Mr- John Magnin. the Library R. Hon. iwo?. Knight Councilor, &c. bt.iatn. , . , - . n-.ontVi Oftcoer S V m ** is iucceeoed in Ms Lord Vilcount (to 1 . . • iin ...

Published: Wednesday 18 February 1795
Newspaper: Saunders's News-Letter
County: Dublin, Republic of Ireland
Type: Article | Words: 760 | Page: 2 | Tags: none

r « OS ;. T« ♦erveocl- fenle our « us rightly eftm.ate their immtrl'e v. lu-—o us the of ri

... name of Defenders, in a recent attack made by them upon Mr. Grattan’s houfe at Bensfort.— In his abfence, fome time ago it they into his houfe, and not only robbed it of and all the fire arms, but terrified the family almolt to death by themoft wanton ...

Published: Friday 20 March 1795
Newspaper: Saunders's News-Letter
County: Dublin, Republic of Ireland
Type: Article | Words: 812 | Page: 2 | Tags: none

. broup;Lt ever frora England are beautiful •, twelve of which were yefterday employed to hi* own ..

... goods to th 1501. A day right, Mr. Vigne, jun. green, paffmg the end of Porter’s-alley, brrouglvftreet, was attacked by fire armed footpads, who robbed him of his hat, watch, and money. They offered him no violence, but threatened tofhoot. him if he went ...

Published: Friday 23 January 1795
Newspaper: Saunders's News-Letter
County: Dublin, Republic of Ireland
Type: Illustrated | Words: 1686 | Page: 2 | Tags: none

noffaffedof fpeaking fix different languages. kmperor, the approbation .elt*n the occafion, not prefented him, ..

... the acconamodation of the benevolent fupporters adaairabie inftirution. DfED. Ac Wexford, John Cox, Efq. Sufveyor of that port. —On the iOih inftant, the lady John Gray, Eiq. of Younglfown, neir Atby. For the Benefit o f Mr. and Mrs. This evening Ayrd td ...

Published: Thursday 23 April 1795
Newspaper: Saunders's News-Letter
County: Dublin, Republic of Ireland
Type: Article | Words: 2265 | Page: 2 | Tags: none

W E D N E S D A Y, Apkil 29, 1795

... brought forward. Mr. Grattan aflented.accordingly. _ _ J Sir Laurence Parlor,s prefented a , the people called Quake,s, on the cd p.e tithe bib, which was received, road, and referre to the Ccanmiuee the whole Houw upon that Mr. Grattan .rofe remind cn the ...

Published: Wednesday 29 April 1795
Newspaper: Saunders's News-Letter
County: Dublin, Republic of Ireland
Type: Article | Words: 4355 | Page: 2 | Tags: none

lqndon, m-./ 13 ani 14

... follow up what he had already done, and he (bould now move that tKeSerjeant at Arms be Interrogated what Heps he had taken for apprehending faid Otti well. The Serjeant at Arms was then interrogated to that effedl bv Mr. Speaker, and announced, that had ...

Published: Monday 18 May 1795
Newspaper: Saunders's News-Letter
County: Dublin, Republic of Ireland
Type: Article | Words: 3115 | Page: 2 | Tags: none

Tnit. Mr- ICvug.tla.d, waa the haf to toe A p* J ordered h.a co*- prefefe.tW» ivlajtfty. What the rvo -T

... he, I know it would be found policy in man to lutfer the amputation an arm fave the reft his body from mortification—but it would be to plant a the bread with a view to-fave his arm. I have no idea of furrendering a general good to ferve a political one ...

Published: Friday 10 April 1795
Newspaper: Saunders's News-Letter
County: Dublin, Republic of Ireland
Type: Article | Words: 5161 | Page: 3 | Tags: none

. , • ,,. nr ie from the it, nor i,e * great erei‘s of att ended to than th.

... amongft the Catholicpealantry in the South, as riots carried on by Roman Catholics who had plundered the Proteftant houfes of arm’s, &c. made alio part of the argumentative allufion againft the bill, . On the general points foregoing, the bill was o I'ofed ...

Published: Wednesday 06 May 1795
Newspaper: Saunders's News-Letter
County: Dublin, Republic of Ireland
Type: Article | Words: 2808 | Page: 2 | Tags: none


... George, i:o guns; Royal Sovereign, 110 Sans Pareil, go; Triumph, Invincible', 74 Va- Jiept, Pbaetdn, jg,'«hd fire fhip. . ‘'Sir John B. Warren ftlll remains at anchor Bay, with the' .under his command all the otper chips that ftuxon were un der the Admiral' ...

Published: Saturday 26 September 1795
Newspaper: Saunders's News-Letter
County: Dublin, Republic of Ireland
Type: Article | Words: 4192 | Page: 2 | Tags: none

lignaat —infinuations tical fife, upon the noble Neftmorland afirm- become tainted with the r of at the tes, te Gr

... who was needlefs for him be fpared for the fervice of the em mene thought that fofne part of the B One, he hoped, Hon. (8i¢ John Blaqvie: when he entered into in a bill to she fending awa ftiputated by the cornpaét for the Inc ne thought neceffary, chis ...

-at ChOMii. ,htf.t.«tefl.o» « fcml General ere ,he lautr .a ,b.. of Sn, ;,.d U llier f??' ’V*: ao llrong

... eonfiderable exports. Some foretgn goods were -Ho the import entries of Friday laft were 27,20 barrels of bark from Chepftow, Cardigan, and Porthelly; quantity of potaflies of the firft | quality from New York; from Cadiz, fupply ot cochineal, and w enty bales ...

Published: Monday 10 August 1795
Newspaper: Saunders's News-Letter
County: Dublin, Republic of Ireland
Type: Article | Words: 3061 | Page: 2 | Tags: none

WEDNESDAY, Ma&ch 4. 1795

... Some advices were received in town yefterday from which ftate, in pofiiive terms, the furrender of Barcelona to the French arms, and report that the fbnrefs of Gironne has fallen into the enemy's hands. If this information is corredl, the conqueft of ...

Published: Wednesday 04 March 1795
Newspaper: Saunders's News-Letter
County: Dublin, Republic of Ireland
Type: Article | Words: 6231 | Page: 2 | Tags: none