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MAMA Polk, kOEKS. E»q. Ckmirmrt. Hcmt tKdbrake, Chu Sh»» L**»w. *«>• _ The Hon Hn(ta Llodmy, HP. Cbartn LHlkdak ..

... HMry UuterUle. George War* Norann, Eaq. Juba Eaq. HP. Brice Pearae. Eaq. Chart™ Richaari Pole, Eaq. Jaiaa TroMee, iaq. Pirtfaritk Booth, Eaq. Chatlps Houltoo, Baq. Th» Hon 1> Boowrt* William Bunrte. Eaq. John Cockerell, Eaq. Thomaa Domco. Thomas Uonaen, Juo. Eaq. ( harles Bell Pmal. Eaq William Hamltlon. Eaq Ell sard Harman. Eaq. Calvert Lad broke. Esq Josbca Mils a, THE MANAGERShnahtf taa ...


... At the Hertfordshire Assizes, Wiy>. Griffiths was charged with killing and slaying John King, attire palish of St. Michael. A quarrel, appeared, had arisen race for a whip between the prisoner and the deceased. A fight took place, and for considerable time the deceased was getting the better. Some of his friends then interfered, but without effhet. for he said he would either kill the prisonei ...


... CL I IXC BOVS. The Bill before the House of Commons for the better ; regulation of chimney-sweepers and their apprentices, and for prereming the employment of boys in climbing chimnies,” states, in the preamble, that the necessity of , employing such apprentices to cleanse chimnies, i climbing then), longer exists, in conseijuence of the invention of various machine* for purpose, which may ...


... Dpcfvbrr.—StßUiford I— (for rhw**) s—Vontrfr«cl, P*lnn»lnn, find Kedon U-Pocklinjtlon BradHrld Garrravr, Borlon, and Kirlon ll—l.r\bnrn broiigh 13—Urdale lli—Kirhy Spaldine, and Grantham IT—Rea;h Hl—Gnnton 21 Berrrlay 31—York Umber Pair 3—York Show 15, and fiva following days—York Line Fair 21. Pelilinor are prepnrine in ihe maritime di*trlel«. In predated oe*l senaioo, for the repeal ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... n eBIRTH. an. the 2th uilt. at Filham, the Right H6n, Lady Mulg ave, of a daughter. MARRIAGES. On Monday feotnigit, Me. Juhn Sptcei, of Ferfie, to Mifs M. GrCeen, fifler to Mrs. Riplinghurna, of Leeds. A few days ago, at Tunffail, in Holdermefa, Mr. W. Wright; of Roos, to liif'i Snaith, of the formner place. On Saturday week, at N6rton, by the ftev, -M(. Johnfon, Mr. jaimees Rawhlil, ofr Poito ...

To Builders, Bricklayers, &c

... Builders, Bricklayers, &c. 17, 1809. KINGSTON-l/POS-HVLL, \ ALL Persons willing Contract with the DOCK COMPANY, for the Purchase and Removal of the BRICKS in the Coffer-Dam, in the Entrance Bason of die Humber Dock, arc requested to send their Proposals j sealed J to this Office, on or before Monday, the 27th day ot February instant, at twelve o’clock. £jr Proposals Will be received for the ...


... Opttrl.ini l-i K’t Hi .’not the Prince / Oethity. the Pnn. cruet M-iry amt Ho»a, and ht* the Duke of .l/t«iirA*»/fr SPECTACLES ground, shaded, 4■. on the exact prin- ciple of spherical truth, by S. ft B. SOLOMONS, tl7c celebrated Opticians, front the improved Spectacle Manufactory, and the London Optical Establishment. No. .5. Solomon’s Terrace. New St. George’s the Fast. London, ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... MARRIAGES. On Friday last, at Sculcoates Churcb, by thc Rev. Wim. e Ienry, Mlr. Win. Monday, jun. tinber-merchant, to Mary Jane, daughter of Mr. John Walker, of Jarratt-strect, flull. Oil Tuesday last, at Holy Trinity Church, by the Rev. J. ,11. BroImby, Capt. Teasland, of the Dolphin, to Mary Ann, ?? daughter o0 Capt. Joy, of the Royal William. d On Sunday week, at Sculcoates Church, by the ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... On tile 2IT it I. the lady of 1; Al1. NI It vti Eat. >I' lotliam MiliDe, it, th! Countty Of Yalrt, Of a SUII. AiARRIAG ES. Oli Tuesday, the thil i'!Yt. ilt tilljrstelit M'utrbh , .1nm!s Walker, ERiq. ?? lniuto I, III the ?? II f Yori, to NjlI.l :a, 3iUItgI'.lt eIiCgA I of the ?? It, . S. en r ouso, eO IIIlrotlzh. On Monfal momrnihg a.nt. nt the 1 lilv 'fri iatty Charm1, by the R[ev.J. J . ...


... (•tttvaßs.) COMTEACTS POE PEOTISIOMS, CLOTHING, Ac. THE BOARD GUARDIANS will, lUKSDAY. the 17th ir.t at the in Stm t. Ala o tea. Ten tn the «orrnooft, Tttei»e l fir the juippiy ol KHKAD fa>r three Month*, fr >ra the 2*>lh inwaiit, to made the best Seconds F.our. ui Loaves of the weight 4|iba each. The Bread to be dclierrH, espen*', such place* wiitua the Litton, at attch tiara, ai.4 ...