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Derby Mercury


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Derby Mercury

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... - Pt ;DE RBY, ZFednesday, Amugust3. -. :e te-, IUMARRIED. a Yfedyfe'pnight-I at 'q.ueenrlquare chapel, BPatb, c TSeatenatJ*, of iowii'hall, 60. C] xtlto Alils Browne, youngeft daughter ?? - n.Colonel Brewne; 2d toh fsohd latNlof'Altamolit;. tr .youiag ladyju11ty admired for thcelegatice of her peru .C Xweii as hergeeoamplifliments -, Afe* day1Thee1 atBEIewell, irthiicounty, Mr. ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... DERB17i Jf~edhesdayl Aunc '20. ' bI~~ARRIED. On Monday te'niliiht at Radcfife-oii-Trent, lyi'tle tFev. Ialr. Allten, Mrl. `ielfkiln If -NOttilt~igti'i, -to Alit's r. 't'aylor, elsdelt da~ughter of Iothis Tayslor, E~iu. of 'the former place. On Taefday fe'mtight, by 1te Rev. John Durhanti, M. Wito'. z4tIfn, to Dliis Keene, both of' iansfield. On 'uet'day le'ninigltt, at Brauinfion, ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... n W6 3arch Q6. P li06t, at ?? J i d Iivu, ile : 5 ollct. ACUI twi; l;, of a run,n ?? - :. lARfIED. . A few days iitner, iit Heiii} ir Jul,11 1 rrtor,, Lfq. Cap- Bt * itol il. thir. Eatt i3erbylhire Battalion of Volanteers, to h, MrtY Mii rd, 'only daughmr, of 5lr Milws;rd, of Hil thi - o 1 o i ltmearCodihol, iti bitiiouuty.-. - butrrdrsy lirt, Mr. Natlraniel Horfeley, jttn. plnmber Myr ard ...

DERBY, J1ednesdqy, A

... ugust 14. .IIIARRIED. Oa Tuelday fe'nnight, at Church Sterndale, in this county, te Rell. Richard Bentley, vicar of Leek, Sta1- e fordthire, to ui'ls Lomas, daughter ol Mr. Lomas, of I Ulutton, near BuxtonI Lately, at Doucalter, the Rev. Peter Lowe, of Oxton, t Nottinghamulhire, to 1116 Ellci Pyrndar, fecond daughter o1 tile ilev. Reginald 'yndidr, of Hadfor-1{oufe, Yor- S cetterlhire, and ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... On iatnrday, b M'ili4,, Mr. ol te 1.iit ilo n Sir W lliafi Seott, to th& ?? Sigi. Ua 'silueny se'ntlai t at St. (urge's Hatirtee-sR!iaet ('napt. F'el'at-es. ?? to Miisq. JIenyvit. tildt'st ?? a thle late -U. Btnyeti; iis pIi'. for Pi rtororrh.j A ilidte.6th'illstane, MI. -ai~sl bDojinsoi. Wunvlltt-tI of iMtelbixete, in * AIIry, 'to Miss Melville, .oIf rhe _htier - Yestei-dayat St.t ?? chuls, ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... The G rand Dochess .3Alep bIt(I) ia. consort of the Grand 'Dou4e N;id It1laf o1 P1ibia, Val stfi;r deliverqd of a WI,,* on tJC 29th, Alillrd ein lie County of Stalford, LadĀ¢y Harriet Deat, .t Fe ?? G. straii, S.itgiYoridslire., p W dneadnp last, the lady ol L. .tiffiord, I uq. ol a In Oil bIQIlla(I i ?nlJIi)L;th Ludy of wtu. Crosg, Esq. oftile I9 nofr prusioii, ot a ;i;,I and heir. ',llj4ilty, ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... fll..T E-.r On Sunday the 18th inst. at Thulston Grange, in this county, the lady of William Brown Darwin, Esq. of a daughter. MARRZAGES. .71ARRIAGĀ£ IeX HIGH LIFE.-.On Saturday evening, at a tiuarter-past eight o'clock, Lord Francis Conyngitan led to the llymeneal Altar Lady Jane Phaget, daughter of the Marquis of Aaglesca. The ceremony was performed at Argyll House, in l'ark-lane, by the Hlon ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... WARRIAGflS. T'ireonreioe. at St. Peter's Church, in this town, by the Rev. ?? .iupson, A. -M. Mr. Joseph Bridgett, to Mlary, only 6v,':oz of the late John Gregson, Esq. of Manchester. ?? -,r Friends Meeting-house, on Thursday last, Samuel 10 ln. [s'ier, of this place, to A. M. Stansfield, daughter of J, r-seldM 3.D. of Woodhouse, near Sheffield. 0, Aee?laev se'nniglht, at 3Marston-upon-Dove, ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... On, the loth instant, at St. Michael's Church, by the Rev. Up Frederick Adolphus, eldest son of Francis Le Mann, .of aontague Street, Portman' Square, London, to Harriet, 72ngt daughter of Thomas-Haden, Esq. of this town. Oa the 28th ilt, at D~,veriage, inf ths on~ yteR SIAM Bentia, son of r. Benjamin e ob pstones, *106rdshire, to Arn, daughter of the Inte rr. Ths. Parker, of 5155 'flrter ...

33=~TUS. 1 h r a la

... t th e i , 7 , I j iflsodaV last, the lady of Jedediah Strutt, Esq. of a son. 0t'e0 2d ijestant, in the Close, in the City of Lichfield, the t Oll Jeh 1ott, Esq. of a son. XAXZL ACES. t at All Saints Church, by the Rev. C. S. Hope, t James Harwood, ironmoonger, to Sarah, second daughter of r Mr. William Collumbell, both of this place. f 6n the I.)rh irtn, a e1 instant, Capt. Charles Hope, R.N. ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... n 3Z1L52S. M1 On the 29tb ult. the Lady of the Rev. M;r. Boothby, of a fr( e daughter. At Ashby-de-lst-Zouch, the Lady of II. C. Martin, Esq. of a pe son in On Tuesday, at St. Werburgh's Church, by the Rev. Mr. to e yakefield, Air. J. Saint, joiner, to Miss Elizabeth Willson, th. youngest daughter of Mr. Willson, both of this town. art On Saturday se'nnight, at Lapford, Devon, Thos. Bailey, ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... , D at>5=lis. - t' 6nbthe 18th instant, at Newton Solney, in this county, c ?? of Edward Thornewill Esq. of asot. .-,On the IO6th insi., ?? nlt the lady of Captain Debb, f of the IoyarlEngineers, ofi a daughter. , , -l On Wednesday, the 13th instant, at Dunstop Hall, near e Chesterfield, the Lady of F. Cruso, Esq. of Leek, of a son, a still-born. On Sunday the 10th instant, at Lamcote, ...