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Oxford, Oxfordshire, England

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Advertisements & Notices

... O be LTT, read$ furnihed-A HOUSE *n o~rd fit for the Reception of afmall genteel ~EnqUire at the PrintiLzg Office, High Street. ~ TO BE LE;TT, HE POOR and POOR-HOUSE of the pa ri'n of WEST WycoMB, Bucks, for one Year -the O5t of arch next, under iuch Terms and fren thes as bhall be praduced at a Veltry or Meeting to c endt for that Pirpofe at the George Inn, in Weflt b on Mondy the 3d of March ...

Advertisements & Notices

... T ?? .SARAHlCLAF4-ad'd WlNIFRED-¢LARE0'' ii vAT ,~ix ilOR-CE -I3xisJg'UQKO~m dfcin'ed, Burinefs in avourof' Qi *1 Mr. iOJRN STEVENSj of the- lhi`L I NN d . 'B5u 6R T nO RD,'ake 'thiS O'portunity uf returniar'ther fanctere - 'Thianks to the -Nobility arid Geitry'vho'have honbtired - them with--th-&r' up orrX 'and big 'io 'recotn'rnend Mlt ,3 Srivz , ' ' ality ?? Public _ may 'relV on. ' ...

Advertisements & Notices

... OXFORD RACES, 1so0, XAJILL be holden on the z6th, z7th, and /VY -ath of AtiiST. -Particolars in due Time. Sir DfGBY MACKW.ORTH, bart. Stwc d JAMES- ROOKE, This Day is paulAed, Shilling and Sixpene, OR-AIO CREWIANA- IN THEATRO SHELDONJANO OXON. - H5A0TA - VIE KAL. JULII MDCCC. A GULIELMO CROWE, LL. B. E COLL. NOV. ,PUBLIC., UNIV.. ORATORE. Oxonli Typia Acadericie, impenfis 1. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ?? Zeq/fi'holMd H on/'es, and, !2ardezs,: H-i LEASEHO3,D AM4ADQW GkOUN9DS.: 0 be SEOTJMD:b-A CTION. BC JLT\ By,, :Mr,'PA'b'A-':Mg S -:i On Thurfday the iath Day, -itoo, at the It Star Inn, ii the City of OxfSrd, at Th're'o'Cldck in the Afternon, in thelowilftn Lots, OGier of theeEtecu- tors of the late EDwao DTAW`X-it Efq; deceafed' ?? ?? FREE*IO IWELLIN.G HOUSE and ea GARDEN, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... I Correquence of an: Application. *rom e 1 veral of the Nobilty, Gensry .Clergy, Fr e sodees, and of the County of Buckigbasn, requefting me to ovene a Meeting of the Cesntyj o confider of an MrefssoHis Majefty, on '5 late ProvidentirI Efcape; do hereby appoint fch Meeting to beheld .at the- own 1, in Bnckinghamtr 'on S~turdaY the 3n1Ft Iayf aMa- aaan't, at Elev~li ?? ip the Forenoon', the ...

Advertisements & Notices

... G!td.b E'STZ RSRIRE. TO XR-EPERS-1F, SHEEP. SO 8LD by;AUJCTIQN, ;yR. ,,PA RRy, On Tuefday- next thns n.d of July, ].80q, at Mr. Thomas Bryan's, d~f B~tskd1 :xtar-Morto, in 4;e Marlh, -in the -County of Glouceir,.-4hb~ut Fort- xyell..bred RAMS, in feparate Lots'. : ?? - ' ' ' The abltve.Sbewhaveiseets feteded with the gre-atsct Care and Atteittn 'fron the 'beit 'Stocks inafhe Counties of ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ord7. and ?? dt1QnlBE iS eb~iy j4,6 Th ts Meeting of ti t fhe ':ralt@z - ythe .rrvvT 1:itpia Roidb. wilt Ibe g~tejn tthe~R'cd.Lioh Inn, s'tanre, uA tMonday. the 3th or;t E1~vtn & in the Forenotin, %whens jt i~ti~t~n~eisi t;7X~ps0vI Trulica in the Romi oj hofe Ieonorare d o h;nt4. to ects and oi ot4e_ IHecial IW~sX.. ?? 3HN HIVLL1Jg, Clerk. f aae$ eSth~shFe2tr.7, z oz% ?? to P U C.H ...

Advertisements & Notices

... -VNISO 'FEAST POSTPONED. B URFORD Annual VENISON VEAST' IJ will be held at the Town Hall, Burford, on TuE s- DAY the :Sth Day of Julf, eSor, with an additional Back as ufual. Din er will be on the Table at Two ?? 5 and a Ball in the Evening at the King's Arms. GENTLEZMN's Tickets 3s.-LADIEs, 2s. Burford, 7ay , 1801.o; 7o the Nobiliy, and ¶Travetlers in general. 'tT E whofe Nanies are hereunto ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 0XI'ORDspIuE Ml~htITIA. N OTICE is hifeby given, Ti at a General Meeting of the Deputy L'eenanes of this County will be holden, by AiJotlrnmenr, n Saturday next the z8th of February Irfant, at the Houfe of Elizabeth Wentworth, called the Star Inn, jn'Oaford, ?? ?? at Noon. W. E. .Q'AUNTON, Feb. zo, t8o0. Clerk of the 6eneraL Meetings. TOLLS TO B 'LETT. N OTICE iS herebY giFn, ThA i he Tolls 1 ...

Advertisements & Notices

... I- D echfP'- and ?? turnxpiket - oTOTICI iS hereby givei; l'hat a Meetinlg ot the Ura~ee of thefa Turnpikes s~vill be held, sn to Adjourflflent, at the White Hart Inn, in Beci- -? , doi Wednei~a3' the 2Irh of May next, at Eleven tlrc in th e ForenooiI, at xchich Meeting thc T ruftees bearrwad ?? up 15 Inteteft.the turthet Sum of jcoi. SJcarity ot the Tu>lls or .the faid Road, of any P'erlon ...

Advertisements & Notices

... JOHN PRICKETT3 Son of the late Mrs. J MARY PRICIETrT, of the Litchfield Arms Inn, in Enftone, in the County of Oxford, begs Leave to return his moft grateful Thanks to the Friends of his late Mother for their kind Favours and Support, and begs Leave to in- form them, that he means to continue the Bufsnefs on his own Account, and humbly hopes for their future Patronage and Support, which he ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 1' PIitt NI X .S R 1~f~ OEFFCfl,| Ltoizha reiStreet, ' L 0 N D 0 N. T H E firm Suppirt which the PT`H Nix T OFFICZ continues to receive from its numerous Friends (notwithiRanding every Effort of Competition) demands the Thanks of the Direftors. The Mode of infuring FAitMINO STOCK, pra&ifed by this Office, has been and will be found much better fuited to the Protection of that Kind of Property ...