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... l:;. - I 7 Ff- : ! ~ ?? ?? sA X zAfLBoRousH STREat.-YeiteIday. ft case of soQ t utmp0. laue,,t.o. the more sespectabie part of s whichdev~,p~da, tost scalufalous syie' te' -o~f rad,: cante on to be hieardtat hi olliec. 1r. Siowei Secretary- of an.z iesiltution calald The Strang eC `ririd SoeTi, attended, and Lststed uta he had received a communwation from ,art Fitzpiliian (thore isvt!t ...


... tamiM. CMY. Et;L FSQ V. AL-BR£E, ESQ. w L AN-sritit, ARnit 5. -lMr. Searlett opened she case to ?? Jury. attd afterwards proceeded to the examination of witneises. The first witnoss called proved the marriage of the partics at Liverpool, in October, 1808. John 13ontwlr, Eeq. then deposed to his acquaint- ance with the deiniant, who had married a Lady considerahly older then himnselt; \\ itness ...


... I FRAUDULEtE' BAN TIIUPT. Vickery, tile officea', arrived in London on Aron- day, with Mr. Hunwt,* formerly an eminent wine- merchant in the Cit). whom he has beto in pui- suit of abroad for about five months, hie having left England considerably in debt, fitst having con verted every thing ?? into money, and lie was afterwards made a bankrupt, and his deficien- cies were so very large, that ...


... I KJNGTGS BElVCJ-fS.truaDAr, APRL. 22. Mr. Pennei-atner applied to thie Court, on behalf of a Mr. Sergeant, wh o lives near Caher, in the County of Tipperary, for a ecndifioviil order for cri- iminal informations anoniwjt the Rev. John Wallaca and his two sons, Charles and John. The charging affidavit detailed a ntumber of circutsizances (.vhich it uight not be quite proper to publit1 befo:e ...


... I ' .'LOANDON POLI/CE'. FEB. 9. SALMON FISH RRIES IN THE NORTH, AND. LONDON FISHAMONGEPS. MANSION HousE.-A few days ago, two Gen-j tlemern, who hold shares in extensive fisheries in the North, cane to London for the purpose of claimingI the protection of the Chief 'Magistrate, in a' case wivich most seriously affects their property, and which 'also called 'for peremptory interference tor the ...


... ?? CHESTER ASSIZEbS, APRiL 15. CONSPIRACY. THZ' KING t. KEING AND ANOTHER. This was an indictment for a coaspiracy to poi- a.on. It was tried yesterday. The first count in the indictmentchargedthe defendants with a conspiracy to poison bis Majesty's subjects; the second witb distributing poison for the destructimn of butfle; the third count with a conspiracy to poison swine. The fourth, with a ...


... LA -I RBPORT. KING'S BENCHis,,unAy, Fse,1 5. It beiong generally knowa that in the case of the King. against O'Conliell anid otheirs,, an application would be made oii thlO part Of the traversers for permaission to, withdraw the demurrers to cer- tan'r Ounts in the indictment against them, the he-ll of the courts was at an eorly hour densely thronged. A number of Policemen were in attendance, ...


... ASSZF INWELLIGENCh -Roscomm-o;,, MAniCi 7. A , a_. . -I , - . ] .. ?? one orclock,. Ba.ron SclY~rs tatili his seat rin th}e crowsn court, when th's following grefd jury wsas sworn 0. D. J. Grace, foreman;a', Winiam R. Wills, Thomlnap, iNl. Naghten, William Lloyd, G. Lloyd, FitzstephiiFrench, Willhr- Talbot, l)enis-O'Conor, l1onouratla Gonville Ffretch, William Molloy, John Caulfield, William ...


... MANsiSox-HorsR.-An Irishman, who had been a soldier, hut who is now carrying on a respectable trade in the city, wae brought before the Lord Mayor, charged with having deserted his wife, and left her to seek a livelihood from the parish. It appeared from the wife's statement, that she ihad been mar- ried to the defendant upwards of 10 years, and that lie soon ben to shew that the most she ...


... 111i18 - CE PEIRPETRITED ~Y, THEI1I I uC~ OLW C AS ULFPOLLA RD. .,LI ,, Ir,, VPOTI cateolepo lard, SixturJay, May. 2?% 1831. :tbj bahd formed Do atnliespite conception of' iex etent to, Whc hua iehs been sucurifilled in Ien 'Ilie functionaries of the law have been the 0ltOle or f its mostsardOdncendtepi, Vf peC nII life have become the demootacal iinio- OorI0 pzic l IDTh soine fiecid must ...


... COURT OF KING'S BENCIL-Loei0oh, MoNDAy. I THEI lINO ti. WAXLEv AND 01tE£RS. In this case the rule nisi ibr a criminal information agt'nst Mlr. Wdkle#y,. the editor of tbe Lancet-, and hobertgentle nar l -beeni obtainwd by tbe President and Cocnoil of the; Rqyal College of Surgeon. foria rfqt in the hall of the Col eg. The' iue bas o'eeb' elarged till' next term. KING ?? BYER..AN'D ANOTnER. In ...


... HATTON GAqLuno.-ALLaGeD ATrrESPr AT BunuixG.-y,,. terday, a notorious fellow of the name of WVedderburn, a black forrrerlv a Meth .dist preacher, afterwards connected with be Cato-street gang, then a dealer if blasphemy, sedition, rid ?? scene books, and, finally, the keeper of several brotlels of the lowest d&scriptton, was brought to this office before A. S. i.n, Esq., the Magistrate, ...