Advertisements & Notices

... hefan'rc inane as t he ta tdon a th. fane within -se thatirbelit~niteid for that ptirl/e and he the faid. Sarriel- Baddetly d te bankrupt as hereby required to fitrrendet hinifeLfto ,thc fi' com iflioners, at the tun'e and piae a'ovementioaPed for that piurpofe ...

Kingston-Upon-Hull N

... Bankruptcy. Whereas a Commission of Bankrupt is awarded and issued forth against William Clegg, late of Beverley, in the County of York, Linen-Draper, Shopkeeper, Dealer and Chapman, and he being declared a Bankrupt, is hereby required to surrender himself ...

Advertisements & Notices

... forenoon, at the White Lion tIn in Hadleigh'aforefaid, in oder to makelai hiss idend of the eftate and eife.ts of the faid bankrupt ; when and where the creditors who have not already proved their debts, are to cnme prepared to prove the fame, or they will ...

Advertisements & Notices

... THOMAS RUSSELL, of. Portfmouth, COMMON CARRasaxa, DEALMR, and.CKAPMAN, a Bankrupt: .Notice is therefore hereby given, that all Perfons-whoa .ftlnd Indebted to the faid Bankrupt, are required forthwith to pay their Debts to either of the faid I AsS GNrSaa ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Children. Robert Seals, ditto a Widow with Cbjld, and one fmall Child. Hare's Divicd nd. T HE Commizfioners in a Cosamifrion of Bankrupt avwarded and ?? forth againft. )}tARMADUKE HARE, of the Town of Kinglion- -Spon-Hull,. Grocer, Tallow-Chandler, Dealer and ...

Advertisements & Notices

... agatrillJO)HN.SIZER, of \nfattnsngtr ,in UseC'ounty: of Eilex, Grocer and, Urapefrare defired w¢ neet the Alfrgasees-of tpe faid Bankrupt ElMate and Effeas, bn Monday,' tib itah day M laruary ini , at ihd Miftley Thori 'hn, it hirtlty, Effes, atMthree o'llt ...

Wicell 'worth tihe I

... Forenoon, at the Whire Ptar Inn, in Witney aforefaid, in order to make a tuither Dividend of the Eitate and Effer-s of the faid Bankrupt; wheiu and. where the Creditors who have not alheady prnved their Debts are to come prepared to prove the Caine, or tiny ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Debts, under a Commiffion of Bankrupt, Pc awarded and iffued forth againft JAMES SMITH, of C; £cfport, in the County of Southampton, Vid ualler, PC Dealer, and Chapman, are delired to meet the Aflg- L necs of the fail Bankrupt's Eflate and Etdecls' on the-' ...

Advertisements & Notices

... apply to Mr. Pecit, Priater of he HuUl Packet, iu Scale-Lane, Hull. arkham Nicholfon's Bankruptcy. HXTHEREAS a Commiflion of Bankrupt is t awarded and illued againit MARKHAM NICHOLSON, of Hos-den, in the county of York, Gracer, and he beirig declareda Binkrupt ...

-V~.c_.\' x Sumiay's Mails

... Syria i ir. the next Kleber is ncgociating a trc.ity of peace and amity with the Grand Vizier at Damalcus. Ot the numerous bankrupts lately made at V.t. j ■' • u « '.••'•liirijl ufraiKiii/ffl/. who paid nothing to their creditors; two as unfortunate, and ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ekceerfing good I land, the whole of which are fituaied in Creeting St. Mary aforeraid, and late iht th3 occupatiornof thle laiu Bankrupt. |The corn mill contains tiko pair of flones, wire.1 l ntaulhine, and otherconveniences, ahdis infub- fantial repair. T'11 ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 1Bankrupt is awarded and il'uvd _agaiiftl MARKHAM NICHOLSON, of Howden, in the ousnty of York, Grocer, and hei being declared a Bankrupt, is hereby required to furrender :iimfelf to the Commiffioners in the faid Commnilion nam ed, on the i3rthandr4ith days of ...