... Ss - LF n. The Court of Passage for the trial of civil causes was tic e, opened yesterday se'nnigit ; brut on that and the succeed. ,rin day's there were several trials for felo0niesi and mis- fo' r. dernanaurs. The following arc ELhe only trials of interest of 11 that have oscurced -4 Df ?? er Darrflby v. Gds.Tlre defendant in this case was a be ac pawnbroker, in Marybone, snd the action was ...

Liverpool March Assizes

... *tiper43uot _Jritr 166ilj. C OitW, N CO U RtT. BEFORR MR, 3ARtON ALDERSON . TUESDAY, March 20. -Sdoomon Mellor, 35, a car-driver at Manchester, was t harged with the manslaughter ot Ann Massey, on the I 17th of December last, by knocking her down with hisl t vehicle and fatally injuring her.-Acquitted. Mr. MONK prOsecOted; Mr. POLLOCK defended. Rishard Hiiqson, 2-2, was convicted of having, at ...


... A- - . - TJ A. -----AAA - A BA--AS-A4A ;- fLE PARRICIDE AT HARROGATrz-A second edition of the Har-ogate Advertiser, of Saturday last, with which we have been politely favoured, records the murder, by his own daughters, of Joseph Stubbs, an old man sixty years of age, who earned a livelihood by letting out donkey and mule carriages to visitors. The following is the statement made by the wife of ...


... LAW INTYLLIGENc>'; *UN'ATIO,'; OF [HR 3.:t . I7 I. - |TiCiIUiNA-FlO'; OF IlAs i ; .t. , 4 v'caelirlr or rnatrd o eV \\cur O'le a e ?? ?? i u oftfieis i COc epeled P r li l r:# ?? ,! 3 !er. in ;IwiUijii broiught in the sup ricr l : g I i'es on thiem dy wit vk l' ?? 01 ' 1 on account rj' il'nu.6 Is again r . tl CENTRAL (X;lM-V ' , tri\! h 7i l ?? Ct.1''.Pl A 0 J'arrnecs i oi aged 37. d~Llcribed, ...


... let,, DREADFUL MURDER IN LONDON. has OnFriday afternoon, shortly after one o'cloek, the low- ?? New Weston-street, Bermonodsey, was lj I its thrown into considerable excitement in consequence of at the fresh mutilated remains of a man being discovered tc rem in (on of the houses in Minervss-place, near the new it blc. Leather Market. The house in question is at present 114 we unoccupied, but ...

Catlr. Day*. Mm. Em. Ht. Festival*, \c. .11 SI.. HI. 11. 111. ft. il;. Friday ... -ji; - j 4»;

... j-, j, I'attle of Waterloo, ISIS. Saturday . .1:' ;> 4 14 y Charta signed, 1215. Sunday .'Jo ]•_• j;; «.t Suuday after Trinity. Ac Monday2l 5 11 eesvoii of Victoria Tuesday .22 41 •: 11 12 t. Sum r. Bh. 2^m. ediiesday..2:; «i 40 7 12 13 5 Summer r.s. Thursday . ..t , 41 >>14 s St. Hapti>t Midsummer Friday . .25 713 5 j Fir>t Quarter, June 2f>, 7h. Ism. evening. ...


... aiiy ENGLISH ASSIZE SUMMARY. fe Itoh At Linc)ln .John Ward, agcd 27, waqs c/ilvcted of the (Ii . w( tivilful murder of hik mother, M~ar ha Ward, and teri 74 ii tenced to deai-. IThe prisoner, it wiii be rememberetd, t!e hudl oromeed an improper attachment to ,iae Eervant girl, j thf and the deceased remonstrating with him, he took a gun, ery arud deliberately shot her as She sitt Irelerp in ...


... The following trial, which took place on Tuesday se'nnight; at Gloucester, excited an uncomrnoh degree of interest. The prisoner was to have been tried on the Friday preceding;: but in consequence :of the-absence of the Riqht -Honourable Charles Bathurst, who was de- tained in town by public business, it was postponed..-.i Mr. Bathurst was the: magistrate before whom the pri- soner was first ...


... iVERPOOL, FRIDAY, JULY 8, 1825. ANNUAL COUNMTY SESSIONS. -. ?? ~ -~ - eaut The Court of Annual General Session of the Peace for a fee this county was held yesterday se'nnight, at the Court- hope house.in Preston. In consequence of the arrangement, Liver by which the principal business has been thrown into the An adjourned meetings, the attendance of magistrates was few d very'slenderindeed; ...


... erI WEARES MUR.DERQ ARNCDTIESPrNICIOUS AND FATAL ,ck CONSEQUENCES OF GAVflLING. Wl We have just purchased from the proprietor of the ,u London Sunday Times, at a considerable expense, an engraving of the interior of one of those GAIMBLING- ry HOUSES, called the PALL-MALL HELL. It re- ,presents the Rouge et Noir and Ronlcite Tables. b- surrounded by upwards of thirty characteristic figures. ...


... COURT Of1 MIG'S-4ENCH. L Lord Sidmouth and Thistkwood.-A very extraordi- nary. circumstance took place in the Court of King's. Bench, on Saturday. As soon as the judges assembled, h Lord Sidmiouth entered the coIrt, and hating seated i himself by Lord Ellenborough, (as fforprptectioss.) a his Lordship, by the Attorney-Genetal, exhibited articles of the ,peace against Arthur Thistlwood, of No. ...


... COURT OT.lG E1..CH. _ - -- D . . - ?? ?? .. m 1i .315TUI US' A(155@ 3 MENcH. - Sevee a and Co. v. Phernix Insurance Co.-This cause dwas one of very great importance, and of an extraordi. ie nary duration, having occupied the court six days. It 'r was an action by the plaintiffs, who are sugar refiners, to recover from the defendant, the Phlenix Fire Office, the sum of £15,000, being the amount ...