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Xitierpool, 17, isos

... like again. are informed Mr. C. purpofet returning England, early in March next, that is at prefent in treaty with the Drury-lane Managers, and will occupy the firll Ctuadou in that theatre. BASSATERRK, Noviubxk 30, ISO 4. FTAE AT ST. THOMAS. i« with ...

Vo. 2039-—Vol. XL.]

... BOB anv LITTLE BE TT Axw BaTTLEDORE, - Mifs BIGGS, Mile Wiad parody on the “ BEAUTIFUL MAID, by her at the ‘Theatre Royal, Drury-lane, i Farce of the Invafwn,) wh ter fhe will introduce a new comic 9 ve af Mifs Battledore’s artendh the young 4 the perils ...

Xitocrppoi, 31, isos

... was received, on his entres, wi th repeate dend. from every past of the To-morrow. evening, Mrs. Young, from the 1mLD } Drury Lane, is to appear character of Nite: Hal the Stran oe ve Care Which we have na doubt will Be much TMs df the public, the being ...

ft? Cftiiflf Dap, jt. At For (haw’*, the Tavern, in John-ftrect, Th'n Dity, (Thurfday), the in!h at fi? n I'Je

... to year. Mrs. Moon will fhew the premifes,and for particulars -n--ply Mr. John Webfter, ford, or at S. Whiteley’s office, Drury-lane, Liverpool. £y OriLr of tlx Afftvruu of Mr. Tuetmu !Valley. the George Inn, Dale-ftreet, on Monday the 25th of inft. at ...


... HOUSES, on the north fide a | oe * ——_ Laneafter, and others, at the ‘clear ‘yearly rent of ‘I | £ net. groly C. office, Drury-lane, Coffee-lyoufe,-in the Old Church on Tuefdav mext, the 20th ink. at feven ¢ ia the even'ng, FRLEHOLD ES TATE of INHERITANCE ...

tic* fcp Suctim

... houfe, and on the — fw particulars apply to Mr. John Gibbons, Lan ier, Mr. Robert Copland, in Merfey-ftreet, or at 8. in Drury-lane. Valuable HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE By Mr. Tuos. ke the in on Wednefday the 3f April and following day, at ten o'clo F valuable ...


... thk 19th inftaot, on SanKt Terrace, in the 88th year of her ter, MroAno Moody. Wife the ted John Moody, the Theatre Royal, Drury Lane. Tuefday, the Mdi inflant, in the Bth veer of hta Henry, third /on Mr. Eatouel Jofrph, Colquitt-ftreet. On Wediiefday, the ...

| = re 1 Catk ot African PEPPER, For particulars a RA I SINSON and BAGOTT, Bro At Leete and

... | = re 1 Catk ot African PEPPER, For particulars a RA I SINSON and BAGOTT, Bro At Leete and Drinkwater’s warehoufe, Drury-lane, or day next, the 25th inft. at twelve o’c lock af noo! 120 Barrels Sun py 237 Ditto Lenia RAISINS, “ae Landing out of the ...


... Joft an qffectidnate wife, and her ebild Jaft, at Chelfea, near On Saturday evening Suett, Comedian, of, the Theatre Royal, Drury-lane. On Monday evening laft, Mrs. Byrne, wit it + ¢. of Byrne, porter merchant. * ata On Tuefday latt, mo year of her age,:Mts ...

fit? Xnctta

... *. . 2. yg and th 4g ee” ee Any tract, will be for puirchafiug the by Privat Aeff. Ba application to and Stephenfon, 24, Drury-lane, VALUABLE ESTATE, ‘With Stowe, and Baicx Eaata, Tn a of Lancaster. At Manchefter, in fay Mn ich ‘further part . tont if ...

Ju He Per the tract, will be attended to by application to Mell Bari aad Stephenfon, #4, Drury-lane, Liverpool. At

... Ju He Per the tract, will be attended to by application to Mell Bari aad Stephenfon, #4, Drury-lane, Liverpool. At the houfe of John Duckworth, the Saddle Inn, in Ver 5, flrect, on Wednefday the I4th day of Auguft nex feven o'clock in the ev: thofe three ...


... late Of the ‘(land St. Martin's. Fairfield Buckley Hup S. Beach 15 boxes ht.en the 20th irdtant, Mifs. Miller, late of Drury-Lane cloth Mann, Barnard j>.nd co. park do F. White L „, . H. Pemberton. do. and P-clls, 2 do., Chan.ley and the Ift infl ...