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London, England

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... FRA4NCER. (FsorM THE OreICijLO.GAXiTTE or ST. DOMINGO.) PRO CLAMATION. 'TU GENERAL !N CEiEZ TO T11B IIUABITAINTS OF ST. DOMINGO. Head-qnartera at the Cape, June iI. Citizens-Toulaint eonfpired; you will perceive it by a letter fubjoined, addrcffed to Citiien Fontaine. I did not chufe to compromire the tranquillity rf: the Colon1y. I ordered him to bearrefted and embarked, and I ha-te fent'hiin ...

Published: Monday 02 August 1802
Newspaper: Morning Chronicle
County: London, England
Type: Article | Words: 780 | Page: Page 2 | Tags: News 


... TIHE MOANIVNG CHRONICLE. LONDON: . MO.Ar AUGUST 2. Since our laft we have received Paris Journals of the .2ph ult. lhe ?? contains a variety of extrac6s from the Gfhicial Gazette of St. Domingo, a ?? which has lately been ellabliflied by I.ECLrt'c in that Colony. The only one of thefe which is particularly intcrelting, is a Proclarmation from the Frcnch CG eneral with refpe&t to the arreft ...

Published: Monday 02 August 1802
Newspaper: Morning Chronicle
County: London, England
Type: Article | Words: 1465 | Page: Page 2 | Tags: News 


... 1B3 APGT b V, JtIN 3i, 'tthe prefe,.tc of thb Prince of Walts at thl Races, has, as ufial, diawn hither a very great concourfe of company, though ihet e are not l'6 ?? of the hobility e as we lhave feer, du-intp fonme former fnafons. The Races began ye('lerday, whllich ?? fome ex- I cellent fport ; and there als ias dtep ?? in the Booth as we ever remember. The fport of this forenoon was not ...

Published: Monday 02 August 1802
Newspaper: Morning Chronicle
County: London, England
Type: Article | Words: 1430 | Page: Page 3 | Tags: News 


... 4lbet zDb./C)R f 'e-tbR C RN7 CI 6NdICLa of ~ vflIDDUESEX 1iLEC'ION. ity SiR jl Reading fuime of the nuinmerois hand bills a few days fince refpefiing the political eharafler and COundU'let 0 h lone ofthe Candidates, I was inuch firuck with the (hrni. its larity of the fentiments attributed to that Candidate In and tino e recorded of a perion of the fame hame who 's lfved in the reign, of ...

Published: Monday 02 August 1802
Newspaper: Morning Chronicle
County: London, England
Type: Article | Words: 2189 | Page: Page 3 | Tags: News 


... PARi8, JULY l.7; lam convinced thati fince the revolution, fiterd; hire has declined in France, for there ate few good. writers ; and the department of the Belles Lettres is that for which little can be done when the favourable time and circumufances are wanting. In the Arts and Set- ences there has, I believe, been no falling off, at leaft in the latter. Indeed I am inclined to think that ...

Published: Tuesday 03 August 1802
Newspaper: Morning Chronicle
County: London, England
Type: Article | Words: 2369 | Page: Page 2 | Tags: News 


... 71HE, MORNING CHRONICLE. LONDON: TUESDAT', AUGUST 3. In another part of our paper will be found a letter from Gibraltar, on the fubjc& of the late capture of three of our velels by the Algerine Corfkirs.! We knew,' through the m edium of the French papeis, that our Qonful at Algiers had made a fpirited remonftrance on this proceeding, and threatened hoftilities, unlefs the bufinefs was ...

Published: Tuesday 03 August 1802
Newspaper: Morning Chronicle
County: London, England
Type: Article | Words: 816 | Page: Page 2 | Tags: News 


... _V, C3ty July 28-1. C. Bercsfotrd, Ef JohnLaoclc f.. 'Right Hon. G. Ogle -66 Jonah Barrington, Efq. 460 c~a.-.aru 2ire, SJJly 302o-Willillrns 124S Majorit; - 69 MjVEMBERS RETURNED TO THE NEW PARLIAMENT. Baill c, Efq. C~ithn/Iq, Colantyj-4Sir John Sinclair, Bart. Carlow-ChJ^IS MOitague Orrnby, Efq. Crk ?? Counly-David LaRtonehe j un. E f iq - iago- ual, Erq. Clae, Cuznty-Sir Edward O'Brien, ...

Published: Tuesday 03 August 1802
Newspaper: Morning Chronicle
County: London, England
Type: Article | Words: 166 | Page: Page 3 | Tags: News 


... To theEDITIR V' il5,tMORNiNAG CHRONICLE,_ SIR, Feeling ourfelves grossly calumniated by the Sun, and the Times, in our official'tituations as Mayor and Siheriff of the town of Nottingham, during the late elction, we addrefs this letter to you \vith a view to, its being publifhed. We have read with confiderable indignation the mif- reprefentations given to the public through the medium of thefe ...

Published: Wednesday 04 August 1802
Newspaper: Morning Chronicle
County: London, England
Type: Article | Words: 842 | Page: Page 3 | Tags: News 


... F RANyCE. PARTS, Ti TlIERhIDOR, JULY ,o. Yefrerday the Firfl Conful was p}efent at a mecting of the firft clafs of the National .Inifitute, v!herc he heard a long dicufflion of the advantages of the Canal of Laurent and that of Vic. Af:er a fitting of three hours, a ballot took place, and the decifion of the clafs was, that the Canml of \Vic would be moll advan- tageous. According to a letter ...

Published: Wednesday 04 August 1802
Newspaper: Morning Chronicle
County: London, England
Type: Article | Words: 1014 | Page: Page 2 | Tags: News 


... iMONSEUR and MADAME GARArtRhN., Thle cuviofity df th iown was laff fiigbt once rhore aiied to Wvitne' ti -w -\onders of aer49I7ation. .Thit man, 4IV In 1)oldivfd r. a firail bark through the tracklefi ocean, and rem.liilS undaunted anidft icenes of carnage, Phould verture into the Iegions of the atmofphere, is not per. balls Very furplifingf bat who could hlave expe&ed theat tbl fair fek, who ...

Published: Wednesday 04 August 1802
Newspaper: Morning Chronicle
County: London, England
Type: Article | Words: 1522 | Page: Page 3 | Tags: News 


... ' LONDON: di WE.DNESDAY, AUGUST 4. tl We yeflerday received Paris Journals to the 30th tt ult. al We have more than once had occafion to advert to cl the unwillingnefs discovered by the Cabinet of Vienna i to accede to the fyfiem of Indemnities which has been fixed by the other great Continental Powers. In an- , other part of our paper 'of this day will be found a c copy ofthe Imperial ...

Published: Wednesday 04 August 1802
Newspaper: Morning Chronicle
County: London, England
Type: Article | Words: 3511 | Page: Page 2 | Tags: News 


... lSUl~77ZgE1 PAR TIC ULARSof the BALLOON. M4adarne Garnerin was ?? about the gardens by 19Ir. Aftley, with whom {he had been dining; and it was announced that- every thing was ready for the afcenfion, Mr. A. cohduated her on the plat- form, iatroduced hef to Mr. Barrett, the proprietor of ie gal-dens, and then. handed her to the car, in which fli luck her feat in the molt compofed manner. Capt. ...

Published: Thursday 05 August 1802
Newspaper: Morning Chronicle
County: London, England
Type: Article | Words: 825 | Page: Page 3 | Tags: News