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Nianchester Mereury. Tuesday, January 29, 1811, with pleasure we see announced for to-morrow evening that truly ..

... and it,our 41s correct, to use Green Room phrase. t e whole strength of the Company is comprized in the performance was indced in the Old Theatre, which, with the spien- dour of the Scenery, a repetition of audiences—See Fascination tor Many. successive nights to crowded Wednesday last the Quarter Sessions commenced at the New Bailey house, where the following prisoners have taken their triais ...


... The Duke of Portland died on Monday afternoon, abont five o'clock, at Burlington- houfe. His fufterings from the dilorder with wbich he has fo long been afflifted, in- duced him to fubmit to the operation of !■. thotomy, and a large ftone was extrafled The operation was fkilfully performed, and every thing feemed to promife a fuccefsful iffue, but unfortunately his Grace was foon after feized ...