Advertisements & Notices

... Tanlield-court, in the Temple, with fireplaces in cael, a convenient citchben, ofilces, and gnod ccllrfi, %n tlic piffeffion of John Lee, RNi. at -a low rent of 6f1.i- per ar:lirn. Ihe premifes.are in poodesp-airscx- ?? w,ll flitlited for a Gcnednr-an of ...

Advertisements & Notices

... whonm printed T partiiudar~- may h le had., alfo of Mr ViWillianms, Attornevy at Law, -Aberyftwith;-at the Angel, Cardigan; King's Arms, d Carmarthen,; 'Bear, Llandila-, Caftic, Llandovery, -Loig. * fellows, Bree n; Bulb, Svianfea; Bear, Cow&ridge; Angel ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Tfegairon, of wholom printaed ?? m;,y be had; alfo of Mr. Williams, Attorney at I aw, Aberylitwith; at the Angel, Cardigan; ling's Arms, -Carmarthen ; t ,p, Llandlilz; Caftle, LIandovery ; Long- fellows, Brecon ; Buh, 'Swanfea -, Bear, -Cowbridge; Angel ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Trcgarron, of. whor. printed pa;ticulars may be had; alf, of Mr. lilliarms, Attrnemyat 'Law,- Absdryftwith; at the Angcl, 'Cardigan; King's Arms, Carmarthen; Bear, Landilse; Caltle, Llandovery; Long- fellows, Brecon-, Bulib, Swanfua; Bear, Cowbridge; 'AnVel,' ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Tretarroi, of whom printe1d particnlars im:ty be had ; atfo of Mr. Williamrss, Attorney at Law, Aheryftwitl ; at tle.Anel. Cardigan ; King's Arms Carmarthen ; Bear, - Ilandilo ; Caltlc, Liandovery ; Loufg- fellows, Brecot ; Bulb, Swanifea ; bear. Cowbeidge; Angel ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Treafurer. STrEwArDs,-John Bate, Efq. Hollingworth Bramley, Efq. George Usear, Efq. Aid. James Davidfon, Efq. Jofiah.Mehfer barnuel Sharwood, Eq. John Shaw, Elq. John Smith, Efq.-M.P. Nathan Solomons, EFq. Fiancis Tappenelcn,,Efq. John Furriell Tuffen, Efq ...

Advertisements & Notices

... David Mafon Denbigh c. Flint ' William Wynne Mbld'- . b C lamorgan ' John Wood, jun. Cardiff f Merioneth G. Griffiths : Dongeilly Montgomery, John Jones .Maefwvawr -a Pembroke John Willy i. averfordweft Radnor James Davies ' Pre tcigna tl SCO~TLAND Shire ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Great Berkhanipltad, of whon, pritited particulars -may be thene had; WCfo, at ?? arid Crown, 'Iring ; E Dlex Arms, Watford ; Ahercorn Arms, Stainmore ; at the Place of Sale; and of Meffrs. Skinner, Dylke and Co. Eligible FARMS, Aldeuham and I orclian ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Riding Thomas Bolland . Iceds - North Riding Wm. Lonlguood Easingwold East Riding John Lodl;ivaod Beverls# . I ?? I ?? -1111-1 _ _ . ES, I ., I I . I -Angleseq ?? Cardigan (Caermarthen Carnarvon D, nbigh Flint ' Glamorgan - N4erioneth 'Montgomery Pembrohe ...

Advertisements & Notices

... William Datdfon, Elq.; Richard Far- fnier, Efq.; James Viedges' jun. Efq.; Mr; Edward Newman, Mr. Charles Pearfon, Mr. John Ciuttton, IVIr. John Laiahelles, Mr. Pter Norton. . Tickets, ios. 6d. each, to be had of the Stewards, GEO; WARE, See 7 Vl~~~i UaL~~L~s ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Vifount Cremorne Ifaac Wili'Uor, L~fq. IEdwardr Gale Boldero, Erqg Trtafur~er. STai.WARiSn-Gedrke Blarnett, Efq. John ulades, Efq, John 112. lzq ini Pafeil Larkios, J$Tq W. Allipy Lathain, Elfq. Ldwar Prllpp in, Eiq, .Ilani Clark cPovell', ECq Daiaicl ...

Advertisements & Notices

... arnarvon Denbigh * Dhvid Maron Denbigh Flint - Williams Wynne Mold Glamorgdtl John Wood, jun. Cardiff erioneth G. Griftht. Dungelly Montgomery John Jones Maeswawr Pemnbroke John Willy Haverford West Radnor James Davies Presteigne. SOTLAND. Shire of Edinburgh ...