Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... bitttSF' Novembor 2es, in Stanhalnp-atreet, thre Viscountess Joealyn, of a son and heir. November 22, at 6, Queen-rtreet, aMay-fair, the lady of Harry Thornton, Esq , of a daughter. November 2 1, at Norton, near Malton, the wife of Mr. John Hlolmes, of that plaoe, buteher, of twina. November 21, at St. J3ssnea'S Chatreh,by tihe Rev. W. Knight, Mr. Jacob Wright, joiner, to Misr Martha Qotipp. ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... on tie li~i1UIjS. March 10, the wife of Henry Cook, Esq., of this town, solicitor, n_ of a daughter. March 13, the wife of Horace Frost, Esq., of this place, solicitor, of a daughter. March 10, at the rarsonage, Hackness, the wife of the Rev, Joseph Irrin, of a son. to Allatriaie%. hee larch 15, at Sculcoates, by the Rev. T. S. Bonnin, Richard ne Hodgson, Esq., of Beverley, to Maria Helen, ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... fgarringed auls 39atfid.t BIRTH, At the Admiralty, on the 15th ult. the Lady of the Right lintourable Sir James Graham, Bart. of twlns, a ?? and a daktghter. MAARIED, On Tuesda , the 5th ult. ka New Nork, Nr Wm. Shrtnon,, iC Welfast, Ireland, to Miss Rachel, daughter of the late Mr. N AMexander Colt, of ?? I (n Thursday;- the 1tlimnlt; 'at Robd`alde,'Mr. Robert Shep. I herd, woollen-manufactur ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... ad - at MARRIED,. eli On Thursday, the'hl~th'inistant, a tt tlisparish'hurch,TXirkl' c I .Y ham, R. Robinseit REsq'snyrgkoeu, Balton; toMary, daughter II ,dof the late Mr. James fleoinrigoon;malteferf Thistletonr !rc Fylde. ?? On Saturday, the Thth'lnsirhoit~at the Collegiate Church,- P Manchester Mr. JaiesA IytheIl, of Uukkbne6, to. lisis Sarahk -v n Scthl, fCholton-upenk-Medloek. * , ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... .e d o MRRED O!t day Juy lstat St. John's' e Brnw ck w ?? i, Mr Chdarle Q dul. B Mwsw re rerha s, ?? s , ehjestlae . Cs da u t er of th e la te C t N Ke n an d o f Hi 7a t i 3a.hrl SHEe'D roya na ~vy. ri o^f Lthe te, 4 sin;tbth ofd this hil.l is Oil Monday, tle 'uIlt. at Ahuenabiry-, MrUUmeono * Lopdon, m~erebpt toPr!§Vell, eldest oapglsW of jpIIO 8rpie, 0 sEsq. of Finay Lodge, ea. ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... at St. John's Church, Mr. JohntCarjal,. § ;§23 ,eA;4nta~h whe?,o,.,;talo ?? p ?? 11~4~O 'aI 3.t~a :.,opi v James R$1011 hi Fern !SAtli, tn *S Jaibs Ja jlliofl JQIoYyAuti. of ?enw~t i;m.t223- b4a 3eve . t t11amt, WA~d X&1~ock2, Z# ±bio 1 DTie IttrydOeitaI or,1 n,esdughter of the late Rev. 'T.Pearce, C b u aj, Chapels Rota;i, and ?? of I e OitX o th; 23t. itlt. Mr. John tlawarth, of 8rolec, te ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... V' --Es el at- st. P-eter's Church, Mr. 104f, ,in~sttant, at SM~t-er~~ujeG ursdaY. edsa0of Mr. Benjamin 'Greet. Greet ..n eld y dauighter of Mr. Richard lipss dele, 3roo-sstreet 'sur4erhgijilys Church, Mr. Fabius Lea, to Wa, 0 *f this town. d~s bot e ?? Church, Slr. Nathan Green, ,,diOi e aq6 formerlY of the It. N. to Miss Rto- 'lfouiiktPhniilfs Church, Mr. Wn. WIlson, Of t AOir ,,be I~averu ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... MARRIED, SMI On Friday, the 22d nlt. at Si. Anne'a Churcb, Mr. J. Cranage, MI watchmaker, to Miss Sarah Cross. !e eln Sunday, the 24th uilt, at Poulton, Capt. Joseph Wildtng, Gc of the Lancaster, of this port, to Nancy, daughter to Mr. Fi John Cumming, of Carleton. V( On Thursday, the 28th ult. at St. Michael'a Church, To-. Di teth-park, Mr. James Copple, bookseller, Bold-street, to Miss Mo ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... £4lg sa;e qtr¢ed er3 ¶ tt5: - IMARRIED, i u Slay last, at the High Church, Glasgow, Mr. John Valen- snc Rshison. of the firn) of Robinson, Brothers, and Co. of to Amnelia, only child of Dax id Morison, Esq. formerly o; lebitO. Lately, at St. Philip's Church, Mr. Peter Landy, to Ellen, the third daughter of Mr. Breekell, cbairmaker, Derby-street. on Avedtiesday, tle 18th ult. at St Peter's ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... Marriages and Deaths. MARRIED. At the Parish Church of Halifax, Captain Wellesley Ashe of the 93d Highland regiment, to Miss M. W. Haigh, only daughter of G. Haigh, Esq., Mount Halifax, Yorkshire. On Tuesday, the 24th ult. at Caverswall. Mr. George Rose, of tbe Ash, rear Derby, to Miss Margaret Stonier, late of the Hurst. near Biddulph, Staffordshire. Same day, Francis, son of Francis Blithe ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... Sill gfla taged anbs flctftt. Le MARRIED, agp Onl the 15th of Marci last, at New Yorlk, Mr. Wm. Sefton, F late of this town, to Miss Anne Waring, of the Bower 'l Theatre, New York. On the 1st ult. at Paddington Catholic Chapel, anti en the 22d instant, at St. Nicholas's Church, in this town, Mr. R. r Fidler, surgeon, of London, to Miss Ml. Carry, of Neston, tr Cheshire. On Thursday, the Ilte ...