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The Champion

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... BIRTHS. The wire nr Mr. Sainuel Deacon; of Walbrook, of a ?? Ber- keley.sqnare, the lady (of Abel Smith, Esq., M.P., of a daughter- At Melchbllriue Park, Beds,'Lad; St. John, of a daughter. MARRIED. At Laxton, the Rov. A. Otway Fitzgerald, rector of Ledboromgh, Notts, son-of Sir Robert Fitzgerald, to Sarah, daughter of the iev. Riehard i'rocter, Vicar of 1.axton, tame ?? Knoehrbeds, Downshire, ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... At Eden-hall, Cumberland, Lady Mllsgrave, of a daiiglter-oa St. Hellnsr-plaee, Mrs. Wm. Lyall, of a son. AIdARRIED. Charles, son of Sir Charles Wo~lseley, Bart., nfi V,ItelY HalIl; StBf- ford, to Mary Ai., da,1ighter oftbe late Nilcli.! SlIv, E I ., of Aeliiw House, Middlesex -At Fernambaico, Thos. B Gutistoui. JI!iti'l mer- chant, of Maranham, to Anne, Idaghterof Edward Waltts, E- ,Cll- sul ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... -. BIR{THIS. At Cheltenlhiaa, the la(ly of Colonel Pearce, of a ?? Datni rayen Cestle, GlatMoagallsiliriethe ladlyof Vi-scoint Adare, ofa d ugh ?? Westover, isle *d Wigit, the lady of the Holl. Win A '(ollrt Holmes' nfa ?? I iigii, Norfotli, thle Htoi Mrs J. J. W haites, I a dloigliter, uin died iii a few ?? tile 4th tlt, elcit tilo ship Rab,!rlt 1',l.ord, Capt John P'rituie, laitely arfiven ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... BIRTHS. In Wilton-place, Belgrave-square, the I-Ion. Mrs. WV. Coventryr of a son, ?? Windsor, the lady of Capt. Bulkelay, lst Life Gutrds, of a daughter. MARRIED. Sir Robert Hugh Kennedy, I.CCE{., to Anna Maria, widow of R. Hillinga'ord, Esq-Captain J1. f-ale, 22d regt. N.I. Bombay, to C&- therine, daughter of Win. B. Burton, Esq., of Hd)Iton Hall, Lincttln- ?? H. Nelson, Esq., of Bury-street, ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... BIRTHS.. Tbe lady of W }1. Talbiot, Eas., of Licobk Abbey, of a daughttr- Ot a girl, Mrs. P. C. Westloy, of Chih4pjace-At Groveepark, atiar l\arwick, Lady Dormer, of a ?? Rimpton, Somersetabire, tile Hen. Mrs. Ifinrice, of a ?? York-terraco, Regent's-park, the Cq41ntess of Hintingdon, of a son, ?? Limerick, the lady of W. S. O'Brien, Psq., M.P., of aon. . - '''MARRIED. .t Diinapore, in India, ...

BIRTHS. lu-Park.lane

... , the Countess of Lincolt, of rt ?? Chat.- lemont, Ireland the lady of Lieut.-Culenel Hunt, R.A., of a daughter. -AtBellary, India, tliclady-of Licut.-Coloniel Wakefield, 89th Re- giment, of a ?? Loughall, near Arnmagh, Lady Mary Hewitt, of a son, ?? Gilston-park, the lady of H. G.Ward, Esq., M. P., of a daughter. MARRIE D. At St. Pancras, Robert Lush, Esq., of Gray's-inn, to Elizabeth, ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... At York-street Cbapel, Walwthr, thfe Rev. F. W. Gotch, of Box- moor, to Charlotte, youngest, daughter of the late Jahn Hepburn, Esq., 6f.Lbing-lane,Southwirk=-At the Wesleyan Association Chapel,. Rochdale, Mr. Thom'as Ashworth, ?? Mary Tweedale, of Cut. *gate, neirrRochdale. This being the first marriage solemnised in that chapel,the couple were presentedwith ?? MaryleboneChurchb, ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... BIRTHS. On the 11th inst., as Dr. Kidd, of Farnworth, was passing over Lout's-heath, in Widdes, he was called into a cottage to see Mrs. William Bradshaw, a midwifery patient. She had been at work in the factory of Thormas Kidd, Esq., at three o'clock, and at six she was delivered of thres fine male children, all alive and heart.y' The mother is doing ell, and the trio have beea baptized ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... BIRTHS.-At Park-road, Stockwell, the wife of Mr. John Baldwin, of a ?? Bernard-street, Russell-square, the lady of R. B. Dowling, Esq., barrister-at-law, of a daughter-A Lovel-hill, Berks, the lady of George D. Scott, Esq., King' Dragoon Guards, of a ?? Torrington-square, the lady of ( harles G. Jones, Esq., of a. ?? Ulapham-rise, Mrs. Geo. Field, of a ?? the Pallapt, Chichester, the lady of W ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... BIRTHS.-At Park-road, Stockwell, the wife of Mr. John Baldwin, of a ?? Bernard-street, Russell-square, the lady of R. B. Dowling, Esq., barrister-at-law, of a daughter-A Lovel-hill, Berlos, the lady of George D. Scott, Esq., King' Dragoon Guards, of a ?? Torringtqn-square, the ladyof ( harles G. Jones, Esq., of a ?? Ulpbam-rise, Mrs. Gre. Field, of a ?? the Pallant, Chichester, the lady of W. ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... HIgiR lrAJE$TY'S MAUARRIAGE. CERBMON [AL To be pbserved at the marriage nf the Queen's Most Excel- lent Majesty with his Royal Highness Fraimis Albert Augustus Charles Emanuel, P]uke of Saxe, Prince of Saxe Coburg and Gothba, Knight of the Moat Noble Order of the Garter, at the Chapel Royal of St. James's, on Monday, February lQth, 1840. The illustrious individudls, and others composing the ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... | DfBIRTHS.-ln Dlublln, te laf Rdobt Maunsell; Esq., O! a ?? the Chapinin's House, Kingston Colege, Mitehels. town; thela'dytof~the-le'. Hlarry*Disney, of.* ?? 'lady ?? Day Stokeej Esq,, in Dublin, of a daughter- At the Pa1ace,'KllkeEny, the lady: of the Rev. Luke Fowler, of a Eou, who died a few. hours after its ?? Brighton, on the 19th instanti-tbe lady of Major Grahim, of- a daughter-Mrs. ...