Advertisements & Notices

... Johr Carunmming, Dublin. THlE LATI, ER DAY SAINTS. In small 8vo., price IS. Gd., the Second Edition of T rreHE CITY of the MORMONS ; or, Three , n't Nauvoo, ii 3642. By thie Rev. HENRY CAS1A L I, HA., Aurthor of America and the American Cinrrr ...

Advertisements & Notices

... paradise in the West. Our correspondent, be whodatos from 14,Donoaster street, invitosoral discussion with he himselfon Mormonism. Tbepltiableresultsof the diAusion, i.% In the ruin of hundreds, probably thousands, of poor C!eedu- er louq nreaturea from ...

Advertisements & Notices

... some minister of religion, trsic Ia- or ether Competent person, ehould take in hand the tracts of g~oti dy the Liverpool Mormons, written by Orson Pra't, hy r tim 0T' certainly extraordinaryttreductions, and mIght beetasoed with 9%0 in dream hooks andI ...

Advertisements & Notices

... otheriGUNpOND to acqualnt Ironiongers, Merchants, and Dcklersl powder, that all ordesi for this astileenill mametduit; from X. MORMON smLn. f ~?foef t ue, 1845. ! ~ ~ OE ZN,^ SKRU S SZT For Sale -- -rivte -- --a----- > Croma ands Couthers ttrs;nyb se a.r to ...

Advertisements & Notices

... write accurately enough for publication, but his ideashall appear In seine eorm.-A. E . L.0 Forwarded to Mr. Langldale,- Mormonism and Vislons. As we deal with truth and realities, these pretences are quite o'ut of our way-. O. N.S. We lioild be glad ...

Advertisements & Notices

... most h's affeCttC?'?? ?? other supposed isicuta. organs, so often fatal so pauerots and dillinjeut cli- j?srrii55 nan and Mormon, Menelsers of the Roys at Ne--?45 a?i? may be consultedas usual, both ?rj?'re fro?1 ?5d ?? ?? id ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Child got completely cured, and is fell of health and spirits. Titus, Sir, I have the plea- sure to tell all the galnsyors of Mormon's Medicines, that they alone have re. stored beth myself and my child to sound health, and that I am ready to give further ...

News and Observations

... Cristo, 2ยป>5 miles south ot Santa Fe , having abandoned his waggons, and packed his provisions and baggage on mules. The Mormons, under Captain Couk, had also left for California. Santa Anna had suddenly disappeared at the November from San Luis Potosi ...

Advertisements & Notices

... about to fol- low the poor dupes who have gone with their little all to be fleeced by that notorious impostor Joe Smith, the c Mormon prophet, and his apostles of fraud and delusion, 3 we extract thefollowinginformation from a Boston paser, d received by the ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Crestom houese, London, Feb. 2, 18413. 0 TH MARCH OF' IOITEI..ECT. It is saidl that the wag- :.gone that are to convey the Mormons to California will number 5000, and will form a line tw enty-five miles long ! In In the front there will he a press and types ...


... my sincere tbanks to the sub iscribere to the Dispensary. (Signed) rICH. TOTHILL, ueo,:c March C,1 Surgeon, &6c Agent for Mormon's Pills in Exeter, Mr. HAVILL. FOR THE DISEASES OF INFANTS, &c. C ELL'S DALBY'S 'CARMINATIVE hais long beeni G esteemed superior ...

Advertisements & Notices

... wandering among the trackless prairies of Texas, dwelling with the .hospitable planters in Mexico, or making the acquaintance of Mormons, Indians, or Yankee bravoes of the true bowls knife Bschool, he renders huit narrative so singularly interesting, that tha ...