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Cobbett's Weekly Political Register




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Cobbett's Weekly Political Register


... ANGLO.G4LLIC CREDITORS. This subject appeared to be closed, when the letter, which will be- found in page 592 of this sheet, was received by the Editor. The public will have perceived, that these creditors have been very fairly dealt with, Thieir remonstrances have been jaertedi anid though ofvery considerablelength, their re- presetatjon of their case, which they them- $elves published, and ...

Published: Saturday 17 March 1804
Newspaper: Cobbett's Weekly Political Register
County: London, England
Type: Article | Words: 6887 | Page: Page 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16 | Tags: News 


... SUMMARuv F foLITKi, RusstIA.sThe. !Xte- f*mi the Rutsiaa Miniser to the Diet ef ltatisbon, whitd ?? foudi in a fnnner pageon this theet, seems tojiidithte a ?? on 4Ihe par of the Eximofrt to ttke prt, in soe way at at*, ii the presefitt Ctest. it is stated, tod in the *brti hewspapers, that an Stm$ t4280,0 Isians aft _readfy ti nir a~6Gerftny; -that there is an alli. anceformied, ?? and ...


... - - a Dux1E D'ENGHUIEN.-The arrest -and subsequent trial of-thisgalhant and amiable *Prince, of which a full account is given in a preceeding page of the present sheet, has veyy naturally excited universal regret. There are, however, some persons, somne of the elect amongst the safe politicians who affect to hope, that somn& good may *come out-of it; that the outrage commit- ted in this ...


... DOM-STIC OFFICIAL PAPERS. Copy of a Letter (published in the London Gazetteun der da2e of Juse 22, 1804) rejceived y Eurl Cam. den fromn M. Gikn. Sir Chares Green: dated Pa. ramoribo; 4149Y 13 r1804, giriing an rcco at of the capture of Surnamn. Mv LORn,-Jt is highlky gratifying tome t°. have the honour of informing-yoqr ordihip that the Colony of Surinam jas surrendered to hlis M, arms; aud l ...

Cobbett's Parliamentary Debates

... Vol. I. Is nets completed and will he ready for sale, half-bound, in a neat and appropriate Imanner, on Thursday ?? will contain 25 numbers, and the price hall-hound will be 11. 7s. 6d. The publishers are Mr. Bagshaw, Bow Street, Covent Garden; and Mr. Budd, Pall Mall. In presenting this Volume to ?? public, it seems necessary to say a few words as to the plan of publication, and also as to ...


... IR15HE HALF-PAY OFFICERS. SIR,--From the impartial manner in whulich your publication is conducted, I am induced to send you a remark or two, upon the motion of Lord A. Hamilton, for an ac- count to be laid before the House of Comr moos, of the monies paid at par in this country, to officers holding official situations, on the Irish ?? there had been some appearance of delay in the pro- ...


... DOMESTIC OFFICIAL PAPERS, Rerlativt to ?? Capture of Gorer. Dtrtd, Dovming, Street, A4pril a2Z, tg04. Dispatches, of which ?? ?? are copieF. wt this day. received by the Right Hon. Lord. Hobart, one of his Majesty's PritcipalSecreraries of State, from Colonel John Fraser, Commandant of the SttletcmeI of Goree, on, the Coast of' Afi ?? Mr LORD, Goree, Africa, 'Fpb. 5'i 13044. On she 17th of ...


... TO TliZR4GHT HON. LORD CirATHAWI. MY LORD,.A.The greatest misfortune that tan possibly happen a regiment, is to bave' the command of it indissolubly incorporated with a ministerial situation. When its coN I lonel is liable to be Soved byd mrt changei of governmen't no blame ought to -be im- puted to him, for not being intere&*d in iti welfare, but, my Lord, the regiml t of ar- tillery lies ...


... . BANK DIRECTORS.-Previous to a few remnarks which I intend to offer on the anis madversions which a correspondent has made upon the conduct of these gentle. men, I cannot forbear saying a word or two respecting the tenor. of the words written on their paper-money. It is, in- deed, consummately preposterous to con- tinue to write. the words promise to pilt in a note, the drawer of which is ...


... Extract of the Alarqrds of Txeedale's Letter ta L'rd Nihon, dated Wf'hiiehall, a ist Sefe. i745, from Mr. flome's lli;toy of Me Re- bellion an theyear 1 745,P . 309. That 2,o0Co01en, and these the scum i of two or three Highland genitlernen, the * Camerons, and a few tribes of the Mac- donalds, should be able in so short a time to make themselves masters of the town of Edinburgh, is an ...


... StR GEORGE RUMEOLD.-(Continued from page 736.)-ln the morning of the 25th of Octobers as soon as tbhesenate heard of this violation ofbtheir territorial rights, they assembled at seven o'clock, and- con- tinued sitting till five in the afternoon. Tbey presented, as the result of their deliberations, a remonstrance to the French minister, Rheinard, who denied having any know- ledge %whatsoever ...

Published: Saturday 17 November 1804
Newspaper: Cobbett's Weekly Political Register
County: London, England
Type: Article | Words: 8356 | Page: Page 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32 | Tags: News 


... Mr. DRA KEt.-This unfortunate gentle- man has, it seems, been ordered to quit tihe dominions of the Elector of Bavaria, who has caused him to be officially informed, that- the honour of the Elector and the welfare of his people have compelled him to declare to his excellency, Mr. Drake, that from this momne't [see the note, p. 678] it :will be impossible for him to have any communication ...

Published: Saturday 05 May 1804
Newspaper: Cobbett's Weekly Political Register
County: London, England
Type: Article | Words: 8720 | Page: Page 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32 | Tags: News