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Leeds, Yorkshire, England

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Advertisements & Notices

... 11r JA !ES IUIIT'ON's DEITORIt ND IALEDlr9rS. A LLS. I Prattlli iho sioo(d iitjibtedl t10 N-M. J Ni iES A BUiTON, lateof Wlt gate-MltDr, in rlie Parifh of Wakefield, and COXInty of Yrk, Clotiricr, decetfrd, at the Time of his Death, rrr fequilled to pay heir refcli vc Debts to Mr. Samuel Shuttlesrnoth, o F;irJubzm GCae, near Wake- field, on of the Executors trmed in his will. L . Dalt all ...

Advertisements & Notices

... It ELIZABETHI-] OWCOCK'S 11ANK)RUPT'CJ'. THE Cormnmissioners in a Commission of Bankrurpt T awarded and lffuld agalill ELIZABETH LOWCOCjC, late of SlFiptOn, is the County of York, Innkeeper, intend to tmeet on Saturday the Tweztyg-fixh Day of Match Inflant at Eleven in the Foreneon, at the Houfe of Mr.. Fenjamin Brad- fbaw, the Black Horfc Inn, in Skipton oforefaid, in order to make a Dvidevid ...

Advertisements & Notices

... LEEDS ASSEMBLIPS,. rrvPI'ERE will he an ASSECM4BLY on Thukuday the 27th uInst.. . Danting to co~nmence at flalf-past FighIprrcisecy. IENTEEL LODGINGS to Lilf, at G No. 3. Commercial Sttect. Lecdss Feb,14, 1811 ...

Advertisements & Notices

... O 'TO nE SOLD BY AUCT[ONt, on Monday the 24th February Inst. at the Hour t of Six ?? in the Evening, at the White -lorse Tavern, in Leeds, subject to such Conditious as shall be then and there prol3inced, Very Valuable FREEHOLD ESTATE, Vpleasantry situated in Woodhouse-Lane, Leeds, t either iltogelher or in Lois; coicl;tinz 6f a s ubc tan- tial roomy Brick-built MANSION-IIOUSE, cont- pletely ...

Advertisements & Notices

... GEREWIL80N, _TI Dealer inl F,.rraic n and British Spirits, and Futailer of ?? WLIC5 &C. !s'ing'l SP~vel, lUddai..fldd, IrjmrS ?? grateful Acknowle'dgments ?? F'roorsi lie has iiei'eivtii, trout all ,iscr. iulo'ldmrfie~ld and its icirlity, wh~chi f ti ti ros ) vil Ia crlaittni~d, as it ever lvill be his ~,,~rrscerth rt~e (if ai privtie Quality and Flavour. msl~evs iiihite essential Ronsion for ...

Advertisements & Notices

... JOHN ARMITAGE P2AINTER, GLASS A4 D CHINA - A4N, II0R II*CAU5rA2i LBEOS I.tasalPetuly uibrsces' the present Oppo-tuniV of retsrnng his Sincede Thanks tv, his Fricilds ?? the public. for th~e numerous Fa-o i's they have csnfrrred upon him since hme comn alcic tihe ?? Busfins~ss andastoiom them;shat heis dteclining the same, and is SELLING OFF Lis STOCK{ at PRImE COS T. . I . Any Persobl wjllia ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 'REPOSIlTOMR, rpTHE Subecribere io the REP(SITORY A are ?? irifarmed, that it is the Ictentoon of the Anagers to Discontiajee tlst Frlstahl shmtnt on thc Fitst of May next.-L-ds, April 2d, 18 2 EDUCAT ION. MRS.. MASON, Widow of the rate Mr. MlJ T. H. MASON, bogs Leave to cxpress her most tincere and grateful Ackrios lfdgnients to her nunae- cous Friends, for the liberal Support with which she ...

Advertisements & Notices

... By the KING'S LE FTERS PATEN r. ACCOMMODATIN\G TodT TW~h4Y'S, Capable of being ?? or contracted at Pleasure, SOLD br SA'UUEL TINKER, - Rri~gote, Leed.. . : rt.N\IUFL Tl~' l KS.U, goldlsnai'ti, Jewl-ler, and etautr, No- f, Briggate, Lceds, feulang linlzsnif sate'el at allr patc.~ 1arooure, takces .bis h~O . E li ?? of In - 'jrnriollj Ii' tgendq anti the-Poijic, V|~ ht~ Ie lia so: Hn d a. fjilid ...

Advertisements & Notices

... e DR. MILNE's BOTANICAL DICTIONARY. , This Day is pslblished, in One large Volume, Svo. embellished witll Twrenty-five news Plates, accurate- e ly 'ran fionn Nature, by Edwards, anti engraved by Sanson, price I. Is. Boards, or 1/. 15s. withl the Platesbeautifully coloured: d ,XBOT.A2Nl1CAL DICTIONARY; or ELE. d A NIErTS of SYSTEMIATIC and PlilLosopiictAL n B oSANV, eA By COLIN MIILNE, L. L D ...

Advertisements & Notices

... - LTZrMS ASSEMIMIIT-. HE ANNUA I, SUBSCRIP T I0N' fr tile T SEASON, being ELEVEN NiGnjrs,.,,s. Ad nissont fer Single ANighlt Ladire 5. Gahttitmc reefidng within Six 7s. Saraegter 5S. The next Affembly will be on the 4.tth of Nor. nrft. Dar.cirg t3 commeact at the ifu.1 Hosr. ]IO PARlNTS. IR. ATMINSON, SUReGEO.S, Leeds, is ii IJu- /tmediate Want rf AN APPRENTICE . If'vetts a Situatioa, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... e0d ELIZABETH BARBER, ed - Mlie'adD's-ikr Fth JrMlliner and Dzesi-ifke7; Briggate, Leeds, ,at ENS II3LE of the many IFavors conferred on her by es LJihc Ladie, of Leeds and its Vicinity, er.bracnes with eiesasofe awietler Opportunity of rerurning them her mast ) gralt.ful Acknosweiigerncts for their past Sfpirit ; ard n ?? Leave to infiorm them, she is on ?? from Lot,- e, don, with an llegant ...