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Northern Star and Leeds General Advertiser


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Northern Star and Leeds General Advertiser

Imperial Parliament

... of taking some precautions against the year 1840, as respects the supply of labouring hand They have devised a new kind of slavery, and l, new kind of slave trade; and this invention the Noble Lord has, by an order in council, dated March 1 1837, fully ...


... ILEEDS AND WEST-RIDING NEWS. LEEDS. POCKET PICRINO.-On Monday, Fjiz. Monro, was brought up at the Court House, charged with haying, on Saturday night, picked the pocket of William Wray of 4s. 6d., at a lodging-house in the Boot and Shoe Yard, in Kirkgate ...


... was to be pro- I duced at all, it must be done from the ranks of the t people them selves. This was n o new doctre whichd *nas to be ascribed to any new theoretic view; all c agesuand countries had told us the tale. Every in- c stance of our own country's ...


... worthy of remark, that since last Christmas, this Order has doubled itself, not only to in number of Lodges, but we hope in talent, in- hi telligence, and respectability,-with cheering pros- w pects of several more new Lodges on the eve of hi opening. ...

Foreign and Domestic Intelligence

... l THE BRITISHu QuEEN COMPANY are building ano- dther steamer, to be called the President, and which is to run to New York also. The new vessel is to a be of somewhat greater dimensions than the Britisl Queen, and Capt. Campbell is to be. her commander ...

chartist Intelligence

... Govern- Al seut new in existence. He produced a great impression take upon the ?? the same evening, Mr. William they Tillusnosdelivered a lecture in the Brown-street Associa- Ido: tion-roosi, to a numerousassaemlsly, He illustrated, in a Las Of hoost ...

Chartist Intelligence

... r t en e0i ms Ite Ju OL.D8AiU,-DestOMrRAleoN or; NEW Yrkn¢S. DAY IN BEHALF oF FROSi, WILLIAMIS, AND JONES -A numerously attended meeting, in the open Space behind the Albion Inn, Oldham, took place r New Year's Day, in behalf of the banished patriots Frost ...


... twenty. four columns; by this time we had written hi 0 three . or four letters, and no answer. When in London, at the Convention that eat last Christmas, I met Mir. O'Connor near Covent Garden; Mr. Dewhirst and MN. DHodgoon, delegates from Bolton, were with ...

Local and General Intelligence

... instead of nominal representation. We remain, Your unenfranchised fellow subjects, JOHN COLLINS, ARtTOIUR O'NECLL, The news of the New York panic (come to hand since the above was written) fearfully verifies it. THE MIDDLE-CLASS UNION AGAIN. TO THE EDITOR ...

Original Correspondence

... licensed victualler (and I have known manyl who was not persecuted during the late movement. The same of eating-house keepers, news-agents, pork-butchers; ;n short, every description of tradespeople, if they ha1d shown themselves Chartists. Their credit was ...

Original Correspondence

... forward to g rescue an old and a valued friend. 1 I remain, a Your sincere admirer, and h Constant reader, n ALn rICeAuS. cl London, February 27th, i8il. it 'MIDDLE CLASS UNIQN, AND MIDDLE sl CLASS PERSECUTION. Edinburgh, February 22, 1841. c' MrSlid send ...

Chartist Intelligence

... s made by Messrs. Embleton, Arkles, and others.; MOTTRA-M.-Mr. Clark lectured here on Sunday. Several new members were enrolled. RAR.NSEiI.-Some new members were en- rolled at cur lai meeting. All determined to do all that can be done foir, the Executive ...