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LEEDS. IJRETIOUS, Ladies' Hair Cutter and DrclTer, Head Drtfs and Ornamental Hair Manufacturer, Up- prrrhead ..

... London, nioft refpecjfully informs the Ladies of Leeds and its Vici- i.ity, that he has for the Irifprtftion of thofe who may ho- nour him with their Patronage, an unequalled Aifortmcnt crl the moil modern HhAD Dnf.:~ES and Of.uamextai. Hair, Of every Description, which poifefs fo much Tafte and Elegance, that they adorn the Handfome of all Ages, and improve the Defedh sf Nature or Accident, ...

Published: Monday 16 April 1804
Newspaper: Leeds Intelligencer
County: Yorkshire, England
Type: Advertisement | Words: 19107 | Page: Page 1, 2, 3, 4 | Tags: Classifieds 

N E W MU S I C, A.d LvCTkCMEI-Tl. IJ 1 PORTER begs Leave to inform his Friends and

... j« the Public, that he has on Sale at the London Pricks, PIANO-FORTES, E. the Firfi Makers in Lon- don, viz. Cli \; 1 •: rl, and Co. Beoderic, and Co. Bkoad- -VOOD6, ToMKi o*:, Ball, R_jlfe, &c. ?? U rf , Bainbridce's New-invented PATENT OC- T.VVF- 1 LAGELETS, which are fingered nearly the fame a- die (;■ rman Elti*e, and are much approved of as an Ae- ?? tothc Piano-Forte. 'I ?? ORATORIO of ...

Published: Monday 02 July 1804
Newspaper: Leeds Intelligencer
County: Yorkshire, England
Type: Advertisement | Words: 18702 | Page: Page 1, 2, 3, 4 | Tags: Classifieds 

Mufc-Hall, Albion-Street, Leeds. For the BENEFIT of Mr. MEREDITH. T TNDER the PATRONAGE of Colonel LLOYD, U the ..

... the LEEDS VOLUNTEER INFANTRY; Captain RHODES, the OFFICERS and TROOPofVOLUNTEER CAVALRY, will be performed On MONDAY EVF.NING, December 17/*, ,804 A GRAND CONCERT, Of VOCAL and INSTRUMENTAL MUSIC ACT I. Overture — Pleyel. Glee — Three Voices — Life's a Bcmptr. Song— The Thorn — Mr. Dealtry. Concerto — Cnrclli. -Song — Mr. Meredith. Song — Maftcr Bradbury. Concerto Violin — Mr. White. ACT 11. ...

Published: Monday 10 December 1804
Newspaper: Leeds Intelligencer
County: Yorkshire, England
Type: Advertisement | Words: 18554 | Page: Page 1, 2, 3, 4 | Tags: Classifieds 

Smithies and Smith's Infolvency. Notice to the Creditors and Deb?ors of Mejfrs. Smithies and Smith, efPool-MUI ..

... SMITHIES and JOHN SMITH, of Pool-Mill, in the County of York, Pa- per-Makers, have by Deed of Affighment, bearing Date the Twcnty-fixth of January laft, afiigaeii over all their perfonal Eftntes, Stock-in-Trade, Tenant-Right of the Mill, Debts 2.nd Effeifts to certain Truftees, who are principal Creditors; IN TRUST for themfelves and all other the Creditors of the faid Robert Smithies and John ...

Published: Monday 19 March 1804
Newspaper: Leeds Intelligencer
County: Yorkshire, England
Type: Advertisement | Words: 16185 | Page: Page 1, 2, 3, 4 | Tags: Classifieds 

To INN -KEEPERS. A Cor.f b-r.ibl, SAVING of Laimur, Candicseand Wafte, , r.r: I in di.wing Liciuor, by ih, I'm

... of the Ncwly- i::vt d I'FLR MACHINE, vvlv'i for h.mpiicitv of ( ?? ihidtton. Elegance of Apieuram , and real Ufe'ful- i.-fr. i'urp.ilT s any Thing ef ;!.•■ Kind ever vet offered te the Pld,..c. TV/jrv-'R.S. THACKRAH and THOMLINSON, IVI F. ??, Leeds, from a Coiivi ;i t.ot the Truth of the above Stiitcment ?? the 11. 1 k I'tmiiif..;. carr.clliy rtcor.imend them to their Vr-. 'nJ- and ...

Published: Monday 19 November 1804
Newspaper: Leeds Intelligencer
County: Yorkshire, England
Type: Advertisement | Words: 15485 | Page: Page 1, 2, 3, 4 | Tags: Classifieds 

Under the immediate Patronage of W. FAWKES, of Farnley-Hall, Efquire, Andat thcpaiticuhr Requeft of feveral ..

... ELECTRICITY. FOR ONE NIGHT ONLY. Cf)eatre, leeHs. PROFESSOR lIARDIE, Lcdlurer on Chemiftry and Experimental Philofophy, will (by Pcnniffion of the Mayor) deliver his interefting Lefture upon his NEW HYPOTHESIS of the ELECTRIC and GALVANIC FLUIDS, On MONDAT EFENING, November 11, 1804. When the furprifing Effecls of the Galvanic Influence , upon the VMufcular and Nervous Syftem will be evinced, ...

Published: Monday 05 November 1804
Newspaper: Leeds Intelligencer
County: Yorkshire, England
Type: Advertisement | Words: 16287 | Page: Page 1, 2, 3, 4 | Tags: Classifieds 

LADIES' BOARDING SCHOOL, /. E E 1) S. MR. ar,d ?? KI-.MHLAY return mofl: grateful Ihauku jth'.r It: „osi,,rthe libt

... ral Support and P.-ioii'c received tror.l them; at the fame Time refpect- fiJi; 11. torn: th m ami the Public, that they have fi-o-d up •pent. 1 1 Arc. l, ?? ?? for tht Rrreptioii of an additional Number . ?? YOl.'M i LADIES as BOARDERS. 1 h 1 I'-f lit? and Ouardians who may pleafe to favour Mi, ami ?? X■■ m 1 lay with thiir Ratronaj-e, may diprnd ?? m the Arention bern- paid to the ...

Published: Monday 23 January 1804
Newspaper: Leeds Intelligencer
County: Yorkshire, England
Type: Advertisement | Words: 19197 | Page: Page 1, 2, 3, 4 | Tags: Classifieds 

RANDALL and VICKERS, Wholesale and Retail Grocers and, Briccate, Leedi, BEG Leave to inform their ..

... that they have recently purchafed in London, a Large aad E-tCellent Affortment of SUGARS, Which they are en- •abbr'. to fell under the prefent London Prices, being bought prev'ou. to the late Advance; they therefore recommend to their Friends an immediate Parchafe of Sugar, the late Crops having fallen much ftiort of general Expectation, in Ccnfequence of which they muft continue to advance. ...

Published: Monday 05 March 1804
Newspaper: Leeds Intelligencer
County: Yorkshire, England
Type: Advertisement | Words: 20711 | Page: Page 1, 2, 3, 4 | Tags: Classifieds 

To the iSfobility, Clergy and Gentry,.. Of the West -Riding of the County of York, JcTy Lord, and Gentlemen, THE

... very great Encouragement which I every where experienced through the Whole of my Canvafs, demands my warmeft and moft grateful Thanks, and what- ever may be the final IlTue, I fhail, to the lattA Period of my Life, have tbe heartfelt Cbnfolation of refle&ing, that my Count ry has appreciated my feeble Services more highly, than i had any Reafon to expeift. And should the generous and ...

Published: Monday 07 May 1804
Newspaper: Leeds Intelligencer
County: Yorkshire, England
Type: Advertisement | Words: 19499 | Page: Page 1, 2, 3, 4 | Tags: Classifieds 

EDUCATION-- DONCASTER. TTERMS of Mr. FALCONAR's Claftical, Com- -1 i'.ti an-i Mathematical SCHOOL for ..

... .— Board, F.nglifn, Writing, Arithmetic, Merchants' Ac- fempt , TliiT. ry, Geography, the Ufe of the Globes, Gro- -1 rv, M- iiluratir-ii, Algebra, Navigation, Aftronomy, Mcrhai, in,, and aii the various Branches of the Mathcma- t,rt, ?? Natural Philofophy, Sixteen Guineas per Ann. — Thofr above Eleven Years of Age pay 'Fwo Guineas, and .'ibuvc Foiirti en, Four Guineas per Annum extra. Latin ...

Published: Monday 09 July 1804
Newspaper: Leeds Intelligencer
County: Yorkshire, England
Type: Advertisement | Words: 17489 | Page: Page 1, 2, 3, 4 | Tags: Classifieds 

EDUCATION, Ci ?? ■■■i- and Com ■.mi- nrilE \n : X. \V. FOSTER, A. B. gratefully ac- .l k'e.\->ic'>ce

... th- lib r..l Sapport of hi-, Friends in his I) v--: ii.,01, ai-d rcfpcctfu'.ly informs ?? anil th' Public, it. ?? ii.isfi't. ti up.i large and comtr.odic:« Houfe at I.ittlf- ?? o „i; . . ?? ,n .a L. - ?? fur boartiintj ai.d educating 'I'weive jou .g ' .ci. thi.. t'.i on the t ...

Published: Monday 16 January 1804
Newspaper: Leeds Intelligencer
County: Yorkshire, England
Type: Advertisement | Words: 22425 | Page: Page 1, 2, 3, 4 | Tags: Classifieds