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Advertisements & Notices

... IWTamtedI NY a Mclirtal P'a r.wtiticise, a young Gentl4uman of 1it ood (lc:iction, i aan A i' P lINJ ?? who will be culn ideled inl ail l('4apWct5 s a nimelber of tilte fioaily.-lor ?? applyV to tim Pri'inter. Wanted, fat Os .li taai'aaa'l'o V/lice in tule P'rinsrtlihtY. F W ?? lative NO UN II '1N, acilurinted tvitti the W1 N\elsh langulage, andl pussessing at knowledge of fiusittess, as Ass ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Toa bev 57ct, Unfurtnished, TA-N~-YMArd NI JN. ?? of I laolltechid , vriihin three ethos of teciyof I5;M!or, c istolngof four govt1 bed- A looio ilwO 1parnitrsitcl kitchen, cellar, tiod dtiirY, I W tf li st e si ib,1 and( coaclt-honos. 'TI hero Pa pal'ln, trill Soentkd, aind about 33 scres of faod. M t L ii ?? ofifeautinante r i i ih',1 rkaloil C stle, aind adljaten tsrentry. lii'xx11 ts \\h t ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Morth and South Wales Bank. NOTICE, IS MUMEBY GIVEN r ilAP tthis BAN K will be Opened at C.xnNkavoN .Y rand l I.I, on or about tle 18th day oA1Y aext, under the Superintendency of responsible Ma- I' Itagels. JOHN SUDLO\V, I Liverpool, 16th April, 1836. Secietary. m To be Let, Furnished, Genteel Eesidence, delightfully situated in the A environs of Luanrwst, consisting of three parlours, a ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ABSCONDED. . I:IFREAS EDWARD THOMAS, of the Pa W rish of 4holywil, is the County of Flint, 'ip-ou'rer ,raid THO1AS NEWBY, of the same ,lff e, Shoe' =nakerb is'ahsconenld dand left-their faustlies chargecable. thereto, a, REWARD of TEN ! SHLLINGS w'il[ibe paid by Mr. Ronsams, Act.- . , ?? rse- of th'e- said Parish, toluny. person or . ,,persons who will'jive ssch will .-jlea& Wi ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ;. Tat1Io E ?? I 1' Iit--NaiO t C1 tht ,,U suu. \%it'l II oj E1'C0mii lul, ?? 1 lhy-i'!N We' den at the 'II o)f ?? I l % t ?? Io tilei l hal Yeil'. Undis. the J(1lti J'it aI V. ill be Iil\i Lt. ti e l(~l I ?? Di. i'IL tl XIll \\ liIs tit bi I 'I'1ie 'lralister jtiiit trill bt' c10,1.11 00:111 t i liu t.. to Util payloeiit r theo Dl itidCiil.. By 01 br of the BoDard, tled DIAN I EL, ROB BEISON ...

Advertisements & Notices

... LI Pwflheli Dispensary. d r y I IS INS'TIf't11'1 MN is now OPlN and tlr ,- ii 6uicrierlies iire' requelsted to ?? ticm for ?? ir slutch objects Ds Frey may ctnsider in wvant of -Medical to Advice a ad Assita&rce. IU Hours of attiendance frrom 10 to I every Tuesday -I and Soaturdaiy. nI- Rlecomniendatory Tickets to be lad from tie Se- ir crctary. :e Each Suljscriber wvill be furnished wiith a ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TO DE SOLD, PRENDYFFRYN, VtiIt desirable Residence, with 130 Acres, A in a rin g fence, o l the coast of Carn arvon- shire, neal the new PlI)stroaa front Conway to Bangor. tW Apply to the Proprietor on the Premises : ON SALE, GLASINFRYN, (.Near this City.) N'IIE lands are well wooded and avat6red; and( 1. consist of sibty-five acres or thereabouts. ?? house and offices are modern and substan- ...

Advertisements & Notices

... R 'o TO BE SOLD, PEND-YFFRYN, A VERY.desirablhi Residence, with 1°0 Acres, A. in a ring fence, on the eoast of Carnarvon- shire, near the uew post-road from Conway to Bangor. . Pr..s j@;i Apply to ?? Proprietor on the Premises. b* Day of Sale Postponed from the 3d to the 24th day of Octoter. DENBIGHSflIRlE. TO BE SOLD BY AUJCTION, At the Castle Jim, in the To7wn of' Cmlsaij, iii t1/i county ...

Advertisements & Notices

... STAMP OFFICE, LONO. .. . / (Unstwnperc A lhanacks.) fVi- of ITlE COMMiSSIONERS O F STAMPS hav. UI r ig b-c inlformed that the illegal practicc of fiO 1'rintinag a Sld Selling nstaliped Alianaacks pro. oti vails to n groat extent at this period o tlho yetiru fo] wuid that such Almanlatcks arc exposed 1r ib;ie by Ilawlcrs travelllng throiughl the ountry, tor the geoat detrimentc of thle revenue, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... lilt th re § 1 Il1C ly PilRE? LIVES, AND AMNAUlTIES. Di PALLiMALL AND CORNHILL. cs, A ITAL ONE MILLION STERLING, the ni YlJvwhole paid up and invested, thereby aflording ry to the Proprietors Security ag;ainst furtiler Calls, s, and to the Assured an finniediate available Fund re for the ?? of the most extensive losscs. Thi 'i C'ompagsq liavc rilie(due the l ii iituns on o tile thlee ordiniary ...

Advertisements & Notices

... .gbt~iXJ ?? t'lgX PRINTLI) AND ?? Isfili ly III; TIM POPHIEINTX JOHIN BtRO WN, Is circulaitcd extendively through the ciuntie of Anglesca, Carnarron, iOenhigih, Ihlit, 1e- rioneth, Montgnomery, Radnor, Cardigair, 'Breckauck, Carimarthe-n, Penibrho, GlCamringan, Ailonniouth, Ches- ter, Staflord, Salop anl Lancaster. Aqents (ire extal~iished in the fidllevoiag J'ss. Alergelc-.Mr. Roberts ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TIIE Ao3tft) Z.ER,4tMhC.;1-5t~ PRINTED AND PnlenIlSIIro -IY THE o , J O IN B RIO NV IN, is circulated extensively throughli the unfies of Anglesca, Carnarvonl, Denhigb, Flillt, e rionetli, Montgnomery, RE doi, artldigpuij, Brc3knlck, Carmnarthen, 1Pcimbroke, (Glainorgan, 11fonionluti, C mes- tor, Staflfrd, Sallp and Lancaslter. Agenls are esta.1,iished ilt time f;;mq i/',omim. Abergcle--Mr. ...