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Cobbett's Weekly Political Register


... SUMMPAY OFPOLITICS. AAR OF F AN4NCE.-From the following passage, wvhich dhas been -extracted from a mninisterial paper, there is- some reason t sappose, .h1if:t~he Doctor has conceived the idea. of 4fiuimphing over the finances of Btienapatift %.-That of All his follies - this would bec*, greatest tiere can be no doubt; Iiut, first let us hear hhn, and then put him right if wes can: The ...


... INTLLgENCE FOuRZsGk.-A~crdinig :to late counth rom-nia ?? hasbeenenti~h ed at PoonAithgreat pomp, dst the con- gratulations of an hundred thousand- people -Scihdea has n~ot roken up hiscanibut it is supposed will besiege Indoor, the capital of. . Holkar, who, ii cousequence of the dezer- ?? of great riumbers of his troops, and the want of provisions, is in great distre a 'dajee Boonslahk ...


... Asfitciters of~ -ahs 11oie W 4bte o~rteltl ?? 3?Nir.tK t g o the persons he advises o to do so, or frlot selfish ftotivfts abstaisos degay g s a r on and ad. ' vice, we neglect ot betray not odu u' to our sovereign.' M.SiT'5544,ith queo 4omis~b 740) iANNt~T~tM. A~*b COMPA1AL~tIV g ?? ~~A'NAISTc.IfAAc Qf koo Pampher .ntitled, crse sqf Pariiesb dristg t~* Mr. Adding~on, by a A s-; tend the ...


... TO THF EDITOR. | SIR, - faving observed that the Lords of the Admiralty, have thought proper to advise his Majesty to put several officers of the royal Marines on the retired list, which without doubt their age and length of ser- vice fully entitled them to, I. so Iar intirely approve of what they have done, as younger officers will be brought forward, who will be more capable of discharging ...


... It is impossible for any reflecting man not tefentertain very ' serious-pprehfinsios s as to the tffects; which may result from the-deliberations oftihese armed bodies., ,Each has its standihg comrautaci and, upon extraordinary occasions, the whole corps is assembled-forxthe purpaoe otfdebating. Les any man calculate, if he can, the dangerwhieh mqy arise from.there beinng inu the country ...

Published: Saturday 07 January 1804
Newspaper: Cobbett's Weekly Political Register
County: London, England
Type: Article | Words: 10048 | Page: Page 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 | Tags: News 


... [In inserting the following letter, wlhlichb it seems, has already been published in ano- ther print, I think it proper to observe, that I coincide with the authors in all the sentl ments, which he has here expressed. I have always disapproved of the Society for the Suppression. of Vice, which is, in fact, ai inquisition self-created and totally unknown to the laws ana usages of the realm. ...


... FORE1iGs.- New disturbances have broken out in Syria. When the celebrated Dgezzar Pacha was appointed Pacha of Da- mascus, Abdialah, who was displaced to make room for him, put himself at the head of 15,000 men, and laid waste the whole country with fire and sword, in order to re- venge himself for-the loss of his station as Governor of Damascus.-. The town of Alexandria, in Egypt, is reduced ...


... TO THE EDITO'. SIR,--The state of the commerce of the country is a subject, to which the pub. lic and the parliament ought to be directed, particularly as the Minister has, by his ac- tions, shewn so little regard for the preser- vation of that capital, credit and 'confi- dence,' which, at the date of. the peace .of Amiens, he thought proper to represent as the triple pillar of our' ?? ...


... -Offcial Declaration of the- Emperor sent to. the Deputy of ibe Equestrian Order oyf Frzazn- 01ta,. The undersigned, Vice Chancellor of the Empire, has laid before his Imperial Ma- jesty the most humble-address, in which the xhirtena m embers of the -Equestrian Otder of Yrancoai-a, summoned to B1amberg the 19!th bf November by the Bavaro Palatine Govern- Exent, have given an account of the ...


... 'SOCIETY FOR THE SUPPXESS1Ol OF VICE. SIR,-An attack of some asperity his lately appeared in your Register against the Society for the Suppre.4sion6of Vice. To say the least of this society,, it is composed of gentlemen, not only of the first ranbk, but, what is more to the purpose, 'of'the most so. lid piety and talents in' the kingdom. I shall make no apology for this defence, as, with your ...


... Stit,-Iowever beautiful the buildinW-- however charming the prospects that flqatqd before the eyes of the founders. and: the framers of the income tax, they are but cas- tiles in: the air.; schemes whic look we'll enough on paper, but never can be ?? in practice. M easares founded (1 allow) on ls-oundjfinancia) principle5 but Which under w >o oreroment, and inX no country, can be c ar.ried ...


... LETTER from Senretary Yorke, to the Lords Lieutenant of GCounties, authorising the ap- prehension of such persons as may be clan- destinely landed on the Coast, from Neutral Kessels. Dated Whitehall, Dec. 24. My LoRD,-It having appeared that -Dutch vessels from Holland, under Prussian colours, have been in the practice of resort- ing to the East Coast of England, for the double purpose of ...