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South West, England

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Advertisements & Notices

... WANTED, a feady MAN, who under- V ftnds ui garden, and caa work occalionally in the farming way, as there is not full occupation in the garden, being a fmall one, within three mites of Exei ete. A rwarnrd mabs would he preferred: he-can have immrnediate poteffion of a oottge, with a garden at- tached to it. Ne perfon need apply that cannot brinD an undeniable charaifer forhonefty and fobriety ...

Advertisements & Notices

... sourn o. DiFVON;l l1T.ANTED to n ENTr FURNISHED, for a W t crm,,in the. tiuth ol Devon. a contfortable I iUSI. for a fnmii talanilN, withl fronm 100 to i5, acres of land, in ia pleafailt &ealtlry fitU;atioi, anld a good eimhbourhooj. A mianor rt Ii-ftccked ;ith ganie., xihere -thce is good cock f(tocotiog, :adl 1i(hiihg, %o71d be dirable with the houle. ?? I ettersv~ft X -pnaidil, 6Ad 'edto ...

Advertisements & Notices

... PONIES for SA . 10 be SOLD, two hai.d;ure PONIES, T one chcdfiut colour, twclvua hahids and lti highI, full nmaftcr of 12 flone; the other MlaCk, maftcr (Jf 10 flone, a fait trotter, well worth the atte'ntion ot any ladv or gentleman in want of che above. }'air trial allowed, to be k-n in .$t. Paul's-flrct, op1pofh tcPazictaf, barge Exet Cdr. ia) 0C hit a; Wa rt ri la rit Ict n , til Sif lit) ...

Advertisements & Notices

... The GRAND STATF,- LOTTERY Begins drawing the 8th of XITAICIT, 1808. fICKETS. and SHIARES' are rouv on SALE .TLiat the office of T R E ?? lMA N and S O N, _ 11:ki t-S'lt&ET, EXLTV, gll On the SAkyip TErMS as in LosNnoN. Alfo TICKETS antd SHARES in .thveCITY LOTTERY, which will 'g drawn at, gaildhall in April 1808. - [1(7 WI'T HYCO IBE{ RAWLfIGII, ncati Exto(,.r. 3 -TIE PREMISES advertifed for ...


... ave proved their I debts under a commitlion of bankrupt, awarded and ffilied forth a.ainft Gsonnrr SiiARLAND, late of Sout trnoltOn, in the county of Devon, moncy+fcrive tier, are dclired to nieet the aflignees of the eftee and efft:ts of the faidl bankrupt, on Thurfday the ninth dav of Januanv next, at eleven o'clock in the forenoon, at the geotec inn, in Soutinmolton aforefaid, to ?? I to. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... AN AWAY, on Monday Night, the 0oth inflant, fintrm his rnafter, W0i,'lan Mann, ot thc pa- nrif of Bifhopfleignton, SAMUEL COOK, his parifh ap. prentice, aged 18, about 5 feet 7 inches high, dark hair; tvoie and carried offa dark coat with yellow buttons, fcarlet cloth waiftcoat, white plufh breeches, Ihort (luck jacket, two li!,ht waiftcoats, a pair of corduroy breedies, with fe - Neral other ...

Advertisements & Notices

... AN,~TED, t LabsoIring, MAN Ind his WA lT , ^ ?? tta rke eare of a garden nll a ft\w aeret Of land( ; the ?? to underitand wvafhitig. !;b~tr !d wyisxigea w Pe givelI, ald ?? Will be provited with a houfeaitd other cnvenle ie5h. In- arir-, i ?? ?? to the printer. [1537 C:1111,1CII-YARD, E XFTgft, JiUIV 6, 18()8. Md MISS MOCORE xrefpe&fullv inform ?? ieti tlltctc;id awl the ptiblic, that their ...

Advertisements & Notices

... EtxETER.Tufanet -OR SALE by atliaion, on IIIdynet the 31 of I)eceirbet, and ?? day, at MNs. L the 3, ' e eteel HOUSE- lIOLD GOODs iind FUVIVNTURtrK cornprirl*g a nea~t ?? jilli~dg-roofn1 parlour, bd-foam, and ktcben tetjil ; c at el Oeven o'cl o balo tobcgill day IATANED a CHILD's MAID. A Ileady rcipec-kablu woman, who has been accuiturned to Voting children ; and a FOOTMAN, who ...

Advertisements & Notices

... FREEr GRAW\NIAR SCIMT()l,, c ill1)llIGst. h T'I'IC Lis b ereby given, t!tit te'lrrUS'ES i 1 ?? SCI jUL, W1 I ' o an lECION t o:f a Ni ?? IR, un Januarvy rth, t~il2. hy Cl efen o'clock in tile forenoon, at tile :ellool houfc, iu Clhudleigh, afore- I i ;1(1. h. T lc falary is i3t) a year, togethcr with the fehool houfe ~tthIl tg:irilrcis. *vlitbcoef Such put Ions -.ns vin, t bceorric dir;lites ...

Advertisements & Notices

... To be'hadofTR3WIMAN and SON, Ex ?? This Dlay is pttlifhed, Prict One Shilling, SERMON, preached before ths LoiDs, A Spiritual and Temporal, i tiie Abbey-Church, Weft- rnnifle(r, ou.Wedniefday, 'ebruary 25, 1807, being the day appiointed for -,r~enicral 5laft. B: JOHN LODtD.J13SHOP OF. FXETER. L.odol* Printei for T. BAket, Pall-mall, .by William Bulirer and Co: Cleveland-row, St, Jarsmes's; ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 117 ANTED, in an attorrney's office, 'a LAD, V V of tbyaL 18 veari of age, who can write a good hatnd, antj has been ufed to engroffir.g. For particulars, ap;apiy tro the prin1tcrs. * 111 'll 1). -WAANTS a PLACE as HIND, a YOUNG MAA.N, agdc(l 27y ?? ; calpabl1 ot' the inaiagcnicnt of a sntlenmaal's farm, can work well in all tilhe ?? iraliches ol hutlbandldr, garening, arc. and can produce i ...

Advertisements & Notices

... To the GOVE;RNORtS of the DEVON' and EXETER HOSPITAL. My Lordk, and Cmntlcmcn, A VACANCY being announced for an A Apo.l~Iwecary to the abovc hiufpital, bv the refign- at;.n ot Mr. lladf. rd, I beg leave to fi!icnr your votes t' Iuccecd him. Should I be fio fornitiate as to be pliced in that fitu;tion, it fhall be my fludy, and my utinwit abilities 1hall be exerted to ;li-'harge the duties of f ...