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North Wales Chronicle


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North Wales Chronicle

Advertisements & Notices

... isesitiosied, and at thle North W~ales Chronicle Ofiicc. I am, Sir, your obedient servant, Creig oDiers, octoler l-2th, 1836. JOHN S. CAiDIEN, Capt, R.N. Sub Commissioner of Alenai Pilots. SUBSCRIBE U S. COPIES. COl'sll. JAIn Price, EIq 1 as Cldtnant ?? ...

Advertisements & Notices

... upon each of tire Royal Filters, ard tirat tire ipparatus; carn be daily inspected at tire Ohhice, 16-3, Strand, and of Mr. John Brown, Agent, Bangor, whreme thle lestimonials of the most eminent Sleehoal and Scientific Authorities in favour of the ?? ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Evening (Sunslay excepted) at Four o'clock. ai Uxbridge Arms Cotch Office, July Ist, 1837. II ?? bt FREEHOLD ESTATES d IN TiEs SiVERAL ?? OF _ CARNARV(ON, NIERIONE'I'H, MON`IGOOME RY, AND CARDIGAN. TO BE SOLD, Pursuant to an order of the 1High Court of ...

Advertisements & Notices

... a lilackonmith's Shop, Garditeis, and Appurtetnances tlierelntq lhelootino. sant now in tte occupation of John Hu'ghes, lBack- e sitith, and John Evais, Labourer, and containing, it It ?? lotment it frotit, Oa. I,. 7p. or thereabouts. Also, all tlat COTTAGE ...

Advertisements & Notices

... executed citlter at Deribigh, oroat hi; RoRttms its iartarvitt, IN Titt SLVsERATis CttN- I ?? OF Merlongoth, Contgomrery, Cardigan, and Carnarvone. TO BE PEREMPTORILY SOLD. Putrdroiit to aitl rder of the igh Court ofChancery, inatie in n Cause of JINES ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 13angor; AMr, DAvis, Liverpool Arms, Beaumnaris; and at No, 33, W\ATEr-STrnEET, and No, 2, D)nuity LANE, Ll. VYEIt POOL. Steam OPacet 0t5ce, Liverpool, June 26, 1837. IN 'TILE ShlVLIIAL COUNTIlES 01 V Werioneth, Montgomery, Cardigan, and Carnarvon. TO BE PE ...

Advertisements & Notices

... othelr particulars App ts. as may enableothe Committee to enquire ibto the cer- Surgco de rectness thereof. To be addressed to JOHN 1ll- _ ?s- GAN, Esq. Mayor, Carnarvon. otl By order of the Committee. !C- Carnarvon, 2d Sept. 1837. W on A Steam Communication ...

Advertisements & Notices

... before thel general meeting. Subscription Books are opened at tse followitg places :-t he Ban kss; Penrbyn Arm s Castle, Albion, Liverpool Arms, and Ro'al Oak Hotels; Chronicle OfOicei; Mr. Shlone'sh; Mr. Pritchard's; Mr. R. Al. Griffith's; Mr. lugah ...

Advertisements & Notices

... National ?? 21 3 Vaenul diito do ?? O fc 2AMr. John Hcamphreys, Post offce ?? 05s0'a 0 Hugh Beaver. Esq2 00 el 0 Rev. WV. L. Joel wn lnoe .2 00 a 0 John Sine ?? o 0 ; ' 0 XVillianm 'Thomas, ?? 0 50 si 0 John Lloyd, Dean-st~reet ?? . 0 60 O Ricisartf Hughes ...

Advertisements & Notices

... IlOirs., BOtAVIVIAIS. at Lit Noaxi. on 'I'lluttsDA, tile '24kh iostant, to inspect the (Co Acvc utits for the last year. elf JOHN S. C.ARO: N, Sub Conimissioner, Ie FREEHOLD HOUSES an In the Citt if Bagsor. let To be Sold by Friveue Contract, Fr flf-I 'tIEEtl ...

Advertisements & Notices

... of Sir John Silusiury Piezzi Sa. ,nlusury. ED\VARlD JONES, duly authorizeol Agent of David Pennantt, Esq. t TllOS. VV. EYIlON, duly tutitorised Agent ,L i oe f o ?? Elizabeth Allarison, e JWHVXI- XVEL('I, lay Iowxver of Attorney I. t from John Lloyd WVynan ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Pennant, Esq ti 'IOS WV. EY'lIN, duly atutliorised Agent tI N of Anne Etizabedi Allaneon, I JOH-N WELCH4, fly Powver of Attoritey P from Jolti Lloyd Wynne, Esq. 0n JOHN WELCH, Ity powevr of Attorney from the Rev. Jolt it u l Iager. a. ?? N~otice. (ditty free ...