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... SCOTS APPPEALTS T2w -eFt -_ lara- ~ ~ ~ Honse~of Lords,. ?? ?? tl - q Jt.DAVID*CLYNE,. S.S.C.-.ArPELLAN4T- V. -'THY: q4LEDONIAN AND Dli iner ?? i()UNDRY, lif*.. - Irges, . Ths ssiii ippeal (Ioin the decision ofithe' Co~iit~ *fses- Old aSiown, Secon6d Diviion, in an flction brought by ?? war,. uianii Ironi and Foundry (..ntpaoit to recover the-amouut~,o) p0. rertain calls made by thbat Company ...


... . ' - .. .. ?? .. .1 ' . , .. ' ' ~{*COUN rY Q? EDINBJRi. 1i:ehamiia s-, Court-or ,th au'otv he - -4 r z i .uJN.Ju4Jti(i. ie The A~lichaeifi ?? this &cit aeld oe? vhst eay, la Si hl, th eConvener, in the ChaiK.' 1it flli~iwi aentiemen wereaided to the s roll if':i R-t :Hon -,h'ii Stiiai, the lon. Ot ?? uart; L2ew ?? G.; R. A-inslie, -PhiliR s B. ?? ,Joi ChariesaHepeb£Gibeon .younger of Pent- k ...


... OLD DAILEY-.T,,E. 4. ?? THs ?? LDaise~ MURE Uses S fiover This morning tlrr' Court at all early how sil filledl to C. Chian ?? xeso ; a great netmber of ladies tiesr in thle valueri At nine the prisoners wvere arr'aign ed Ibefoic Mir Ser- 0 gen rbn;they both pleaded Not Guilty. deep- eighton appeared rather, pale ; lie ..Isaottefe P dep- eghtlight corsillexieo, and stoutly, madc ,lic was ...


... LONDON -POLICE. , e rem. o/s-s . . qto.- fi.Gl. Q~ixERttS4ltAur-Th1Ft Wivi -A -TALSt tttGiW- A middle aged woman, the picture of dissiplationo natmed Ann1 Smith, wifle of an tent-litiisioner df Chelse I, p- tal, seas broughit be'fore Mr White, chargedby. lit constable with being tocry druntk, and beggingif .t~i~iitll) 's hie streets. The constable sttetd, that. between. siX n O'_c 0 - clock on ...


... Tuesday afternoon an adjourned inquest was held at Christ-church Workhouse, Boundary Row, Blackiriars Road, before Mr R. Carter, on the body of Eliza Baker, aged 17, found drowned at the steps of Blackfiiars Bridge on Saturday morn- ing, by a police constable. Mr P. Wood, eating-house keeper, Bermondsey New Road, having seen a paragraph in one of the newspapers, that the body of a female had ...


... COURT OF CONSCIENCE DUBLIN. 15_~~~~~~~~~ A_.UBLIN . *-a~ta'io tin astoa~ebsgrtain, dlisconolate srrrahtt summoned Zr fhEdw.a4 'e6Gthe stcfoolleia ariar of Dame Street, for 1Os. o5d. la.gistrate-Why have you sumnioned Ar lRobin- soX? . Lappin-Evcry why, your Worship; nerer wa3 lnoown sich a do. I was fetching a stravagito Xtamc Street, yonr Honour, one day in the nilddle olast *cck, when ...


... ffught~ M'1eihien, flesher, Stratnraer, Ayronse t. ire wa CM charged with assault, -and with deforcement of 1egn1 offi- of ears, aggavated by previnos conviction of- the Same of- H-ip fences. The pnnel pleaded Not~ Guilty. After the oids examination of'parcamber of witnesses, the Jirt ?? I in an unanimous verdict, finding tile pannel 1 Grrilty ofpe the assault and defoorcene ant libe led, With ...


... I r Jone RussELL, of f and the Representatives of the late Oliver;-Russell. of Hayston, Pursuers, and WILLIAM DrurMboi4, Cashier of t le second Fife Banking Comnpany, 'defender, The Court was occulpiedl on Tuesday with this cane. which was the last in the list for trial at the present sit- tings. The issues were in thefollowing terms:- It being admitted th;at in the year 1602 John Russell, ...


... Soley Solomions, a fruit siLler about the streets, was brouebtujs under the folloring circumstauees:- Ealar7Smith-please your Lordship, I went up to this gentlemen (the prisoner), for to buy some nuts on him, and so I hands him the only, shdialitas, I had, and it stas~ ~elta r shilris , jI e Ie ' sy Lur . ohe claps itinahis mti, alien be dwed bt dow aiket, ;nnd says, ' vy, Ii' a hadu. iAnd Fs ...


... This Court again met on Saturday, when Alexander Telfer pleaded guilty td a 'Charge aif steiiiipair of shoes fromt the 'hop of' WiI'ima Sterart- shoemaker Edinburgh, -ggravated'-by his beinghabhtand repute a thief, and wras an reneed to -esmer teansrortesion. itoherit B.c¢kuvood aiid JohnTrlL ascore ivexe et' put to the bar, 'tharged with .aim htf-a'cheee from ihie shop of Jo4ti'1buglasi ...


... CHOLER.\. Orc t.iil-ntvv ll. ope tict!. Nei ae, 212; DMAi, 12; Recovreie, 2. tile Oct. 2.-New cases, 23 Died, .5 Retvets5rcid,'1. Mrs lit- Oct. 3.-New~ cas,2s, 441; Died,. Its, Rtecovered, I I; wort *mes Reulnialing, 116. Total cases, 1414; Deaths, 776; to tII It-civeries, 522. v~~~~~~~~et, .edl T'he cas'es on Moridav were in High Terrace, Synie's iliat uit- Court, Buceleuch Streit, South ...


... HIGH COURT OF JUSTICIARY On Monday Robert Andrew, late victualler, Glasgw. d pleaded Guilty to feloniously breaking into the Old Mill q at lartick, near Glasgow, and stealing thereflom thirteen il baps of flour. AIr Paton, for the prisoner, spoke to his tt previous good character. Sentenced to seven yeams tras- I portation. cl Rob.rt Mlacdonald, carter, included in the same crimi- P' nal ...