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... LONDON. SEPTEMBE1R27.. 7 YESTERkDAY: morning, - in-- Corvfe- .quence of an i;vitation from' Lord Y Harrwoby, ecretrirv of State for ?? Foreign ?? sniiier .pLntndemen 'spn > _ 4vw 4f ~oiwrnerical flablih.- mrents engaged in the Spaailh trade, -affimb~ e at his Lordlbip's office. His Lordfhip commu[4icated to them, T' .That there were certain -neonctations, on inporitant poits, now pending ...

Published: Tuesday 02 October 1804
Newspaper: Hull Packet
County: Yorkshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 467 | Page: Page 3 | Tags: News 

Imperial Parliament

... 1ormf- - - - - - Ad - mn- - - - - - k HOUSE OF LORDS, FrWiay';, Jiuy t7. , the motion for-the:-fecond reading of-the: is :: Corn Regulatior Bill, Bari Stankilpi-oppofed r. -the. mearure at conlfsdeiable length', and 'intimated, d that when the debate 'bould be difpofed of, he had n fome refolutirns to propo0feli' lien thereof, Accor- Is Jingl;, when the bill, had'been: 'read a fecond time,. t- ...

Published: Tuesday 07 August 1804
Newspaper: Hull Packet
County: Yorkshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 1395 | Page: Page 4 | Tags: News 


... I . . - - -1l As 'IX7_- i__r, 1 At tile chafe of the poll on Wednefday, for reniber to repr~efnrt thc county of Middle- s Parlhamllt, Sir Francis Burdett having rry of ten votes In his favour, was ' duly d. However, . arties. which has caufed fo j~l ?? fir the lalt fifteen .s believed latt night would 10 fiav~iur of Sir Francis s3urdett, was ,ieciJed hi favourr of Mr. Main. 01'ho was deciared ...

Published: Tuesday 14 August 1804
Newspaper: Hull Packet
County: Yorkshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 363 | Page: Page 3 | Tags: News 


... L I:ONDON, NOVEMBER 36 ; T is finally arrangd, that' :Bonaparte'J I coronation fliall take plcaceon the .25th of ,the prefe[it month. , . We yefterday and this mnornng received Dutch .pdperivro te da ?? 8, in- clufive; ;a ?? paes t6 the uit Br the former, we learn,, that, ?? Rum bold, efcorted by an Aide-dc-Camp of Generfa Bernado~tte, tan officer, and Jt~wo gensjd'armes, arrived forom ...

Published: Tuesday 20 November 1804
Newspaper: Hull Packet
County: Yorkshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 1376 | Page: Page 1 | Tags: News 


... The following .are Lid to be the AUTH ERTIC particulars rt'lative to the arreft ofthe'BritifA Charge D'Aifaires at H'anmburg, SIR GEORGE RUMBOLD. T H r. French troops landed from Harburg * on the Hamburg teiritory, at a place called tiamburg Beig, between that city and Altona, and n near the. gate leading to the 'latter place. General Frere. with two other French Generals and their faite, ...

Published: Tuesday 13 November 1804
Newspaper: Hull Packet
County: Yorkshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 1104 | Page: Page 4 | Tags: News 

French Libel upon the King of Sweden

... F'raciiLibl..po h King Frenc l~iibei #t13° thed 14 ingf Swteden., P RIVATF letters, rvceived by the laW Hamiburg nait llSae- hat Bonaparte's emilfarits in SAveden are bstfilv ensployjd in dirlibhtuing tsrif- lations in the Swedilh language of his late official libel in the Montiteur againl tri King of SWeden. The objed of rhe Ufurper, in this bafe an.I treacher- ous proceeding, is to ...

Published: Tuesday 02 October 1804
Newspaper: Hull Packet
County: Yorkshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 1315 | Page: Page 4 | Tags: News 

FROM The London Gazette Extraordinary

... r 'o tell OIIA?a ette; ettralrbinarv. The following dclr;6fches have been t e ,Eait India tloufe, ,fro. the Goerirn4 'oncil, *;at.BonsbAy:. SEeCRs DEPARTMENT. To the Secret Cotindiitae. of 'thse ]Molim itieY' Court Of Dirrelm faor .Affti-rs of the Ulniteh (Joinfpaiz'v of Alerfhants of Engluad; trading to tlie Fl.of 17ti'ies; YOtONOURABLr' CENTLEMtEtN, s. Otur addrefs to your ...

Published: Tuesday 17 April 1804
Newspaper: Hull Packet
County: Yorkshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 1672 | Page: Page 4 | Tags: News 


... f)INrDoNl. DECEMBER 0 ' | i fj lS morning arrived the Hambiurg 'maiJ due on Sund-4y Lit: 'lh I I£4Aj^s1uF~ Matr, gi jeott r 12-Nothing could be!mnre &,d than thr ieire~gence we reCeixet, vefter. ,jthe capturr, On the 5th of 0.9rlber; Off Ca.liz - ''iahl laden Spanith Ihips of War, from Lima I buenrs Ay'Cs Suchi aD event ampeared, indeed. as an exple(-1 had airived kere from) Coolt, drol one or ...

Published: Tuesday 25 December 1804
Newspaper: Hull Packet
County: Yorkshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 719 | Page: Page 3 | Tags: News 


... ; ?? LONDQM OCTOBER 9. 1 . I r Our Torbay letter of this mornin fiate3, that Admiral Cornwallis, with a part of the' Channel fleet, had arrived in that ?? fyaemn of winter blockade, it is, believed, will: be ?? enemy's fleet-in 'Brett harbour as not yet nnanifeffed any dijoi'lition to put to fea.-A (quadron of obfeivationi flill remains off uniant Our fquadron remains in the 'Dowvns, hbut'the ...

Published: Tuesday 16 October 1804
Newspaper: Hull Packet
County: Yorkshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 1228 | Page: Page 1 | Tags: News 


... I - -IIVRESrIAI'G ESCAPE. J I, I es The following 'abflrae of a note iffled by the Con- td flable of St. HEL.IAR, in the Wand of JERSEY, develope; one of the molt thiking inflances {f the Providential prefervatioll of a whole tows fuels dc- ?? atrutaion, that we rccullc~i ever meeting with:- e ^ f ONDAY the 4th of this month, being is M.L the anniverfary of the birth-day of our lic gracious ...

Published: Tuesday 26 June 1804
Newspaper: Hull Packet
County: Yorkshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 853 | Page: Page 4 | Tags: News 


... - -; ' - - I .. . . .. . . ?? Y7ms 19. Latel,-Houlton Hl1l Lubeek oil Masy^Franices, Simrplin Ditto Peterbuwrg goods TThomsa.t'Ann,Rulin Ditto 'Baltc' Gr8vc41lillh Sacker Ditto Xoningfb. gigods Didks,.ThomplAot Ditto 'Peterflirg b~llaft RachaelCarr ...

Published: Tuesday 10 July 1804
Newspaper: Hull Packet
County: Yorkshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 323 | Page: Page 4 | Tags: News 


... R'oBBERr OF 1V,-G SrAFFE, The IMESSENGER, &c. ,N T ?? H EI R a&, unparalleled in the AL'hidtory of civilized nations, has been commriitved on the perfon of Mr. Wafliaffe, one of our Foreign Meffcngers, wvh. arrived on T yuefdy: in a very weak ?? of health, at Lard I AT rowbv's office. We have colle,9ed the fol- lowing facis, vwhich wie give 'in the manner in whichi the' were communicated 'Mr. ...

Published: Tuesday 04 December 1804
Newspaper: Hull Packet
County: Yorkshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 1054 | Page: Page 4 | Tags: News