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... IRANCE. LEGISL-ATIVE BODY, JAN.. 3. The Prefident read the following meffage TIM CONSULS OF THIE. REPUBLIC TO THE LEGISLATIVE BODY. I, Paris, Jan. 2, year X o of the French Republie. is Legiflators, The Governinent have refolved to withdraw the plans of law of the Civil Code, and the plan for re-citablilbisng the brand for ecwitlernned perfons. en It is with pain that they find thlemfelves ...

Published: Monday 11 January 1802
Newspaper: Morning Chronicle
County: London, England
Type: Article | Words: 751 | Page: Page 2 | Tags: News 


... LONDON.: MONDAT; 7,AXUSA2- xr. On Saturday we received Paris Journals to the 5th inclufive. In confequence of the bppofition which has been made to the Civil Code in the Tribunate, and the reje6tion of the firfE part by the Legiflative Body, the Government has withdrawn the whole, and in a man- ner that fhews a little ill humour. It is Fated that the Government fees that the time is not yet ...

Published: Monday 11 January 1802
Newspaper: Morning Chronicle
County: London, England
Type: Article | Words: 2295 | Page: Page 2, 3 | Tags: News 


... ?? JIOIiING: CIlRONlCLL. . LONDON: TUESD/n; yAVJR2' 1-2. The Trial of the Mutineers is expeded to terminate th is day. They are defended by Mr. Barry, a barriffer who was prefent, and afligned as their Counfcl by the Court. We hope that we fhiall be able to publifta the whole in to-morrow's Paper. The names of the perfons on trial for the Mutiny on board the 'Temeraire, in Bantry Day, are- ...

Published: Tuesday 12 January 1802
Newspaper: Morning Chronicle
County: London, England
Type: Article | Words: 1079 | Page: Page 2 | Tags: News 


... T tlj SDIT5a of Etje M.&OP, xix . Cil-&o ?? S! t, I 1laVC been greatly furprifed to h-ave obrrt rs Paper, as well as in oltikrs wickl 1 *orluicr o!: Af ferent Ptincilslvss, acCOuiltS of the manner, of tI, 7. iiands, tending at once to prcjudilc Foreion e fs rality of fentiment, and to pi ot ter,; ?? di j to vitit a country, renriarcd fr'a -s b) he ,. maintainied with 1ii.ttdid iit CC.:-S ?? ? ...

Published: Tuesday 12 January 1802
Newspaper: Morning Chronicle
County: London, England
Type: Article | Words: 1305 | Page: Page 2, 3 | Tags: News 


... JACKSON V. .LOZtDVISCOUNT MILSINGTOWN. Thebo i n; ; e mn~ -Ha; Al -. I X The P~aintiff is itn enirent Attorney, and brbugi t this action againft thre noble Defendant, eldeft fbn to the Earl of Portmore, to recover, damnages for the flt ?? of his wife. Jodgmenti was allowed to pafs by default; and on Saturday the Sheriff's inorucr f*at to afccrtain the damarnes. The caufe was ably conduced by ...

Published: Tuesday 12 January 1802
Newspaper: Morning Chronicle
County: London, England
Type: Article | Words: 1253 | Page: Page 3 | Tags: News 


... IFRANCE;. PARIS, i7 NIVOSE,:(J.AN 7;! That portion of the left SanIk Gf the Rhinie which comprehends the ?? States of \'VTeftphalia being at prefent wholly deftitute of placez of lltf.ngth ade- quate to their defence, the IFrench Government has refoived to fortify the little towns of Boierich, Rheinla berg, and Creveli'. The plan ofithele fortifications e 'lready completed, arid the buildijn ...

Published: Thursday 14 January 1802
Newspaper: Morning Chronicle
County: London, England
Type: Article | Words: 1015 | Page: Page 1, 2 | Tags: News 


... THE MORNING CHRONICLE0 LONDON: THURSDAY2; 7ANUAARr 4. JWe ?? received Paris Journals to the soth inclufive. On the 8th, in the morning, BONAPARTa fet off for Lyons. He is to be abfefit only ten or twelve' days. The papers contain little interefling. Mr. JACKSON has prefented his credentials as Minifler Ple. iiipotentiary at Paris. French Funds 54. Mr. SRHAW, the MCefenger, arrived with ...

Published: Thursday 14 January 1802
Newspaper: Morning Chronicle
County: London, England
Type: Article | Words: 374 | Page: Page 2 | Tags: News 

[ill] of the UNITED STATES

... ltwlvu'rnL~Tj-&7-oJe- v~7-ifiP -nATZE. PAESIDENT's. MESSAGE. The following Meffage was delivered by Mr. Lewis, the Prefident's Secretary, to the Speaker of the Houfe, and read by the Clerk: SIR, December 8, ISo'. The circumftances under which we find ourfelves at this place, rendering inconvenient the mode heretofore pradlifed, of making byperfonal addrefs the firft ?? between the Ucjifla- ...

Published: Thursday 14 January 1802
Newspaper: Morning Chronicle
County: London, England
Type: Article | Words: 3517 | Page: Page 2 | Tags: News 


... I IjjP.EjRIAL P.4RLIZMENT OF GREAT BRITAIN A 1ND IRELAND. HOUSE OF LORDS, JANYARY I4.l The HIiufe aflemblhed between three and four, but didr not fit above tell minutes after p rayers. -eif a .A Petition of Debtors ?? Gaol, playing rciif, was pref'ented and read, and ordered to lie onl thtiTablc. i The fecond reading of Mr. Woodcock's Divorce Bill, which ?? for thle Ift of February, was Pot ...

Published: Friday 15 January 1802
Newspaper: Morning Chronicle
County: London, England
Type: Article | Words: 1058 | Page: Page 2 | Tags: News 


... LETTER 1f11. Parks, ,0, °o- i Wrote you lafi from Bruffels, dated 3'Oth Deceme ber, on which day I fet out for Pais. The roads from the lattet city to Valenciennes art very bad,.owing to the artillery, &c. for the Duke of York's army, when it befieged Valenciennes, which entirely deftroyed the roads. This once beautiful city fill remains a dread-, ful memento of the havock committed by the ...

Published: Friday 15 January 1802
Newspaper: Morning Chronicle
County: London, England
Type: Article | Words: 1288 | Page: Page 3 | Tags: News 


... LONDON: FRIDA2, YANUARr xS. Yefterday the Houfe of Commons met purfuant to their laft adjournment. Again another, but a fhort ad- journment, to Tuefday next, has taken pla:e. Mr. AD- DINGTou faid, in moving this, that he had been in ex- peaation of being able to make fome important comnmu- nication to the Houfe; and he faid that he fhould be much difappointed if, by Tuefday next, he fhould not ...

Published: Friday 15 January 1802
Newspaper: Morning Chronicle
County: London, England
Type: Article | Words: 1257 | Page: Page 2 | Tags: News 


... PROCEEDINGS OF THE FRENCH GOV ERNMENT. ' ArmumentfromBrest. (ContInued from page 2 t.) That no armament whatever wag neces sary to reduce Toussaint to obedience is clear from the following facts. Not many months ago, a M. de Iz Caze was sent out to St Dol mingo by the French government, and wad by Toussaint, immediately installed as cover- nor of the Spanish part of the island, an ofic to ...