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London, England

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To the Editor of the MORNING CHRONICLE

... 2-o t!/e .iEditor a ie kM0?VJI NG CIRONL - FUMtIGT 'AION. Every mat! of rciedce nuft iejuieE that tole -difcovcryof Dr. CARM5CHAEL SAsITrH has been re warded in a manfier {uitable tb the dignittv Qf Pl I Mnent; and I hope ?? ingcniotts ?? of ti, mode of ekpelling corrvptlion and cornmpm,.- c.:ยข rrom fbips and houfes will !make a f'p:eediy trial of its he,2cacy on a large building which J. beg ...

Published: Thursday 01 July 1802
Newspaper: Morning Chronicle
County: London, England
Type: Article | Words: 658 | Page: Page 2 | Tags: News 


... THI MORNING CHRONICLE. I I LONDON: THuRsDA2', .7Vrr. n V Ycfferday and the daybefore nota poft-horfe wns tobe had on all the roads from London, as they had been en- gaged for the candidates and their agents going dowvn withcthe wiits for theireleciions. It was thC want of horfeS that detained the aeronauts Garnerin and Capt. Sowden fvecial hours at Romford. The elec- tions will therefore ...

Published: Thursday 01 July 1802
Newspaper: Morning Chronicle
County: London, England
Type: Article | Words: 715 | Page: Page 2 | Tags: News 


... -a G-ARAItRINP l ET U I il. M; dar~terin a Cd captain S6;irde narrived in town &om Clcheliter yeflerday niiorning at three o'clock. M. darberin has favoured us with the following par- ticulars of his journey:- M. Garncrin feels that he owes to the public, and to 66 intereft expreffed by the great number of perfons ;who went yefterday to tbe Pantheon to fec his baloon, an accourt of his acrial ...

Published: Thursday 01 July 1802
Newspaper: Morning Chronicle
County: London, England
Type: Article | Words: 1194 | Page: Page 3 | Tags: News 


... FRANNCEL. PARIS, 7 70ESSiMOR, JUNE 26. DOCCRLE OF TilEl: 2011' . The Confids of the Rcpublic decree, Art. I. There flall he givcn flaniavds to all thtlem 1i-brigades of light infantry. 11. A deputatiunt frato caeh deni brigade of light hifantry, compofed of the Cie Of Brigatde, tile Firit Captainl, the Firft LieuLtenant, thc lirft Sub-.ieuteuiant, a Setjealnt-Majur, a ?? jeamt, fiur Corporals, ...

Published: Friday 02 July 1802
Newspaper: Morning Chronicle
County: London, England
Type: Article | Words: 662 | Page: Page 2 | Tags: News 


... 27ES MORNINGrs-cHXOJN1CLcEX LONDON, . .RIDA~; Z, '6Lr 2 We yeferday received the Par s Jotlrnale to the 2,ti - iL Li13 ve. Preparations tre mnakinjg for- C, eb2atiog th r4,th of July. A Deputatiorni fi oat a;l the Dcmij.Bi *Tades is to attend, for the ?? t, receiving the co loturs which are then to be dillributed for eath. Pol ticians affea to fee in it t deeper oh , *n preqara.ioa for the ...

Published: Friday 02 July 1802
Newspaper: Morning Chronicle
County: London, England
Type: Article | Words: 2369 | Page: Page 2, 3 | Tags: News 


... THE CENtRAL BLIECT1ION . I 1. ; . I ! ?? SOUTIAWARKMEETING. ' . Yeferday, at eleven o'clock, purfuant to public g notice, a General meeting. of the Electors of South-: a wark affiembled at the Town Hall, JOHN'TowNSSND, Efq. Deputy Bailif, in the Chair. After the Chairman had opened the burinefs ?? Meeting, by Lhti,.g, tlat tile Kin,;!s W-fTit ll tving been received to elec9 two Burg.eis to ...

Published: Saturday 03 July 1802
Newspaper: Morning Chronicle
County: London, England
Type: Article | Words: 3803 | Page: Page 2, 3 | Tags: News 


... - I., - I - -, ? . I THE B.4LOON. We fare extremely ~cencerned to if ate that fome perfon orperfons were bafe enough to cut and da. mage M. Garnerins' baloon. (with' which he was to have ?? on Saturday) in feveral places on Thurf- day evening, at the time it was exhibiting in the fian- theon, and it was only by the great exertions of a nuni- ber of perfons fitting up all Friday night that it ...

Published: Monday 05 July 1802
Newspaper: Morning Chronicle
County: London, England
Type: Article | Words: 1471 | Page: Page 3 | Tags: News 


... F1RANCE. ACTS OF THE GOVERNMENT. 6TH MESSIDOR, (JUNE 75.) The Confuls of the Republic, on the. report of the Minifter of the Interior, made the following decree: Art'; I. There fhall be eftablifhed ancrtrepo for forcign mcr charidize in the port ofl arfeilles. 11. T'fl~e entrepot lihall be for all kinds of gosds and articice, the entry of which is or Iball be prohibited, as well as for thofe ...

Published: Monday 05 July 1802
Newspaper: Morning Chronicle
County: London, England
Type: Article | Words: 905 | Page: Page 2 | Tags: News 


... TIHE AORA-TIG I-HRONICL'.E LONDON: MlO NvD iY, :7L'7' s. \Ve yeflerday recceivcd Patris Journals to thle ift The Oflicial Journatl continues EQ publjfh the addreIji5 from the diffelent dpa;trnicts, which are all equall' favourable, indeed uniinimous, or tho Confi}flip durina life. Not ia fliadow of oppolition apf*ears. Tlue French Government has publiffied a decree in the Aluieur, by which a ...

Published: Monday 05 July 1802
Newspaper: Morning Chronicle
County: London, England
Type: Article | Words: 1392 | Page: Page 2, 3 | Tags: News 


... h i AI4Zao el- . A onflderaale degree ofdiftiprobation laving been ire expreffed by the multitude on Saturday, at M. Garne- rin not afoending, he, on Sunday publicly advertifkd that i~h lie would afcend yeflerday alth(tui1h the weather fliould Csnot prove favourable, although it n'ight be impoffible to ig attempt the deent by the parlchtite. It was like-. ?? advertifed that Cantain Sowden ...

Published: Tuesday 06 July 1802
Newspaper: Morning Chronicle
County: London, England
Type: Article | Words: 1576 | Page: Page 3 | Tags: News 


... LONDON: TUrSSD.r, 7k22 6. Admiral Lord KErTH arrivcd at Saint Helen's on Saturday evening in the Foudroyant, of 8o guns, Cap- tain SEARaLE. She failed from Gibraltar on the 20th of June, at which time his Roval Highnefs the Duke of KENT, and th, c arrifon, were in good health ;there was a free communication between the Engifhb and Spanifh officers; and mutual compliments and civili- ties ivere ...

Published: Tuesday 06 July 1802
Newspaper: Morning Chronicle
County: London, England
Type: Article | Words: 603 | Page: Page 2 | Tags: News 


... COMMON I&IOiLL, 1 7u xr 5. This w-vs the day appointed for receiving the report of the Committce nominated in March laff, to ufe evcry exertion for the RepeaI of the Income-Tax, and for confidering the qualifications for Members to repre- fent the City in the cifuing Parliament. Mr. TFRAVERs opened theiNfecting, by calling the attention of the Livery to the manner in' which the Committee.. had ...

Published: Tuesday 06 July 1802
Newspaper: Morning Chronicle
County: London, England
Type: Article | Words: 4528 | Page: Page 2, 3 | Tags: News